
Among them are the parchment-maker and the skinner

فمنهم الكراش والسلاخ

1. Among them are the parchment-maker and the skinner,
To them belong the perfumer and the cook.

١. فَمنهم الكرّاش وَالسلاخ
إِلَيهُم السبّار وَالطباخ

2. And the practiced craft and the executioner,
And the tanner of hides and the blacksmith.

٢. وَالصَنع المَألوفُ وَالجلاد
وَدابغ الجُلود وَالحِداد

3. To them belong the guide and the conniver,
Then the young man called the lamplighter.

٣. إِلَيهُم الرواس وَالبلاجي
ثُمَ الفَتى المَدعو بِالسَراج

4. And among them are the baker and the alley,
Followed by the slaves and the water-carriers.

٤. وَمنهم الفرانُ وَالزقاق
يَليهُم الرَقاق وَالمواق

5. And the seller of shoes and slippers,
And after him the porters and the tambourine players.

٥. وَبائع الأَخفاق وَالخفاف
وَبَعده الكَبّار وَالدَفاف

6. And among them are the baker and the sack-maker,
To them belong the sifter and strainer maker.

٦. وَمنهُم الفَران وَالخَراز
إِلَيهُم الغربال وَالشكّاز

7. And the maker of pegs for the tent poles
Between three and eight.

٧. وَصانعُ الأَوتار للعيدان
بَينَ مثالثٍ إِلى مَثاني

8. And the copyist of the Quran and the water carrier,
Then the whores with freckled skin.

٨. وَصانع المصحف وَالسَقاءُ
ثُمَ بَغايا القِفّة الغَراء

9. Then the many dogs and flies,
There is no doubt in my words.

٩. ثُمَ الكِلاب الكثر وَالذباب
لامين في قَولي وَلا ارتياب