1. The son of Layla speaks well, and acts better than he speaks. A youth whom only the sincere befriend, while the insincere spurn him. So give glad tidings to the people of Egypt, for he has come to them, a Nile to go with their Nile.
١. يَقولُ فَيُحسِنُ القَولَ اِبنُ لَيلى
وَيَفعَلُ فَوقَ أحسن ما يَقولُ
٢. فَتى لا يرزَأ الخُلّانُ إِلّا
مَوَدَّتَهُم وَيَرزؤه الخَليل
٣. فَبَشِّر أَهلَ مِصر فَقَد أَتاهُم
مَع النيل الَّذي في مِصر نيل