
O you who issues legal opinions allowing uprising against Islamic law for ages

يا مفتيا بانتفاض الشرع أعصارا

1. O you who issues legal opinions allowing uprising against Islamic law for ages
If you were a wind, you have met a hurricane

١. يا مُفتياً بِانتِفاض الشَرع أَعصاراً
إِن كُنتُ ريحاً فَقَد لاقَيتَ إِعصارا

2. Or if you were a torrent, you have met turbulent billows
Roaring, with ambitious waves abundant foam

٢. أَو كُنتُ سَيلاً فَقَد لُقّيت ذا لَجَجٍ
مُغطمطاً طامح الأَمواج زخارا

3. If it casts blame, an outpouring will meet it from its surge
It will meet from its overflowing tide a stream

٣. إِن رمت وَقع عِتابٍ مِنهُ مُنبَثِقٍ
لاقيت مِن مده الوقاعِ تَيارا

4. Its deluge, if it wreaks havoc, will not spare
Of the adherents of blasphemy above the land, any homes

٤. طوفانه إن طَما لَم يَبقِ فائضه
مِن شيعة الكُفر فَوقَ الأَرض دِيارا

5. Of blasphemous wrongdoers in a near land
Who have today openly shown blasphemy in it

٥. كَفاجِرٍ مِنهُم في أَرض دانِيَةٍ
قَد أَظهَر الكُفر فيها اليَوم إِظهارا

6. O Hanifite from what has befallen, what is wrong with you
You do not deny opposition to Islamic law

٦. يا للحنيفيّ مِمّا حَلَّ ما لَكُم
لا تُنكِرون خِلاف الشَرع إِنكارا

7. This son of Gharsiyyah, foul-mouthed towards Al-Lahd
With every explicit blasphemy which leads to Hellfire

٧. هَذا اِبن غَرسيةِ مِن لاردةٍ لهجٌ
بِكُل كُفرٍ صَريحٍ يورد النارا

8. And there is no standing for a preacher on this
Who stands for God openly and discreetly

٨. وَلا مَقام عَلى هَذا لِمُحتَسبٍ
يَقوم لِلّه إِعلاناً وَإِسرارا

9. So warn the people against the Romanizer in his doctrine
And let none of you be seen as an ally to him

٩. فحذروا الناس مِن روميِّ مَذهبه
وَلا يُرى أَحَدٌ مِنكُم لَهُ جاري

10. We now see this religion we have abandoned
While we used to be its helpers before

١٠. إِنا نَرى الآن هَذا الدين نَخذله
وَنَحنُ كُنا لَهُ مِن قَبل أَنصارا