
I say to a caravan I saw them stopping,

أقول لركب قافلين رأيتهم

1. I say to a caravan I saw them stopping,
Whether early or late, and your destination is near.

١. أَقولُ لِركب قافِلين رَأَيتَهُم
قِفا ذات أو شال وَمَولاك قارِب

2. Stop and tell me about Suleiman, for I
Seek his favors, being of his family and kinsmen.

٢. قَفوا خبروني عَن سُلَيمان إِنَّني
لِمَعروفِه من آل وَدّان طالِب

3. They hesitated, then praised the one you deserve,
Even if they stayed silent, the saddles would have praised you.

٣. فَعاجوا فَاِثنوا بِالَّذي انتَ اهلِه
وَلَو سَكَتوا اِثنت عَلَيكَ الحَقائِب

4. We left him while each night
A seeker of favors rides to visit him.

٤. فَقالوا تَرَكناهُ وَفي كل لَيلَة
يَطيفُ بِهِ من طالِبي العُرفِ راكِب

5. Had he been alive and acted as you do,
Or done deeds that resemble yours,

٥. وَلَو كانَ فَوقَ الناسِ حَيّ فعالَه
كَفعلِكَ او لِلفِعل مِنهُ يُقارِب

6. We would have said he resembles you, but none
Other than you gratifies those seeking favors.

٦. لَقُلنا لَهُ شِبه وَلكِن تَعذَّرت
سَواكَ عَلى المُستَشفِعين المَطالِب

7. He is the moon while people are stars around him,
And can the bright moon be compared to stars?

٧. هُو البَدر وَالناسُ الكَواكِب حَولَه
وَهَل تشبِه البَدر المُنيرِ الكَواكِب