
As if the heart the night before were to spend

كأن القلب ليلة قبل يغدي

1. As if the heart the night before were to spend
The night in populated Leila or take rest,

١. كَأَن القَلبَ لَيلَة قَبل يُغدي
بِلَيلى العامِرِيَّه أَو يُراح

2. A wild cat whose company fate forbade
Clung to it, though its wings were still unspread,

٢. قطاة عَزَّها شرك فَباتَت
تجاذِبُه وَقَد عَلق الجَناح

3. It had two fledglings, whom at dawn it left
In a nest which the winds began to buffet,

٣. لَها فَرخان قَد تَرَكا بوكر
فَعشهُما تصفِّقه الرِياح

4. Whenever they heard the winds begin to blow
And fate had not allowed what they wished to know,

٤. إِذا سَمعا هُبوب الريحِ نصا
وَقد اودى بِهِ القَدر المُتاح

5. So neither in the night attained what they sought
Nor in the morn enjoyed any rest brought

٥. فَلا في اللَيلِ نالَت ما ترجّي
وَلا في الصُبحِ كانَ لَها بَراح