
O delight intoxicated by bliss

يا منة لذ بها السكر

1. O delight intoxicated by bliss
My gratitude to it will never cease

١. يا مِنّةً لذّ بها السُّكْرُ
لا ينقَضي منّي لها الشُّكْرُ

2. Dawn has cleaved the darkness with its pillar
The dew wept while the flowers smiled

٢. فلَقَ الدُجى بعَمودِه الفجرُ
وبكى النّدى وتبسّمَ الزّهرُ

3. The breeze breathed the fragrance
Carried by the train of the morning breeze

٣. وتنفّسَ النّسرينُ عن عبقٍ
منهُ بأذيالِ الصَّبا عِطْرُ

4. The atmosphere has become gentle
Clear, delighted, refined is the wine

٤. والوقتُ قد لطُفَتْ شمائِلُهُ
فصَفا ورقَّ وراقَتِ الخَمْرُ

5. So rise on the foot of joy to
A sun orbiting which a full moon revolves

٥. فاِنهَضْ على قدمِ السّرورِ إلى
شمسٍ يَطوفُ بكأسِها بَدْرُ

6. A virgin whom when water mixes with
Pearls are born and scattered from her

٦. بِكْرٌ إذا ما الماءُ خالَطَها
منها تولّدَ لؤلؤٌ نَثْرُ

7. An untouched beauty whom the slyness of men
Cannot tempt, her chastity their excuse

٧. عَذراءُ ما لبَني الخلاعةِ عنْ
خَلْعِ العِذارِ بحبُّها عُذْرُ

8. A soul of ruby pouring forth
A spirit though its body is gold

٨. نفسٌ من الياقوتِ سائِلةٌ
روحٌ ولكنْ جِسمُها تِبْرُ

9. Her veil appears then you'd think
It's ambers burning behind it embers

٩. تَبدو براقِعُها فتحسَبُها
برداً تلظّى تحتَهُ جَمْرُ

10. A light that nearly burst the heart of its drinker
From it the secret is revealed to the eye

١٠. نورٌ يكادُ فؤادُ شارِبِها
للعَينِ منها ينجَلي السّرُّ

11. Her essence distilled its delicacy
It evanesced and inebriation took its place

١١. لطُفَتْ فخِلنا ذات جوهرِها
فنِيَتْ وقامَ بنفْسِها السُّكْرُ

12. She makes glass with her complexion gold
She's versed in the science of alchemy

١٢. تذَرُ الزُّجاجَ بلَونِها ذهَباً
فلها بعِلْمِ الكيميا خبَرُ

13. As if she knows the secret of the elixir
To mend our broken hearts she has skill

١٣. وكأنّ سرَّ المومياءِ لها
فيها لكَسْرِ قُلوبِنا جَبْرُ

14. As if her saliva is wine
Whose fermentation is the tears of separation

١٤. وكأنّما راوُوقُها دَنِفٌ
أجرى عَقيقَ دموعِهِ الهَجْرُ

15. A crescent whose rising adorns his forehead
With stars like flowers gracing his mane

١٥. ومُهَفهَفٍ كالشمسِ طلعَتُه
بالجيدِ منهُ كواكبٌ زُهْرُ

16. The branches lean crazily towards his stature
Hence their hues turned pale in yearning

١٦. شُغِفَتْ بقامَتِه القَنا فلِذا
ألوانُها لشحوبِها سُمْرُ

17. The blossoms saw his red rose cheeks
Thus their complexion turned yellow in jealousy

١٧. ورأى البهار شَقيق وجْنَتِها
فخُدودُها كَلَفاً بهِ صُفْرُ

18. His expression explains his words
Subtleties clarified by the green

١٨. بوِشاحِه معنى عِبارتِه
رقّتْ ودقّقْ شرْحَها الخَضْرُ

19. His glances, heart, and tender heart
For both a drunk infraction

١٩. وبلحظِه وفؤادِ وامقِه
سُكْرٌ له بكِلَيْهِما كَسْرُ

20. She laughs to me in relaxation
Winds as if their drafting amusement

٢٠. باتَتْ تُضاحِكُني براحتِه
راحٌ كأنّ حَبابَها ثَغْرُ

21. So I pleased him after defiance with her
Until his strictness turns amenable

٢١. فأرضته بعدَ الجِماحِ بها
حتّى تسهّلَ خُلقُه الوَعْرُ

22. Passion has knitted for us the necklace of embrace
And from chastity we took dress

٢٢. نظمَ الهوى عقدَ العِناقِ لنا
ومنَ العَفافِ تضمّنا أُزْرُ

23. Youth raised the veil from our faces
And nobility was drape between us

٢٣. رفعَ الشّبابُ حِجابَ أوجهنا
ومن الفتوّةِ بينَنا سِتْرُ

24. And how often I frequented the abode of highness
Above the lofty and beneath it forgiveness

٢٤. ولكم عرجتُ إلى محلِّ عُلاً
فوقَ السِّماكِ وتحتَهُ الغَفْرُ

25. With a steadfastness like darkness
When I called it an eagle

٢٥. بمطهَّمٍ مثلِ الظّليمِ إذا
ما شدّ قُلْتُ بأنّهُ صَقْرُ

26. The prey knows it has no escape
From it and so does the rat

٢٦. تَدري المَها أن لا نَجاةَ لها
منهُ ويعلَمُ ذلكَ العُفْرُ

27. So when its death presented itself
The red death presented itself

٢٧. فإذا له آجالُها عرضَتْ
عرضَتْ لها آجالُها الحُمرُ

28. Like the blowing of the four winds
A month, and the going of its tomorrow a month

٢٨. مثلُ الرّياحِ رواحُ أربعةٍ
شهرٌ وسَيرُ غُدوّها شَهْرُ

29. It perfected the qualities of removers
Thus by its essence all have limitation

٢٩. كمُلَتْ صِفاتُ الصّافِناتِ به
فبذاتِه لجميعِها حَصْرُ

30. Thought goes on following it
I miss then thought regrets

٣٠. يجري ويجري الفِكرُ يتبَعُهُ
فيَفوتُ ثمّ ويحسَرُ الفِكرُ

31. It nearly returns the sky if
It thinks the galaxy is a river

٣١. ويكاد أن يرِدَ السّماءَ إذا
ظنّ المجرّةَ أنّها نَهْرُ

32. I drew from it the arrow of an event
That time shoots from its bow

٣٢. أطلَعتُ منه سَهمَ حادثةٍ
يرمي به عن قوسِه الدّهْرُ

33. Until I reached Abu Al Hussein with it
Until where the eagles flutter

٣٣. حتّى بلغْتُ أبا الحُسين به
فبلغْتُ حيث يُرَفرِفُ النّسرُ

34. Where glory has pitched its pavilion
In it settled glory and pride

٣٤. حيث العُلا ضربَتْ سُرادقه
فيه وحلّ المجدُ والفخرُ

35. Where piety and all virtue reside
To it repairs and in it trusts the righteous

٣٥. حيث التُّقى والفضلُ أجمعُهُ
تأوي إليه ويأمَنُ البرُّ

36. Since I stepped into his yard
Poverty will never afflict my abode

٣٦. فوثِقْتُ منذُ حلَلْتُ ساحتَهُ
أن لا يحِلَّ بساحَتي فَقْرُ

37. He continues to fling at me his gems
Until I knew he is an ocean

٣٧. ما زالَ يقذِفُ لي جواهرَهُ
حتّى علِمْتُ بأنّه بحرُ

38. Benefiting dew and aiding inquiry
Thus his bestowal and speech are pearls

٣٨. يُجدي ندىً ويُفيدُ مسألةً
فنوالُه وكلامُه دُرُّ

39. Above the fertile his elevated station
And below it Egypt

٣٩. فوقَ الخصيبِ محلُّ رِفعتِهِ
وبهِ الخَويزةُ دونَها مِصْرُ

40. How many hands do I have from him
My gratitude to them will never cease

٤٠. كم من أيادِيه لديّ يدٌ
ما ينقَضي منّي لها الشُّكْرُ