
I wept for Layla's son and his son when you saw me

بكيت ابن ليلى وابنه ورأيتني

1. I wept for Layla's son and his son when you saw me
It was right that they wept with me

١. بَكيتُ اِبن لَيلى وَاِبنُه وَرَأَيتَني
اِحق الاِولى كانوا مَعي بِبكاهُما

2. They inspired me to do good until my branches
Blossomed with thriving growth in their meadow

٢. هُما حَذياني الخَير حَتّى تَشعبت
غُصوني بِنَبت ناضِر في ثَراهُما

3. And I used to think whenever I spent
A night of life I was sure I’d only see them

٣. وَكُنتُ أَرى إِنّي إِذا ابت لَيلَة
مِن الدَهرِ قَد ايقَنت إِلّا أَراهُما

4. I hoped to pay off my debt but did not do so
Yet my death was delayed, yes, after their time

٤. سَاِقضي فَلَم اِفعَل وَلكِن مُنيَتي
تَراخى اِناها بَعد حينَ اِناهُما