
The eager strives though his provision is preordained

يسعى الحريص ورزقه مقسوم

1. The eager strives though his provision is preordained
And eagerness, its pasture is lush and shady

١. يَسعى الحَريص وَرزقه مَقسومُ
وَالحرص مَرتعه الخَصيب وَخيم

2. Had the resolute attained the share of wealth
The lazy lad would not have died destitute

٢. لَو نالَ بِالحَزم امرؤ حَظ الغنى
ماتَ الفَتى الكَسلان وَهُوَ عَديم

3. Destiny has preceded all that will transpire
So from it desist, and submit obediently

٣. سَبق القَضاء بِكُل ما هُوَ كائن
فمن النهي التَفويضُ وَالتَسليم

4. The Sustainer has apportioned rizq amongst His servants
A Lord most Kind, Compassionate to His worshippers

٤. قَد قَسَّمَ الأَرزاق بَينَ عِباده
رَبٌ رَؤوف بِالعِباد رَحيم

5. The youth's avarice is cause for his deprivation
His pursuits were unattainable, ominous

٥. حرص الفَتى سَببٌ إِلى حِرمانهِ
وَطلابُهُ ما لَيسَ يُدرك شوم

6. Why, my lowly world, could you not establish
I wished to be satiated, but was deprived

٦. ما بال دُنياي الدَنية لَم تُقم
أَودي أَكلُّ مَفوهٍ مَحروم

7. I was called singularly, but wished multitudes
Wretched is the call, and melancholy the response

٧. نُوديت واحدها وَرُخمت المُنى
بئس النِداء وَراءه التَرخيم

8. My fate from hopes has now become inert
Amongst decrees, some mobile, some static

٨. قَدر عن الآمال أَصبَح مُقعدي
وَمِن المقادرِ مُقعَدٌ وَمُقيم

9. Despair not my soul, if misfortunes befell
For the noble stumble at times, and rise

٩. لا تَجزَعي يا نَفس إِن خَطبٌ عَدا
فَالحُر يَعثر تارَةً وَيَقوم

10. It's no wonder others suckle the teat of hopes
While I was weaned, left utterly starved

١٠. لَيسَ العَجيب بِأن غَيري راضِعٌ
ثّدي المُراد وَأَنَّني مَفطوم

11. Such is time with its people, fickle
Neither misery nor bliss enduring within

١١. فَكَذا الزَمان بِأَهلِهِ مُتَقَلب
لا البُؤس فيهِ وَلا النَعيم يَدوم

12. Indeed, the erudite Abul-Walid Al-Muntaqaa
A burden sufficient, a leading chieftain

١٢. إِن الفَقيه أَبا الوَليد المُنتقى
وَزرٌ كَفيل بِالمُراد زَعيم

13. Had it not been for treading the path of bounty
I would have languished, unaware of its ways

١٣. لَولا سُلوك يَمينه سبلَ النَدى
دَرَست وَلَم يُعلم لَهن رُسوم

14. Oh you, deprived of hopes and wishes
Are you unaware his gifts are predestined?

١٤. يا أَيُّها المَحروم مَأمول المُنى
أَجهلتَ أَن عَطاءه مَحتوم

15. Do not count upon an encounter and concede to him
For to meet him suffices, so acquiesce

١٥. لا تَعدُ لُقياهُ وَزره مُسلِماً
فَلِقاؤُهُ يَكفيك وَالتَسليم

16. And incline with the body of hope at his door
Do not despair, for his generosity is abundant

١٦. وَأَنخ بِباب رِحابه بدن الرَجا
ء وَلا تخم فَالجود فيهِ خيم

17. He is clothed in a garment of awe
Embroidered with veneration and esteem

١٧. أَضفى الوقار عَلَيهِ حلة هَيبَةٍ
تَطريزُها التَبجيل وَالتَعظيم

18. Humble despite his lofty ambition
That aspires to attain the heights, resolutely

١٨. مُتَواضع في رفعة ذي همةٍ
تَسمو إِلى كسب العَلا وَتَهيم

19. His ambitions reached the ranks of the eminent
As if above the stars, constellations

١٩. همم سمت رتبَ العلا حَتّى غَدَت
وَكَأَنَّها فَوقَ النُجوم نُجوم

20. Keen of insight, prudent of advice
A remedy for the ailments of time, wisdom incarnate

٢٠. مُتَوقد الآراء يَقظان النُهى
طبٌّ بِأَدواء الزَمان عَليم

21. Sweet and bitter to the bitter palate
Like time itself, misfortune and fortune

٢١. حُلو وَمُر للمرير مَذاقه
كَالدَهر فيهِ شَقاوَةٌ وَنَعيم

22. With generosity he built his glory
Lofty edifice unlike others, ruined

٢٢. شادَ العلا بيد العَطاء فَمجده
عالي البِناء وَغَيره مَهدوم

23. Of a people whose wealth has always contained
A right for those who seek from them, assured

٢٣. مِن مَعشَرٍ ما زالَ في أَموالهم
حَق لِمَن يَرجوهم مَعلوم

24. Merit in him and his kin has always been
Of it we speak, ancient and recent

٢٤. الفَضل فيهِ وَفي ذَويه لَم يَزَل
مِنهُ حَديث فيهمُ وَقَديم

25. By God, what a fine cavalier truthful of word
Bestowed upon him prose and verse alike

٢٥. لِلّه مِنهُ أَيُّ فارس مَقولٍ
يَعنو لَهُ المَنثور وَالمَنظوم

26. Staunch, erecting minarets of all virtues
And unleashing torrents of generosity, selfless

٢٦. ماضٍ أَقامَ مَنار كُل فَضيلةٍ
وَأَسال سَيل الجود وَهُوَ عَريم

27. An erudite counsel if a problem arises
Clarifying the darkness of dilemmas, adept

٢٧. وَفَقيه شورى إِن تعرض مشكلٌ
جَلّى دُجى الأَشكال وَهُوَ عَديم

28. Clothed in serenity and piety, vigilant, secure
Eloquent in Arabic, like Tamim and Ma'ad

٢٨. ضافي الذُيول مِن السَكينة وَالتُقى
يَقظان مَأمون الجِهات سَليم

29. He has girded the belt of glorious feats, as you see
Supporting the fragile with reinforcements

٢٩. مُتَبَرع بِبَلاغة وَفَصاحةٍ
تَعنو إِلَيها يَعرب وَتَميم

30. Time is barren, unable to produce his like
For time with the likes of him is sterile

٣٠. قَد شَدَ أزر المأثرات كَما تَرى
شَدَّ البِناء الواهي التَدعيم

31. Oh you who reproach him for bonding amiably
Do you not blame those who censure his benevolence?

٣١. عقم الزَمان عَن أَن يَجيء بِمثله
إِن الزَمان بِمثله لَعَقيم

32. Never! Moving a boulder is easier sought
Than one generous to change from altruism

٣٢. يا مِن يُؤنبه عَلى صِلة النَدى
أَعلمتَ مِن في المُكرَمات تَلوم

33. Neither squandering wealth diminishes him
Nor miserliness and blame make him endure

٣٣. هَيهات نَقل الصَخر أَعسَرُ مَطلَباً
أَن يَستَحيل عَن العَطاء كَريم

34. The generous man's praises remain for him
While the miser is damned, blamed

٣٤. لَيسَ اِبتِذال المال يُفنيه وَلا
يُبقيهِ في كَف اللَئيم اللوم

35. When I saw your sky of munificence adorned
With stars of generosity, their nodes resilent

٣٥. حسب الكَريم محامد تَبقى لَهُ
وَكَفى اللَئيم بِأَنَّهُ مَذموم

36. I sent the devil of my destitution listening
Hoping it would be stoned by one of its meteors

٣٦. لَما رَأَيت سَماءَ جودك زُيِّنَت
بِنُجومِ جودٍ نوؤها مَسجوم

٣٧. أَرسَلت شَيطانَ اِفتِقاري سامِعاً
فَلَعله بِشهابها مَرجوم