
How wretched it is that you aspire to become a man of letters

أشقى لجدك أن تكون أديبا

1. How wretched it is that you aspire to become a man of letters
Or that people see refinement in you

١. أَشقى لجدّك أَن تَكون أَديباً
أَو أَن يَرى فيكَ الوَرى تَهذيبا

2. For if you walk straight, your whole life will be
Crooked, and if you err, you will be right

٢. فَإِن اِستَقَمت فَإِن دَهرك كُلَهُ
عِوَجٌ وَإِن أَخطَأت كُنتُ مُصيبا

3. Like an amulet whose inscription makes no sense
Until its structure is inverted

٣. كَالفص لَيسَ يبين مَعنى نَقشه
حَتّى يَكون بِناؤه مَقلوبا