1. She beckons, summoning the butterflies, smiling,
As dawn's lips part and the night grows dark,
١. يَلوحُ فتستَدْعي الفِراشَ وتَبْسُمُ
فيفتَرُّ ثَغرُ الصُبْحِ والليلُ مُظلِمُ
2. Revealing to us her blossoms like gems of jewels,
Which she watches on their branches, etched and marked.
٢. وتُبدي ثَناياها لنا كَنْزَ جَوْهرٍ
فترصُدُها في فرعِها وهْوَ أرقَمُ
3. She spends the night walking, as magic moves stealthily in its sheath,
She gazes, becoming an arrow, though forbidden before.
٣. وتقضي فيَمشي السحرُ في غِمدِ فِتنةٍ
وترنو فيُضحي مُصْلَتاً وهْوَ مُحرِمُ
4. She walks hastily, fearing the stab from her swaying hips,
Many a stature yet a spear made straight.
٤. وتَسعى فتخشى الطّعْنَ من عِطفِ قدِّها
ورُبّ قَوامٍ وهْو رُمحٌ مُقوَّمُ
5. The lips of a lover yet a mouth split open,
Wine congealed yet a cheek crumpled.
٥. إمَا وحبابٍ وهو ثغرٌ مُفلَّجٌ
وجامِدِ خمرٍ وهْو خدٌّ معَنْدَمُ
6. For the two idols whose arrows are poisoned, her glances,
Her smiles and her unique jewel are twins.
٦. لصِنوان مَسموم السِّهامِ ولحظُها
ومَبْسِمُها والجوهَرُ الفردُ توأمُ
7. Her stature and the Pleiades, she is more just than them,
Yet in murder, it is darker.
٧. وقامتُها والسّمهريُّ وإنّها
لأعدَلُ منه وهو في الفتكِ أظلَمُ
8. She is the full moon in its rise, if not for her veil,
The sun of dawn, if not for the overwhelming darkness.
٨. هي البدرُ في الإشراقِ لولا حِجالُها
وشمسُ الضُحى لولا السِجافُ المخيّمُ
9. The white of ostriches, if not for the covers and the shyness,
The gazelle of the preserve, if not for the withdrawal and silence.
٩. وبيضُ الدُمى لولا البراقِعُ والحَيا
وظبيُ الحِمى لولا الثّوى والتكلّمُ
10. A beauty with cheekiness in the sanctum of passion,
She makes the blood of prey lawful, while eggs are forbidden.
١٠. مَهاةٌ لديها السُمرُ في حرَمِ الهَوى
تُحلُّ دِماءَ الصَّيْد والبِيضُ تحرُمُ
11. When she frowns, she captivates the eyes of gazelles,
And when she scowls, the lions of evil roar.
١١. تحفُّ الظِّباءُ العِينُ فيها إذا شدَتْ
وتزأرُ آسادُ الشّرا حينَ تَبغُمُ
12. Around her many a lion in a striped garment roams,
And many a blinking-eyed hyena prowls.
١٢. فكمْ حوْلَها ليثٌ بحُلّة أرقَمٍ
يطوفُ وكم خِشفٍ بعينيهِ ضيغَمُ
13. She protects her sanctuary, so beware of death beneath it,
For the sanctuary is nothing but a protected and forbidden sanctuary.
١٣. تحامَى حِماها واِحْذَرِ الموتَ دونَها
فليس الحِمى إلّا الحِمامُ المرخّمُ
14. And love is nothing but for its pursuit to be precious,
Which cannot be imagined.
١٤. وما الحِبُّ إلّا أن يكون مزارُه
عَزيزاً إليه لا يَجوزُ التوهّمُ
15. Where forbidden blood is permitted by the sword
While lawful water is forbidden.
١٥. بحيثُ الدمُ المحظورُ فيه محلَّلٌ
على السيف والماءُ المُباحُ محرَّمُ
16. We are a people in whose hearts grew,
The love of blood and honorable pride.
١٦. وإنّا لَقومٌ قد نَشا في قُلوبِنا
بحبِّ الدِما والمَكرُماتِ التسَنُّمُ
17. To us, silk is permitted though it is a jewel,
While its value is exaggerated though it is a mere smile.
١٧. ففي الدُرّ رُخْصٌ عندَنا وهْو جَوهَرٌ
ويغلو لدَينا قيمةً وهْو مَبسِمُ
18. We recoil when a doe gazes veiled,
Yet we attack when an old man in a turban gazes.
١٨. نفِرُّ إذا يرنو غزالٌ مقنَّعٌ
ونسطو إذا يرنو هِزَبرٌ معمَّمُ
19. We laugh at the shining lightening as it flickers,
Yet together we weep when the mouth is covered.
١٩. نُضاحِكُ ضوءَ البرقِ وهو مهنّدٌ
ونبكي نجيعاً وهْو ثغرٌ ملثّمُ
20. And we beware of the arrows of calamity, though they are eyes,
And we meet them in our throats, though they are arrows.
٢٠. ونحذرُ من نَبلِ الرّدى وهْو أعيُنٌ
ونلْقاهُ في لَبّاتِنا وهْو أسهُمُ
21. A veiled woman, if the full moon looked upon her face,
It would fall dead, and bend over infatuated.
٢١. ومحجوبةٍ لو ينظُرُ البدرُ وجهَها
لخرّ صريعاً واِنثَنى وهْوَ مُغرَمُ
22. When she speaks in a place or takes a breath,
It is in Babel or Darine she is attributed.
٢٢. إذا حدّثَتْ في بُقعةٍ أو تنفّسَتْ
ففي بابلٍ أو باِسْمِ دارِينَ تُوسَمُ
23. The rain of dissolution saturated her abode,
So that in her soil, ablution cannot be substituted.
٢٣. سَقى دارَها ماءَ الطُلى بارقُ الظُّبا
ففي التُربِ منها لا يَسوغُ التيمّمُ
24. She is forbidden, the stars cannot ascend to her,
Even if the galaxies were a staircase.
٢٤. ممنّعةٌ لا يُمكنُ الطّيفَ نحوَها
صُعودٌ ولو أن المجرّة سُلَّمُ
25. I came to her while the eagles were falling in the horizon,
And the blossoms of the doves of the stars were picked.
٢٥. تأتّيْتُها والنّسرُ في الأفْقِ واقعٌ
وبيضُ حَمامِ الأنجُمِ الزُهْرِ تُرجَمُ
26. She and I were both chaste and devout,
I am Joseph and she is the noble Mary.
٢٦. وبتْنا كِلانا في العَفافةِ والتُقى
أنا يوسُفٌ وهْي الكريمةُ مَريمُ
27. And I am not one who fears death if it wants
An objective, nor am I discouraged from love by blame.
٢٧. وما أنا ممّنْ يتّقي الحتْفَ إن بغى
مَراماً ولا يثنيهِ في الحُبِّ لوَّمُ
28. A group who journeyed in the darkness, drunk from the winery,
They leaned from the drunkenness of the grapes without worry.
٢٨. ورَكْبٍ تعاطَوا في الدُجى دلَجَ السُّرى
يميلونَ منْ سُكرِ الكَرى لم يهوّموا
29. Arrows at the likes of porcupines clung to them,
They intended for Najd while passion directed them.
٢٩. سِهاماً على مثلِ القِسيّ اِرْتَمَتْ بهِم
يَؤمّون نَجداً والهَوى حيثُ يمّموا
30. My heart appeared before them so they whetted,
The fire of anger deluded them.
٣٠. تَراءَى لهُم قلبي أماماً فغرّهُم
وأوهمَهُم نارَ الغَضا فتوهّموا
31. I travel but my spirit longs for the highlands,
And there it settles yearning and pining.
٣١. أروحُ ولي رَوْحٌ إلى نحوِ رامةٍ
وآرامُها شوقاً تحِنُّ وترأمُ
32. A heart toward the Hejaz and its people,
Where affection weighs heavy and complains.
٣٢. وقلبٌ إلى نحوِ الحِجازِ وأهلِه
يغورُ به الوُدُّ الصّحيحُ ويُتْهِمُ
33. Whenever the memory of Khayf passes without
Loyalty to Ali, it almost catches fire.
٣٣. إذا مرّ ذكرُ الخَيفِ لو لم يكن به
ولاءُ عليٍّ كادَ بالنّارِ يُضرَمُ
34. A stallion who loved virtue before suckling,
And leaned toward the love of heights before weaning.
٣٤. جَوادٌ هَوى المعروفَ قبل رَضاعِه
ومال إلى حُبِّ العُلا قبلَ يُفطَمُ
35. High ambitions, when resolve falters, are its legs,
And when it rolls up its sleeves, they are its forearms.
٣٥. هُمامٌ إذا قامتْ وغىً فهو ساقُها
وإنْ شمّرَتْ عن زَنْدِها فهْو مِعصَمُ
36. A man whose love of glory made him lose riches,
As torrents made the swallow lose shade.
٣٦. فتىً حُبُّه للمجدِ أفقدَهُ الغِنى
كما فقد السُّلوانَ صبٌّ متيّمُ
37. The prayers of listeners are sweet to his hearing,
As the melody is sweet to the hearing of the throne.
٣٧. يلَذُّ دُعاءُ السامعين بسمعِه
كما لذّ في سمعِ الطَّروبِ الترنُّمُ
38. He cloaked his honor in the beauty of praise, better than any attire,
To which glory trails, and virtues cling.
٣٨. كَسا العِرضَ من حُسنِ الثّنا خيرَ حُلّةٍ
لها الفخرُ يُسدي والمَكارِمُ تُلحِمُ
39. The piercing criticisms are tears that weep as if
They are eyes that saw the Day of No and so they wail.
٣٩. له الطّعَناتُ النُّجْلُ تبكي كأنّها
عُيونٌ رأتْ يومَ النّوى فهْيَ تَسْجُمُ
40. And no wonder he flows serpentine though he is an inferno,
And kindles fire amidst the fray though he is verdant.
٤٠. ولا عجباً يَجري حَياً وهْو شُعلةٌ
ويَضرمُ ناراً في الوغى وهْو خِضْرِمُ
41. He rages with a false dawn though he wields a sharp sword,
And attacks with a penetrating star though he is worn out.
٤١. يَصولُ بفجرٍ كاذبٍ وهو صارمٌ
ويسطو بنجمٍ ثاقبٍ وهْو لهذَمُ
42. His dinars are the yellow faces, for they know,
That resolve rests in their protector, determined.
٤٢. دنانيرُه صُفْرُ الوجوهِ لعِلمِها
بأنّ النّوى في شَملهِنّ محكَّمُ
43. Whenever he is visited by the noble, their noses trip over each other,
Like the tears of a crying child summoned by a drawer.
٤٣. إذا زارَه العافونَ يوماً تشتّتَتْ
كأدمُعِ صَبٍّ قد دعتْهُنّ أرسُمُ
44. If the moons gathered around him in darkness,
They would realize he is the Master, though one of them.
٤٤. فلو جلسَ الأقمارُ من حولِه دُجىً
دَرَوا أنّه المَولى وإنْ كان منهُمُ
45. If his right hand spent them in gifts,
Then before it, its own full moon would be a mere coin.
٤٥. ولو أنفقَتْها في الهِباتِ يَمينُه
لقلَّ لدَيها بَدرُها وهْوَ دِرْهَمُ
46. And if the sleeve of his security embraced the passionate,
It would return the arrows of eyes from them.
٤٦. ولو كفِلَتْ أهلَ الهوى دِرعُ أمنِه
لردّتْ سِهامَ الأعيُنِ النُجْلِ عنهُمُ
47. They shattered the heights of every ordeal,
So schemes for the statures of beautiful women were shattered.
٤٧. حطَمْنَ عَواليهِ قَنا كُلِّ فتنةٍ
فكِدْنَ لِقاماتِ الدُمى البِيضِ تُحطَمُ
48. The swords of injustice returned worn out,
Until even the blades of swords nearly became blunt.
٤٨. ورُدَّتْ سُيوفُ الجَورِ وهي كليلةٌ
فأوشَكْنَ حتّى أنصُلُ الغُنجِ تكْهَمُ
49. He has a soaring mansion of glory on his hill,
Before which the noses of kings trip and stumble.
٤٩. له بَيتُ مجدٍ شامخٌ في صعيدِه
تعفَّرُ آنافُ المُلوكِ وتُرغَمُ
50. The sun of dawn weaves its ropes,
And the hands of the Pleiades hold it and prop it up.
٥٠. تُطنِّبُه شمسُ الضُحى في حِبالِها
وتسمُكُه أيدي السِّماكِ وتدعَمُ
51. Time wishes if it could, that on his neck,
It would become a threaded necklace, clasped and arranged.
٥١. يودّ حَصاهُ الدهرُ لو أنّه غَدا
على جِيدِه عِقْداً يُناطُ ويُنظَمُ
52. And it suffices the darkness pride in the pebbles of his land,
If they were scattered above it while they are stars.
٥٢. وحسبُ الدُجى فخراً بحَصباءِ أرضِه
لو اِنتثرَتْ من فوقِه وهْي أنجُمُ
53. Mouths kiss it until it is as if they are
The lips of loves, so they are adored and kissed.
٥٣. تُقبِّلُها الأفواهُ حتّى كأنّها
ثُغورُ الغَواني فهْي تُهوَى وتُلثَمُ
54. A noble whose excellence the caves raised,
From the family of Haydar, kings over all kings.
٥٤. نجيبٌ نمَتْهُ الغُرُّ من آلِ حيدَرٍ
مُلوكٌ على كلِّ المُلوكِ تقدّموا
55. Gardens of bliss, except that their swords
Are for the torture of the souls of tyrants, hell.
٥٥. جِنانُ نَعيمٍ غير أنّ سُيوفَهُم
لتعذِيبِ أرواح الطُغاةِ جهنّمُ
56. Weighing in the attire of greatness since they discarded it,
Their amulets sealed with gifts.
٥٦. مُزانونَ في حَلْي العُلا منذُ خلعِهم
تمائِمَهمْ بالمَكرُماتِ تختّموا
57. With him the impetuous army is crushed and defeated,
The deciduous of the day of war, whoever you wish of them.
٥٧. مَصاليتُ يومَ الكَرِّ من شِئتَ منهمُ
به يُصدَم الجيشُ اللُّهامُ ويُهزَمُ
58. They passed and after them came one who restored them
Until all creation saw that they are them.
٥٨. مَضوا وأتى من بعدِهم فأعادَهُم
إلى أن رأى كلَّ الوَرى إنّهم هُمُ
59. He flowed in the loins until she brought him forth,
So he was the secret, hidden, concealed.
٥٩. تحدّر في الأصلابِ حتّى أتَتْ به
فكان هو السرُّ الخفيّ المُكتّمُ
60. His father is intelligence, followed by the best of stars,
But he is a star, the full moon among them.
٦٠. أبوهُ ذُكاءٌ أعقبَتْ خيرَ أنجُمٍ
ولكنّه نجمٌ هو البدرُ فيهمُ
61. A generous one, with him I gained more worth, status,
And favors, and the free are honored by the free.
٦١. كريمٌ لديه زِدْتُ قدْراً ورِفعةً
وتكرمةً والحُرُّ للحُرِّ يُكرمُ
62. So from him at all times I have renewing kindness,
And from his hands each day I have blessings.
٦٢. فلي كلَّ حينٍ منه لُطفٌ مجدَّدٌ
ولي كلَّ يومٍ من أيادِيه أنعُمُ
63. My guardian, O my Master, the prayer of a devout loyalist,
An ally whose affection does not waver.
٦٣. أمَولايَ يا مولايَ دعوةَ مُخلصٍ
حليفِ ولاً في وُدّه لا يُجَمْجِمُ
64. Your favors have required of me pilgrimage and Umrah,
Upon my liability, and the Hajj is an ordained duty.
٦٤. لقد أوجبَتْ نُعماكَ حجّاً وعُمرةً
على ذمّتي والحجُّ فرضٌ محتّمُ
65. So do I have permission to fulfill the rites of rituals,
In which you share in the rewards and we gain?
٦٥. فهل إذن لي أقضي حُقوقَ مناسكٍ
تُشاركُني فيها الثّوابَ ونَغنَمُ
66. May the fast of the month delight you and its reward paid in full,
And in honor may God seal its outcome for you.
٦٦. ليَهنكَ صومُ الشهرِ وُفّيتَ أجرَهُ
وبالعزِّ عُقباهُ لك اللَّهُ يختمُ
67. The return of a holiday whose neck has adorned,
With the necklace of a crescent, whose bent is not illegible.
٦٧. وعودةُ عيدٍ قد تزيّن جيدُه
بطَوقِ هِلالٍ نُونُه ليس تُعجَمُ
68. A crescent which if you faced its deficiency would disappear,
Shining at night while a full moon completed.
٦٨. هِلالٌ إذا قابلْتَه زال نقصُه
فيشرقُ ليلاً وهو بدرٌ متمَّمُ
69. It molds for the rose of night a silver claw,
While without you it would become an etched nail.
٦٩. يصوغ لوِردِ الليلِ مِخلبَ فضّةٍ
ولولاك أمسى وهْو ظُفرٌ مقلَّمُ
70. You have not stopped cloaking its face with the glory of heights,
And it still serves you with optimism.
٧٠. فلا زِلتَ تَكسو وجههُ مَنْ سَنا العُلا
ولا زال بالإقبالِ نحوكَ يخدُمُ
71. To your eyes it appears as the heart of its beloved,
And it meets the enemies as a sword decisive.
٧١. لعينيكَ يبدو وهْو قلبُ حَبيبِه
ويَلقى الأعادي وهْو سيفٌ مصمِّمُ