1. O you who rebukes the poet of the rabble
Exposing your ignorance to be branded as vitriolic
١. أَعلي تعتب شاعر الغَوغاء
مُتَعَرِضاً جَهلاً لِوَسم هِجائي
2. Or addressing the foremost of vitriol with blame
I do not see you as his peer
٢. يا خاطِباً بكرَ الهجاء بِلَومه
ما إِن أَراك لَها مِن الأَكفاء
3. In vilification the elevation of every fallen one
And the loss is in the foolishness of fools
٣. في الهَجو رفعةُ كُلُ مَرءٍ ساقط
وَالغُبن في سَفهٍ عَلى السُفَهاء
4. If you want to match me then seek
A lineage and I will answer you are not my peer
٤. إِن كُنت تَبغي أَن تُناسِبني استَعر
نَسَباً أُجبكَ فَلَستَ لي بِكفاء
5. O you who specifically reproaches me
While lions have recoiled in fear of encountering me
٥. أَعليَّ ياعَيراً خُصوصاً تَجتَري
وَالأُسد قَد هابَت كَريهَ لِقائي
6. Oh, if only I knew what emboldened you against me
Did you feel safe from my power and twisting ways?
٦. يا لَيتَ شعري ما الَّذي أَغراكَ بي
أَأَمنتَ مِن بَطشىٍ وَمِن غَلوائي
7. The stallions of my words, beware if you return
The stallions of every verdant battalion
٧. فُرسانُ قَولي تَتَقيها إِن عَدت
فُرسانُ كُلُ كَتيبة خَضراء
8. That my claws miss their mark in a land
I'm content with, its expanse being my heavens
٨. أَني تَفوت مَخالِبي في بَلدة
أَرضى بِها مَبسوطَةٌ وَسَمائي
9. I have a sword that none protected by its sheath
Has escaped while it is in its sheath
٩. لي صارِمٌ ما شامَهُ مِن غمده
أَحَدٌ فَأَفلَت وَهُوَ ذو سَرّاء
10. If you were reasonable you would not obey every
Slanderous whisperer walking about
١٠. لَو كُنت تَعقل لَم تَطع كُلُ اِمرِئٍ
مُتَزنّمٍ بِنَميمةٍ مشاء
11. You disturbed the sincerity of affection from me after
I purified it for you, my loyalty being my faithfulness
١١. كدرت صَفو الود منى بَعدَما
أَمحضته لَكَ وَالوَفاءُ وَفائي
12. And you saw my anger in a piercing saying
I was more deserving for you to see my pleasure
١٢. وَرَأَيت اِسخاطي بِقَولة كاشحٍ
قَد كُنت أَجدرَ أَن تَرى اِرضائي
13. And you wanted to deny my merits so you testified for me
Since your dispraise bore witness for the virtuous
١٣. وَأَرَدت جَحدَ فَضائِلي فَشَهدت لي
إِذ صارَ ذمك شاهد الفَضلاء
14. Did a jinn possess you or was it her light
That covered its suns with a cloak?
١٤. أَعراكَ جن أَم غُشيت بِنورَها
فَأَرَدت ستر شُموسَها بِرِداء
15. And you claimed that in poetry you contend with me
Can darkness be compared to brilliance?
١٥. وَزَعمت أَنكَ في القَريض مُساجِلي
هَل قِيسَت الدَأماء بِالاحساء
16. Poetry is a disgrace not a pride
You have become, O Yahya, one of the poets
١٦. إِن القَريض لَحِطةٌ لا خُطةٌ
قَد صرت يا يحيى مِن الشُعراء
17. If I wanted its rhymes I would have owned them
But they would only be under the shade of my banner
١٧. إِن القَوافي لَو أَرَدت مَلاكَها
ما صارَت إِلّا تَحتَ ظلّ لِوائي
18. However, I am content with subsistence so I do not
Appear begging rulers and ministers
١٨. لَكِنَّني أَرضى الكَفاف فَلا أُرى
مستجدي الأمراء وَالوزراء
19. Wealth is not riches the youth accumulates
The best wealth to me is the richness of resolve
١٩. لَيسَ الغِنى بِالمال يَجمَعهُ الفَتى
خَير الغِنى عِندي غِنى الحَوباء
20. If you were deprived of wealth, I have
A self whose contentment is the greatest wealth
٢٠. إِن كُنتَ أَعوزت الثَراء فَإِن لي
نَفساً قَناعتها أَجلُّ ثَراء
21. All I have is my literature, my wealth, and a belt
That casts misfortunes with streams of comets
٢١. مالي سِوى أَدَبي غِنى وَحَزامَةٌ
تَرمي الخطوب بِفَيلَقٍ شَهباء
22. So be silent and I will not show anyone need
While fire springs from the fervor of determination
٢٢. أَصدى فَلا أُبدي لِمَرءٍ حاجَةً
وَالنار تَنبع مِن حِمى المَعزاء
23. I disdain wealth that draws humiliation
And I love poverty that brings nobility
٢٣. إِني أَعاف غِنى يَجرّ مَذَلَةً
وَأَحب فَقراً جالبَ العَلياء
24. And I see pursuits that if I wished to take them
But the soul of the free is one with thirst
٢٤. وَأَرى مَوارد لَو أَشاءُ وَرَدتها
لَكن نَفس الحُر ذاتُ ظِماء
25. Wondrous! O Yahya, that my pride would be
As if the sun competed with the morning glow
٢٥. عَجَباً يَحيى أَن يَكون مُفاخِري
هَل فاخر الديجور شَمسَ ضحاء
26. Nothing emboldened this poor soul except that
He brought forth two deserted poems
٢٦. ما غَرَّ ذا المَسكين إِلّا أَنَّهُ
أَجرى هَجين قَريضه بِخلاء
27. Could there be the likes of you preceding me in knowledge
While my writings have won the wager of the lofty
٢٧. أَيَكون في الآداب مثلُكَ سابِقي
وَصَواهلي حازَت رِهان عَلاء
28. If an era left me behind I came to it
With contemplation, the last of mankind
٢٨. إِن كانَ أَخّرني زَمانٌ جِئته
بدءُ التَفكر آخر الانساء
29. Or you did not know what I say, so you are pardoned
For not seeing with a blind eye
٢٩. أَو كُنت تَجهل ما أَقول فَعاذرٌ
أَن لا تَراه بِمُقلةٍ عَمياء
30. O you who aspires to the position of an insignificant one
Alas! For you among the stars of Gemini
٣٠. يا فَرقداً يَسمو لِرُتبةِ فَرقَدٍ
هَيهاتَ مِنكَ كَواكب الجَوزاء
31. Bashfulness is a praised trait
But your face is not one of bashfulness
٣١. إِن الحَياء لشيمَةٌ مَحمودَةٌ
لَكن وَجهك لَيسَ وَجهَ حَياء
32. By God! If I had not seen it
I would have reckoned it to be from deaf rock
٣٢. تالّله لَولا أَنَّني أَبصَرتُهُ
لَحَسِبتُهُ مِن صَخرَةٍ صَماء
33. O you coarse of nature! For whatever
Reason did you cut the rope, the rope of my brotherhood
٣٣. يا قحوانيَّ الطِباع لأَيّما
سَبَب قَضبتَ الحَبلَ حَبلَ اِخائي
34. And blamed me without a sin I came to
So you revealed the changing of the water of my purity
٣٤. وَذَمَمتني مِن غَيرِ ذَنبٍ جئته
فَأَفدتَ أَن غَيَرت ماءَ صَفائي
35. Because I said you were mistaken
In what you brought of the disavowed
٣٥. مِن أَجل أَني قُلت إِنكَ مُخطئٌ
فيما أَتيت بشهِ مِن النَكراء
36. You compared the one whose praise I lauded, his marriage
To a dove sent to one who discloses secrets
٣٦. شَبَهت مَمدوحاً مَدَحت وَعِرسه
بِحَمامَةٍ زُفَّت إِلى فَتخاء
37. Then you took cover, thinking your words like it
With a comparison, his praise to intelligence
٣٧. ثُم اِحتَجَبت تخالُ قَولك مثله
بِمشبّهٍ مَمدوحه بِذَكاء
38. Does the sun of day become feminine in reality
By nature? Speak if you possess any wit
٣٨. وَحَسبت أَن ذَكاءَ في مَدح بِها
في اللَفظ مثل اللَقوةِ الفَتخاء
39. With knowledge, not insults, rebut my saying
For insults are the acts of the weak and subservient
٣٩. هَل أُنثت شَمس النَهار حَقيقَةً
بِالطَبع قُل إِن كُنت خِدن ذَكاء
40. What supports a man in his words
Is not insult but the white argument
٤٠. بِالعلم لا بِالسَبّ رُدّ مَقالَتي
فَالسَب فعلُ الدَعي وَالضُعَفاء
41. If it were not for decency holding me back
From insulting one who is not my peer
٤١. ما يَعضدُ الإِنسان قَولاً قالَهُ
بِالسَب بَل بِالحجة البَيضاء
42. I would send from my speech to you scorpions
That wound to exhaustion the slender
٤٢. لَولا رَقيبٌ لِلمُروءة ممسكٌ
لي عَن هَجا مَن لَيسَ مِن أَكفائي
43. And cut your lineage with a saying that pleases sacrifice
Obliterating it by soul and fathers
٤٣. لَبَعَثت مِن نَطقي إَلَيك عَقارِباً
لَداغة تَعيي عَلى الرُقاء
44. But the Quran to you is my contention
And a merit witnessed by my enemies
٤٤. وَقَطَعت فاكَ بِقَولةٍ تُرضى الفِدا
لمحقها بِالنَفس وَالآباء
45. Take it, for it makes one forget the censure
O you who rebukes, O son of the villainous smearer!
٤٥. لَكن قُرآناً إَلَيكَ مَجاذِبي
وَفَضيلة شَهدت بِها أَعدائي
٤٦. خُذها إَلَيك فَإِنَّها تَنسى الوَرى
يا عِتبُ يا ابن الفعلةِ اللخناء