1. The deserted ruins deluded my acquaintances,
And indeed a year has passed for them in criminality.
١. أمعارف الدمن القفار توهم
وَلَقَد مَضى حَول لهنَّ مُجرَّم
2. And indeed she stood at the abodes hoping
That with an answering return a greeting would speak.
٢. وَلَقَد وَقَفَت عَلى الدِيار لِعلَّها
بِجَوابِ رَجع تَحِيَّة تَتَكَلَّم
3. About knowing what the amalgam did, but I did not know,
That he went towards the amalgam at the season.
٣. عَن عِلم ما فَعل الخَليطُ فَما درت
إِنّي توجه بِالخَليطِ الموسم
4. And indeed I had known her as happy, and she
By God, swears a solemn oath with her right hand.
٤. وَلَقَد عَهِدت بِها سَعاد وَإِنَّها
بِاللَهِ جاهِدَة اليَمين تقسم
5. That I do not face one who speaks in her presence
As irrelevant and one who claims to oppose.
٥. إِنّي لاوجه من تكلَّم عِندَها
باليّة وَمخالف من يَزعُم
6. For she has with us, for what she spent for us
A love whose hardship lengthens and magnifies
٦. فَلها لَدَينا بِالَّذي بَذَلت لَنا
وُد يَطولُ لَهُ العَناء وَيَعظُمُ