
She laughed, and the pearls of her teeth appeared

ضحكت فبان لنا عقود جمان

1. She laughed, and the pearls of her teeth appeared
Like the rising of a second dawn to us

١. ضحكَتْ فبانَ لنا عُقودُ جُمانِ
فجلَتْ لنا فلقَ الصّباحِ الثّاني

2. The darkness of her veils moved away from her radiance
And the two moons became three

٢. وتزحْزَحَتْ ظُلَمُ البراقِعِ عن سَنى
وجَناتِها فتثلّثَ القَمَرانِ

3. She spoke, and I heard words whose utterance
Was magic, and whose meaning was the flowing of fate

٣. وتحدّثَتْ فسمِعْتُ لفظاً نُطْقُه
سحرٌ ومعناهُ سُلافةُ حانِ

4. She rang, and wounded hearts with a glancing blow
Her black eye and it are equal in hitting their mark

٤. ورنَتْ فجرّحَتِ القُلوبَ بمُقلةً
طرْفُ السِّنانِ وطرفُها سِيّانِ

5. She hummed, and her necklaces drew tight
As is the habit of necklaces on branches

٥. وترنّمَتْ فشدَتْ حمائِمُ حَليِها
وكذاكَ دأبُ حَمائِمِ الأغصانِ

6. No branch before her was of silver
That sways with leaves of `uqyan

٦. لم تلْقَ غُصْناً قبلَها من فِضّةٍ
يهتزُّ في ورَقٍ من العِقْيانِ

7. An Arab lady, auspicious is the origin of her clan
And its branches are from the blacks of Sudan

٧. عربيّةٌ سعدُ العشيرةِ أصلُها
والفَرْعُ منها من بَني السّودانِ

8. Proud, who corrects the opinions of those
Bent over fires when seeing her cheek

٨. خودٌ تُصوَّبُ عندَ رؤيةِ خدِّها
آراءُ مَنْ عكَفوا على النّيرانِ

9. Her smile appears and were it not for her speech
I would have reckoned her an idol of idols

٩. يبدو محيّاها فلولا نُطْقُها
لحَسِبْتُها وثَناً من الأوثانِ

10. She wore the Christian earring not for any purpose
Except to champion the state of the crucaders

١٠. لم تصلِبِ القُرْطَ البريَّ لغايةٍ
إلّا لتنصُرَ دولةَ الصُّلبانِ

11. And she did not weaken her eyelids
Except to strengthen the seduction of Satan

١١. وكذاك لم تضْعُفْ جُفونُ عُيونِها
إلّا لتَقوى فِتنةُ الشيطانِ

12. Her anklet conceals groans, and her earring
Is restless like the heart of a lover in throbbing

١٢. خلخالُها يُخفي الأنينَ وقرطُها
قلِقٌ كقَلْبِ الصّبِّ في الخَفقانِ

13. She wishes that bracelets would be forged
For her hands from it in place of the culprit

١٣. تهوى الأهلّةُ أن تُصاغَ أساوِراً
لتحِلَّ منها في محلِّ الجاني

14. With her veil is nightfall, and beneath her wrappings
Is sunset, and in her sleeves are the two dawns

١٤. بخِمارِها غسَقٌ وتحت لِثامِها
شفَقٌ وفي أكمامِها الفَجرانِ

15. Glory to Him who with the cheek pictured her mole
And balanced the eye of the sun with mankind

١٥. سُبحانَ مَنْ بالخدِّ صوّر خالَها
فأزانَ عينَ الشّمسِ بالإنسانِ

16. Passion ordered my heart distracted by love for her
And it obeyed, though I forbade it, disobeying me

١٦. أمرَ الهَوى قلبي يَهيمُ بحبُّها
فأطاعَهُ ونَهَيْتُه فعَصاني

17. She in the pond of nectar stores pearls
While my tears' surges come out as coral

١٧. هيَ في غَديرِ الشّهْدِ تخزِنُ لؤلؤاً
وأُجاجُ دَمْعي مخرَجُ المرجانِ

18. Numerous are they who blame me for her, and if
I counted them, they would equal my lifetime's sins

١٨. كثُرَتْ عليَّ العاذِلونَ بها فلَو
عدّدْتُهم ساوَوْا ذُنوبَ زَماني

19. O heart, leave the words of the slanderers, for if
They were equitable towards you, you would be most excused

١٩. يا قلبُ دعْ قولَ الوُشاةِ فإنّهُم
لو أنصَفوكَ لكُنتَ أعذرَ جانِ

20. The companions of Moses after him in their haste
Were tempted, while you are with the most tempting of gazelles

٢٠. أصحابُ موسى بعدَه في عِجْلِهم
فُتِنوا وأنتَ بأملَحِ الغِزلانِ

21. Sweet torture in her love is upon me, so my illness
And my weakness in passion became my humiliation

٢١. عذُبَ العَذابُ بها لديّ فصحّتي
سُقْمي وعِزّي في الهَوى بهَواني

22. To God belong the Meadows of Al-Arak, for my soul
Has long delighted in them at Nu'man

٢٢. للّهِ نُعمانُ الأراكِ فطالَما
نعِمَتْ به روحي على نُعْمانِ

23. And the (divine) preservation has watered the protected
With honorable drink from a clan who guaranteed her protection in all safety

٢٣. وسَقى الحَيا بمنىً كِرامَ عشيرةٍ
كفَلوا صيانتَها بكُلِّ أمانِ

24. The people of zeal, their abodes will never cease
To protect the suns with the stars of Khorasan

٢٤. أهلُ الحميّةِ لا تزالُ بُدورُهم
تحمي الشّموسَ بأنْجُمِ الخِرصانِ

25. A lion who plies the late nights with their spears
Like serpents ploughing the darkness of betrayal

٢٥. أُسْدٌ تخوضُ السّابِغات رماحُهُم
خوضَ الأفاعي راكِدَ الغُدْرانِ

26. With them a meadow is watered as if their arrows
Brought for it the arrivals of eagles

٢٦. تَروى بهم رُبْدٌ كأنّ سِهامَهم
وهَبَتْ لهنّ قوادِمَ العِقْبانِ

27. How many slender waisted ones sing with them
The moisture of the tender branches and the dryness of the boughs

٢٧. كم من مطوّقةٍ بهم تَشدو على
رَطْبِ الغُصونِ ويابِسِ العِيدانِ

28. Their outer garments shone and their scent wafted
As if they were rods of basil

٢٨. لانَتْ معاطِفُهم وطابَ أريجُهم
فكأنّهم قُضُبٌ من الرّيْحانِ

29. From every radiant faced one it is as if her brow
Is a gleaming candle veiled in a smoky wrapping

٢٩. من كلِّ واضحةٍ كأنّ جَبينَها
قبَسٌ تقنّع في خِمارِ دُخانِ

30. Woe to me! How miserable with them and for how long
Will my soul in them be immortalized in hellfire?

٣٠. ويْلاهُ كم أشقى بهِم وإلى متى
فيهِم يخلَّدُ بالجَحيمِ جَناني

31. And I examined time and its people
And appraised the people of beauty and beneficence

٣١. ولقد تصفَّحْتُ الزّمانَ وأهلَهُ
ونقَدْتُ أهلَ الحُسْنِ والإحسانِ

32. Yet I confined my passion to their gazelles
And restricted my praise to the sublime and lofty

٣٢. فقَصَرْتُ تَشبيبي على ظَبَياتِهم
وحصَرْتُ مَدْحي في عليِّ الشّانِ

33. The substance of what its branches rained upon me
And what its tongue brought out, I made clear

٣٣. فهُمُ دَعوني للنّسيبِ فصُغْتُه
وأبو الحُسَيْنِ إلى المَديحِ دَعاني

34. I whispered to it, and through its words
The ear of Moses was ennobled, and my tongue's knot was untied

٣٤. ملِكٌ عليّ إذا همَمْتُ بمَدْحِه
تُملي شمائِلُه بَديعَ مَعاني

35. Forgiving, whenever you wish to describe its attainment
Speak without embarrassment, even of the deluge

٣٥. جارَيْتُ أهلَ النّظْمِ تحتَ ثَنائِه
فتَلَوْا وحلْبَتُهُم خُيولُ رِهانِ

36. Use the sea for it, and the clouds for its name
And the moon, and the Pleiades, not so and so

٣٦. مضمونُ ما نثرَتْ عليّ بنانُه
ولِسانُه أبرَزْتُه ببَيانِ

37. Its hungry wolves became stuffed carcasses
Filled with the entrails of crows

٣٧. ناجَيْتُه فتشرّفَتْ بكلامِه
أُذُنُ الكَليمِ وحُلَّ عَقْدُ لِساني

38. A hero who shows you, when its coat of mail is removed
The lion of the lair in the garb of a serpent

٣٨. سَمْحٌ إذا ما شِئْتَ وصفَ نَوالِه
حدِّثْ ولا حرَجٌ عن الطّوفانِ

39. Sipping the late night drink from the blades for it
Is sipping reddened wine from flashing teeth

٣٩. بالبحرِ كَنِّ وبالغَمامِ عن اِسمِه
والبدرِ والضِّرغامِ لا بفلانِ

40. It rests from the falling of swords upon the skulls
As if their ringing were songs

٤٠. صرعَتْ ثعالبُه الأسودَ فأصبحَتْ
محشوّةً بحواصلِ الغِربانِ

41. And it sees the reddened tips of lances as the red (lips)
Of wild cows, and the whiteness of Indian swords as gazelles

٤١. بطلٌ يُريكَ إذا تحلّل دِرعُه
أسدَ العرين بحلّةِ الثّعبانِ

42. It could not enjoy any strings but
The strings of every melodious and flexible lutist

٤٢. رشفُ النّجيعِ من الأسنّة عندَه
رشَفاتُ حُمرِ بوارِقِ الأسنانِ

43. A horn that matches its fortune with its sword
So it returns successful, slaughtering its peers

٤٣. يرتاحُ من وقْعِ السّيوفِ على الطُلا
حتّى كأنّ صليلَهُنّ أغاني

44. A shouter whom the myrtle sways to the dew
In it is the creeping of intoxication with aromatics

٤٤. ويرى كُعوبَ السُّمرِ سُمرَ كَواعبٍ
وذُكور بيضِ الهِند بيضَ غَواني

45. Of ease that is wounds for the enemy
And what ease is there for the wretched?

٤٥. لم يستطِعْ وتَراً يلَذُّ له سوى
أوتارِ كلِّ حَنيّةٍ مِرنانِ

46. Since houses of wealth were inhabited
Meadows of dew and love songs were in them

٤٦. قِرْنٌ يقارنُ حظَّهُ بحُسامِه
فيعودُ سعداً ذابحَ الأقرانِ

47. For fate there are spheres that rotate in its palm
And people reckon them as the lines of the hand

٤٧. صاحٍ تدبُّ الأريحيّةُ للنّدى
فيهِ دَبيبَ السُّكْرِ بالنّشوانِ

48. They turned, so in you are its night and its day
Dots and flashes of lightning and pointing with fingers

٤٨. ذو راحةٍ هي للعِدى جرّاحةٌ
أعيَتْ وأيّةُ راحةٍ للعاني

49. Rings of favor that in his hands have become
Like finger rings, the knocking of the young

٤٩. أقوَتْ بُيوتُ المالِ منذُ تعمّرتْ
فيها رُبوعٌ للنّدى ومَغانِ

50. With ill fortune it ordains, and good fortune, so the people
Between fear and safety, are from them

٥٠. للدّهرِ أفلاكٌ تدورُ بكفِّه
والنّاسُ تحسَبُها خُطوطَ بَنانِ

51. In its ladder, the full moons sink, and in panic
With falling stars it pelts the horsemen

٥١. دارَتْ فعندَك ليلُها ونهارُها
نقْعٌ ولمْعُ مهنّدٍ وسِنانِ

52. It brought smiles to the world like what
It brought of tears to swords and eyes of gazelles

٥٢. أطواقُ فضلٍ كالخواتمِ أصبحتْ
بيَدَيْهِ وهْي طوارقُ الحِدْثانِ

53. A free man born of the lineage of Mudlib
After the tribes of Adnan

٥٣. بالنّحسِ تقضي والسعادةِ فالورى
منهنّ بين تخوّفٍ وأمانِ

54. Of Hashim, the people of glorious deeds, piety
Commanding right, forbidding wrong, and faith

٥٤. في سِلمِها تهَبُ البُدورَ وفي الوغى
بالشُّهْبِ تقذفُ ماردَ الفُرسانِ

55. The house of prophethood, messengership, guidance
Revelation, the sending down, and the Criterion

٥٥. قد أضحكَ الدُنيا سُروراً مثلَ ما
أبكى السّيوفَ وأعيُنَ الغِزلانِ

56. A people whom the tent poles of glory stood straight in
And the faith became firmly rooted in foundations

٥٦. حُرٌّ تولّد من سُلالةِ مطلَبٍ
خلَف الأيمّةِ من بني عَدنانِ

57. They stayed up the night watching, and opposed
Passion's order in obedience to the Merciful

٥٧. من هاشمٍ أهلِ المَفاخرِ والتُقى
والأمرِ بالمعروفِ والإيمانِ

58. All of them the full moon obliged their faces
To bear the mark of prostration, so it increased in brilliance

٥٨. بيتِ النبوّةِ والرسالةِ والهُدى
والوحيِ والتّنزيل والفُرقانِ

59. Spirits of light in time, their existence
Is spirit for this corporeal world

٥٩. قَومٌ تقوّمَ فيهم أودُ العُلا
وَالدّينُ أصبحَ آبدَ الأركانِ

60. Peers of war, whenever they joined against
The timid, it reckoned them fierce lions

٦٠. قد حالَفوا سهرَ العيون وخالَفوا
أمرَ الهَوى في طاعةِ الرّحمنِ

61. They wore their coats of mail for safety
Of honor, not for safety of bodies

٦١. من كلّ مَنْ كالبَدرِ كلّفَ وجهَهُ
أثرَ السّجودِ فزادَ في اللّمعانِ

62. And they bore the stab of spears because they
Do not carry the accusations of hatred

٦٢. أشباحُ نورٍ في الزّمانِ وجودُهم
روحٌ لهذا العالَمِ الجِسماني

63. Blessings upon you for a child you flowed in their wake
And reached their limit in every place

٦٣. أقرانُ حربٍ كلّما اِقترَنوا لدى ال
هَيجاءِ تحسَبُهم لُيوثَ قِرانِ

64. You renewed their traces of glorious deeds
And inherited what they preserved of the Quran

٦٤. لبِسوا سوابغَهُم لأجل سلامةِ ال
أعراضِ لا لسلامةِ الأبْدانِ

65. My master, the most high continued to congratulate you
With the good fortune of auspicious and generous youths

٦٥. وتحمّلوا طعنَ الرِّماحِ لأنّهم
لا يحملون مطاعِنَ الشّنآنِ

66. A purified lineage whom you increased
With light upon light, with the purity of circumcision

٦٦. بوركْتَ من ولدٍ جرَيْتَ بإثرِهم
فبلَغْتَ غايتَهُم بكلِّ مَكانِ

67. Caliphs of glory from your sons, as if
They descended to earth from the Gardens

٦٧. جدّدْتَ آثارَ المآثرِ منهمُ
ووَرِثْتَ ما حفِظوا منَ القُرآنِ

68. Moons of perfection whom no waning afflicts
Save by the night of the battleground's cloudiness

٦٨. مولايَ لا برحَتْ تُهنّيكَ العُلا
بخِتانِ غُرٍّ أكرمِ الفتيانِ

69. And chicks of conquest who before growing their feathers
Aspired with their talons for hunting the brave

٦٩. نُطَفٌ مطهّرةُ الذواتِ أزَدْتَهم
نوراً على نورٍ بطُهر خِتانِ

70. Like gems they were always carried
Above diadems or upon crowns

٧٠. خُلَفاءُ مجدٍ من بَنيكَ كأنّهم
للأرضِ قد هبَطوا من الرُّضوانِ

71. They attained though they did not reach speaking, and grasped
The maturity of elders in the prime of youth

٧١. أقمارُ تِمٍّ لا يُوَقّى نقصها
إلّا بلَيلِ عجاجَةِ المَيدانِ

72. They did not exceed the measure of arrows in their tallness
Yet they grew tall and ascended above the lofty

٧٢. وفِراخُ فتح قبلَ ينبُتُ ريشُها
همّتْ بصيدِ جوارحِ الشُجعانِ

73. Sparks hid in your flints when they sparked
They became joyful suns and moons

٧٣. مثل اللآلي لم تزلْ محمولةً
فوقَ التّراقي أو على التّيجانِ

74. Lights plucked to return to encounter
As flames melting away hatreds

٧٤. بلغوا وما بلغوا الكلامَ فأدرَكوا
رُشْدَ الكُهولِ بغرّةِ الصِّبيانِ

75. They will restore to you the High Lands and the fort
And in your hands every day will witness spears

٧٥. ما جاوَزوا قدرَ السِّهامِ بطولِهم
فتطوّلوا وسمَوْا على المُرّانِ

76. And the white falcons will laugh at them with their claws
The laughter of lightning in a gathering of clouds

٧٦. شررٌ توارَتْ في زِنادِك إذ وَرَتْ
أمسَتْ شُموسَ مسرّةٍ وتَهانِ

77. And their spears will incline from the wine of late night
Like the intoxicated in the flowing of casks

٧٧. قبَساتُ أنوارٍ تعودُ إلى اللِّقا
شُعَلاً تُذيبُ مواضِعَ الأضغانِ

78. So join and stay with them in most ample prosperity
And most delicious life in most excellent assembly

٧٨. ستردُّ عنكَ المشرفيّةَ والقَنا
ولدَيْكَ تشهَدُ كلَّ يومِ طِعانِ

٧٩. وستضْحَكُ البيضُ الظُّبا بأكفّهم
ضحك البُروقِ بعارضٍ هتّانِ

٨٠. وتَميلُ من خَمر النّجيعِ رماحُهم
مثلَ السُّكارى في سُلافِ دِنانِ

٨١. فاِسْلَمْ ودُمْ معهم بأسبغِ نعمةٍ
وألذِّ عيشٍ في أتمِّ تَدانِ