
When I carried my religion in it and it became

فلما حملت الدين فيها واصبحت

1. When I carried my religion in it and it became
Frail with the senility of passion, I almost regretted it

١. فَلَمّا حَمَلتُ الدينَ فيها وَاِصبَحَت
حِيالاً مُسِنّاتِ الهَوى كِدت أَندَم

2. When it saw the spring and there was no
Piece of ground for it in Tihama to rest on

٢. عَلى حينِ ان رَأَت الرَبيع وَلم يَكُن
لَها بِصَعيد مِن تِهامَةَ مقضَم

3. Eighty for the Muslim and it does not approach
Vulgarity or come near to vulgarity, more proper

٣. ثَمانِيَة لِلاسلِميّ وَما دَنا
لِفُحشِ وَلا تَدنو إِلى الفَحشِ أَسلَم