
The weeping excites a quarter of Dhi As-Sidr

أهاج البكا ربع باسفل ذي السدر

1. The weeping excites a quarter of Dhi As-Sidr
Time has healed it after you and the rain

١. أَهاج البكا ربع باسفَل ذي السِدر
عَفاهُ اِختِلاف العَصر بَعدَك وَالقُطر

2. Yes, longing saddens me, so I longed for the one
I remembered, for yearning is only with remembrance

٢. نعم فَثَناني الوجد فَاِشتَقت لِلَّذي
ذَكَرت وَلَيسَ الشَوقُ الا مع الذِكر

3. I swore by the Lord of the two places to their Lord
And the sanctity of what is between the standing place and the chamber

٣. حَلَفتُ بِرَبِّ الموضِعَينِ لِرَبِّهِم
وَحُرمَةِ ما بَينَ المَقامِ إِلى الحِجر

4. If one day my need is fulfilled and you spray me
With a breath of familiarity from your hands O Abaa Bashar

٤. لَئِن حاجَتي يَوماً قَضيتُ وَرشتني
بِنَفحَة عُرفٍ من يَدَيكَ ابا بَشر

5. Then time will know from me affection
And good advice over advice and gratitude over gratitude

٥. اِذاً تَعرِفن الدَهر مِنّي مودَّة
وَنُصحاً عَلى نُصح وَشُكراً عَلى شُكر

6. May Allah water the voice of Al-Muzann the land I populated
With goodness and watered its cities with the sons of Nasr

٦. سَقى اللَهُ صَوت المُزن ارضاً عَمرتُها
برَيٍّ وَاِسقاها بِلاد بَني نَصر

7. With your face I have employed as long as I remain fearful
Of your Lord, ruling righteously till the end of time

٧. بِوَجهِكَ فَاِستَعمَلت ما دُمت خائِفاً
لِرَبِّكَ تقضي راشِداً آخر الدَهر

8. To save my companions and conceal my disgrace
Which appeared to you from my companions, and you are one who conceals

٨. لِتنقِذ اِصحابي وَتستُر عورَتي
بَدَت لَكَ من صَحبي فَاِنَّكَ ذو سَتر

9. So what is with the Commander of the Faithful towards her
Who asked and gave me for my people from poverty

٩. فَما بِاِمير المُؤمِنين الى الَّتي
سَأَلت فَأَعطاني لِقَومي من فَقر

10. And I have come out from it to you so do not be
In the place of the burrows of the hare from the den

١٠. وَقَد خَرَجت مِنهُ إِلَيكَ فَلا تَكُن
بِمَوضِع بيضات الانوقِ من الوَكر