
Zainab cried bitterly at dawn,

اصدت غداة الجزع ذي الطلح زينب

1. Zainab cried bitterly at dawn,
Should she cut her rope, or be patient?

١. اصدَت غداة الجِزع ذي الطَلح زَينب
تُقَطِّع مِنها حَبلُها ام تقضَّبُ

2. You have trifled in the past, though she was a dear
Friend to us, or was that not what I thought?

٢. وَقَد عبِثتَ فيما مَضى وَهيَ خلة
صَديق لَنا أَو ذاكَ ما كنت احسِبُ

3. Strange that we would visit her in her joy
When with her, we were more secretive and amazed

٣. تَرى عَجَباً في غِبطَة ان نَزورُها
وَنَحنُ بِها مِنها اسرُّ واعجَبُ

4. In the caravan lies my body and soul hostage
To Zainab - I did not take them when I left

٤. وَفي الرَكب جُثماني وَنَفسي رَهينَة
لِزَينَب لَم اِذهَب بِها حينَ اِذهبُ

5. So she appeared, absence cannot make you forget her
In her absence, it set up in your heart a monument

٥. فَبانَت وَلا يُنسيكَها النَأي اِنَّها
عَلى نَأيِها نَصب لِقَلبِكَ مُنصب