1. She traveled, so the veil of her beauty was lifted,
And she woke up, so the predawn breeze stirred her,
١. سفرَتْ فبَرْقَعَها حِجابُ جَمالِ
وصحَتْ فرنّحَها سُلافُ دَلالِ
2. And the sun of noon rose behind the darkness of her hair,
So the day erased the night of her bluish-black hair.
٢. وجَلَتْ بظُلمةِ فرعِها شمسَ الضُحى
فمَحا نهارُ الشّيبِ ليلَ قَذالِ
3. She smiled behind her veil, so I imagined
A cloud pierced by the gleam of lightning.
٣. وتبسّمَتْ خلفَ اللّثامِ فخِلتُها
غيماً تخلّلَهُ وميضُ لآلي
4. She moaned, so she provoked hearts with her captivity,
The lion of death roared in the eyes of a gazelle.
٤. ورنَتْ فشدّ على القُلوبِ بأسرِها
أسدُ المنيّةِ من جُفونِ غَزالِ
5. I did not know before the blackness of her eyes
That eyelids are the abode of death.
٥. ما كُنتُ أدري قبلَ سودِ جُفونِها
أنّ الجُفونَ مكامِنُ الآجالِ
6. A virgin, whose cheeks under her red dress
Display the flow of beauty like molten jewelry.
٦. بِكرٌ تقوّم تحت حُمرِ ثيابِها
عرَضُ الجمالِ كجوهَرٍ سيّالِ
7. A soft and delicate being to whom youth gave its skin
The gentleness of breeze and the delicacy of pliable silver.
٧. ريّانةٌ وهَبَ الشّبابُ أديمَها
لُطْفَ النّسيمِ ورقّةَ الجِريالِ
8. Her pillows were sweet, so her mouth became
Like cherries over a pool of clear water.
٨. عذُبَتْ مراشِفُها فأصبحَ ثغرُها
كالأُقحوانِ على غَديرِ زُلالِ
9. On her cheek life journeyed, so it resembled
A rose blossoming in the breath of the north wind.
٩. وسَرى بوجنَتِها الحياةُ فأشبَهَتْ
ورْداً تفتّحَ في نَسيمِ شَمالِ
10. Her devoted lover offered her his heart,
So she used it in place of a mole.
١٠. وسخا الشقيقُ لها بحبّةِ قلبِه
فاِستعمَلَتْها في مكان الخالِ
11. My heart hopes to attain union with her,
So it is tempted by a mirage of wishes.
١١. حتّام يطمعُ في نَمير وصالِها
قلبي فتورِدُه سَرابَ مِطالِ
12. She was intoxicated by the wine of acceptance, so her disposition
Was never sober from the intoxication of weariness.
١٢. عُلّتْ بخمرِ رُضابِها فمِزاجُها
لم يصْحُ يوماً من خُمارِ مَلالِ
13. She is my death, and through her my wishes are fulfilled,
The light of my eye, though she is the eye of one who has lost his way.
١٣. هي مُنيَتي وبها حُصولُ منيّتي
وضياءُ عَيني وهْي عينُ ضَلالي
14. I approach her, though death lies between us,
So I see my death, while life is before me.
١٤. أدنو إليها والمنيّةُ دونَها
فأرى مَماتي والحياةُ حِيالي
15. She disappears, so emaciation hides me and the darkness gathers me in,
So my shadows rise up in the dead of night.
١٥. تخفى فيُخفيني النُحولُ وينجَلي
فيقومُ في الليلِ التّمامِ ظِلالي
16. My soul clings to her, but privation has stripped it
From her body, though it aspires to her image.
١٦. علِقَتْ بها روحي فجرّدَها الضّنى
من جِسمِها وتملّقَتْ بمِثالِ
17. If I were to visit her without sleeping,
She would imagine I visited her in a dream.
١٧. فلوَ اِنّني من غيرِ نومٍ زُرْتُها
لتوهّمَتْني زُرتُها بخيالِ
18. Of me, her love has left nothing but
A longing that torments me and draws me to the present moment.
١٨. لم يُبقِ منّي حُبُّها شيئاً سوى
شوقٍ ينازعُني وجذبةِ حالِ
19. Whoever has not reached the stage of annihilation in love,
His existence is nothingness, and his claim is impossible.
١٩. من لم يصِلْ في الحبّ مرتبةَ الفَنا
فوجودُه عدمٌ وفرضُ مُحالِ
20. My mind pictures her, and sees nothing but her,
My eye, and the image of her beauty is in my imagination.
٢٠. فكري يصوّرُها ولم ترَ غيرَها
عَيني ورسْمُ جَمالِها بخَيالي
21. Above me, before me, and opposite them I see
Her ideal image, my right side, and my left side.
٢١. فوقي وقدّامي وعكسُهُما أرى
منها المِثالَ ويَمنَتي وشمالي
22. She appeared, so the bulbuls of appearance never trilled
Except to reveal my own bulbul after her.
٢٢. بانت فلا سجَعَتْ بلابلُ بانةٍ
إلّا أبانتْ بعدَها بَلبالي
23. I am in the pools of anguish with my love,
While with her in the shade of going astray in Nejd.
٢٣. أنا في غديرِ الكرختَيْن ومُهجَتي
معها بنجدٍ في ظِلالِ الضّالِ
24. Greet eternally the living one, greetings eternal,
In the valley of protection, guarded by the whiteness of gazelles and the brownness of wild cows.
٢٤. حيّا الحَيا حيّاً بأكنافِ الحِمى
تحميهِ بيضُ ظُباً وسُمرُ عَوالي
Greetings, he who combines opposites - his night
٢٥. حيّاً حَوى الأضدادَ فيه فنَقْعُهُ
ليلٌ يقابلُهُ نَهارُ نِصالِ
26. Is met by day, the blades of swords.
The sun kisses each of his two cheeks,
٢٦. تلْقى بكلٍّ من خُدودِ سَراتِه
شمساً قدِ اِعْتَنَقَتْ ببَدْرِ كَمالِ
27. Embracing the full moon of perfection.
His tents gather gloom and joy,
٢٧. جمعَ الضّراغِمَ والمَهى فخيامُه
كُنُسُ الغَزالِ وغابةُ الرّئبالِ
28. Like a herd of gazelles and a forest of cunning foxes.
He quenched a bitter time in the prime of youth,
٢٨. وسَقى زَماناً مرّ في ظَهْرِ النّقا
وليالِياً سلَفَتْ بعينِ أثالِ
29. And nights that passed with the eyes of legends.
Nights of pleasures as if their darkness
٢٩. لَيْلاتِ لذّاتٍ كأنّ ظلامَها
خالٌ على وجهِ الزّمانِ الخالي
30. Were a beauty mark on the cheek of time.
Strung like pearls, they resembled
٣٠. نُظِمَتْ على نسَقِ العُقودِ فأشبَهَتْ
بيضَ اللآلي وهْيَ بيضُ لَيالي
31. The crescents of new moons - and they were the white nights.
The best nights are those of early youth,
٣١. خيرُ الليالي ما تقدّم في الصّبا
كم بين منْ جلّى وبين التّالي
32. What a difference between one who has enjoyed them and one who awaits them!
O my time, how many wounds from an assailant's blade you have inflicted in me,
٣٢. للَّهِ كم لكَ يا زَماني فيَّ منْ
جُرحٍ بجارحةٍ وسَهْمِ وَبالِ
33. And arrows and tribulations!
You have made me a target - if the living were to water my burial ground,
٣٣. صيّرتَني هدَفاً فلو يسْقي الحيا
جدَثي لأرْبَتْ تُربَتي بنِبالِ
34. My earth would be saturated with their tears.
My ardour has grown accustomed to your afflictions,
٣٤. ألِفَتْ خُطوبَك مُهجَتي فتوطّنَتْ
نفسي على الإقدامِ في الأهوالِ
35. So my soul is determined to face terrors.
My ambition has risen above praising
٣٥. وترفّعَتْ بي همّتي عن مِدحةٍ
لسِوى جَنابِ أبي الحُسينِ العالي
36. Any but the noble kinsman, Abu al-Husayn the Sublime.
I have severed all connections with people
٣٦. وقطعْتُ من كلِّ الأنامِ علائِقي
ووصَلْتُ فيه وفي بَنيه حِبالي
37. And joined ties only with him and his sons.
A free man, born pure from the pure,
٣٧. حُرٌّ تولّد طاهِرٌ من طاهِرٍ
فأتى بكلِّ مطهّرٍ مِفضالِ
38. Who came with every means of purification and grace.
He is a brilliant light; how many moons and planets
٣٨. هو نيّرٌ كم قد أتى من صُلبِه
قمرٌ وكم من كوكبٍ مِفصالِ
39. Separated from him have come from his loins!
From every clear-browed, auspicious, glorious one, it is as if
٣٩. من كلّ وضّاحِ الجبينِ كأنّما
مسحَتْ عليهِ راحةُ الإقبالِ
40. The palm of destiny had touched him.
Forms over us resembling the stars have converged
٤٠. أو كلِّ مأمونِ النجيبةِ ماجدٍ
نَجِسِ الصّوارمِ طاهرِ الأذيالِ
41. In their traces and shapes.
They are ten, like fingers outstretched to the sublime,
٤١. صورٌ علينا بالنّجومِ تشابهَتْ
لتَناسُبِ الآثارِ والأشكالِ
42. Created for striking coats of mail and bestowing bounty.
The ten nights know that in their cycles
٤٢. همْ عشرةٌ مثلُ الأصابعِ للعُلا
خُلِقَتْ لضرْبِ طُلىً وبَذْلِ نَوالِ
43. Lie the faces of those weighty ten.
So refrain from swearing any oaths about them, and swear only by those men,
٤٣. تَدري الليالي العَشْرُ أنّ بُدورَها
لوجوهِ تلك العَشرةِ الأقيالِ
44. For their grace has been transformed into men.
In the highest sphere are set minds
٤٤. فدعِ اليَمينَ بها وأقسِمْ فيهم
فلقد تحوّل فضلُها برجالِ
45. And they are their counterparts on earth.
Equal to them in number, equal to the nights in sublimity,
٤٥. في العالم العُلوي عُقولٌ رُتّبتْ
وهمُ لها في الأرض كالأمثالِ
46. The difference cannot be devoid of problems.
They are then the forms of good fortune and misfortune,
٤٦. ساوَتْهُمُ عدداً وساوَوْها عُلاً
فالفرقُ لا يخلو من الإشكالِ
47. And those men are the results of those forms.
A group - in reality they are one,
٤٧. هي ثمَّ أشكالُ السّعادةِ والشّقا
وهمُ نتائجُ تلكُمُ الأشكالِ
48. Like waves divided in their continuous surge.
Some - if asked, they are seas, and if
٤٨. جمْعٌ همُ عند الحقيقةِ واحدٌ
كاللّجِّ فُرِّقَ موجُهُ المتوالي
49. The veils were lifted, they are towering mountains.
They rode steeds, so I said they were a hill of light, upon which
٤٩. نفرٌ إذا سُئلوا فأبحارٌ وإنْ
حفّ الكُماةُ فراسياتُ جِبالِ
50. Were eagles, or beneath which were roaring lions.
They unsheathed swords, so I said they were a squadron of angels
٥٠. ركبوا الجيادَ فقلتُ رُبْدٌ فوقَها ال
عِقبانُ أو تحتَ الأسودِ سَعالي
51. Whose hands shook the hilts of blades.
They turned away from vain talk, judged with
٥١. ونَضوا السّيوفَ فقلتُ غُرُّ مَلائِكٍ
هزّتْ يَدَيْها أنيبُ الأغوالِ
52. The white of gifts upon the necks of property.
For their love of blades and spears, they are lions -
٥٢. عزلوا عنِ السّمعِ المَلامَ وحكّموا
بيضَ العَطايا في رِقابِ المالِ
53. They cut with the thought that notches are the night of union.
Before maturity, they met foes and donned
٥٣. أُسدٌ لحبّهمِ الصوارمَ والقَنا
قطعوا بأنّ النّقْعَ ليلُ وِصالِ
54. The gown, long of trains.
They suckled the milk of eloquence and high morals,
٥٤. قبلَ البُلوغِ لقوا العِدا وتقمّصوا
بالزّغفِ وهْيَ طويلةُ الأذيالِ
55. So they spoke decisively before separation.
Begotten from the loins of the lightning in those clouds
٥٥. وتراضَعوا لبنَ الفصاحةِ والنُهى
فتكلّموا بالفصلِ قبل فِصالِ
56. Upon that sublime, majestic horizon.
So they took on his character and donned
٥٦. نُتِجوا نِتاجَ الصّاعقاتِ على العِدا
من صُلبِ ذاكَ العارضِ الجَلْجالِ
57. The blood of lions and the souls of heroes.
They followed his traces and so tried
٥٧. فتخلّقوا في خُلقِه فتخلّقوا
بدمِ الأسودِ وأنفُسِ الأبطالِ
58. To ascend beyond the stars to realms of hopes.
He continues to send them clouds of mercy
٥٨. وتتبّعوا الآثارَ منهُ فحاولوا
فوقَ النّجومِ مداركَ الآمالِ
59. From time to time, lightning bolts of redemption.
In brief, every virtue resides in him,
٥٩. ما زالَ يُرسلُهُمْ سَحائِبَ رحمةٍ
طوراً وطوراً بارِقاتِ نَكالِ
60. And they are the detailed exposition of that brief totality.
The mysteries of God's subtle kindness have appeared through them,
٦٠. فيه على الإجمالِ كلُّ فضيلةٍ
وهمُ مفصّلُ ذلك الإجمالِ
61. And they are the manifestations of mysteries in deeds.
They entered the Verse of Purification; and had
٦١. أسرارُ لُطفِ اللَّه قد ظهرَتْ بهم
ومظاهِرُ الأسرارِ في الأفعالِ
62. They come before, He would have included them among the Household.
And their father (Ali bin Abi Talib) is my master -
٦٢. من عِترةٍ عندي أعُدُّ ولاءَهم
وثناءَهُم من أعظمِ الأعمالِ
63. None but him do I befriend and follow.
My heart, all my organs, and my joints
٦٣. في آية التطهير قد دخلوا ولو
سبقوا لضمَّهُم العَبا في الآلِ
64. Praise him, along with what my cloak contains.
I am astute - when praising him I feel
٦٤. واليتُ والدَهم عليّاً فهو لي
مولىً ولا أحداً سواهُ أوالي
65. I place gems in the hands of a connoisseur of gems.
Noble, by him my blind poet's soul found relief,
٦٥. قلبي وكلُّ جوارحي ومفاصلي
تُثْني عليه وما حوى سِربالي
66. So it flowed, and the epoch was set aright through him.
Citing his verses, he taught me poetry, so I listened
٦٦. فطِنٌ كأنّي إذ له أُهدي الثّنا
أضعُ اللآلي في يديّ لآلي
67. And came up with embellished words.
I spoke by him, though the epoch was barren,
٦٧. سمْحٌ به اِنفرجَتْ عُيونُ قريحَتي
فجرَتْ وحلَّ به الزّمانُ عِقالي
68. So by his moods I made it fertile.
I uttered some of the gems of his words,
٦٨. بنداهُ علّمني القريضَ فصُغتُه
فأتيتُ فيه مرصَّعَ الأقوالِ
69. Making them the centerpiece of my discourse.
I recite his eulogies, so their fragrance spreads,
٦٩. ولَهجْتُ فيه وكان دهراً عاطِلاً
فأزَنْتُهُ منه بحَلي خِصالِ
70. As do the sublime rhymes, my trilling.
O beauty of the world - and I do not exaggerate -
٧٠. ولفظْتُ بعضاً من فرائِدِ لفظِه
فجعلْتُه وسَطاً لعقدِ مَقالي
71. And noblest of its people - and I do not exaggerate!
You have been graced with joys, O lion of combat,
٧١. أتلو مدائحَهُ فيعْبَقُ طيبُها
وكذا القوافي العالياتُ غَوالي
72. By the wedding of a grandson, most noble of youths.
A grandson through whom honor came to his father and grandfather,
٧٢. يا زينةَ الدُنيا ولستُ مبالِغاً
وأجلَّ أهليها ولستُ أُغالي
73. And the nobility of his uncles and in-laws.
What strength and generosity reside in his father the Sayyid,
٧٣. هُنّيتَ بالأفراحِ يا أسدَ الشّرى
بخِتانِ سِبْطٍ أكرمِ الأشبالِ
74. Since he first displayed them, no snakes have given birth but to slithering creatures.
In the cradle he was granted perfection, though
٧٤. سِبطٍ تشرّفَ في أبيه وجدّه
ونَجابةِ الأعمامِ والأخوالِ
75. The habits of children predominated over him.
A light came from two brilliant sources, both of whom
٧٥. ما في أبيه السيّدِ اللاوي به
من فتكةٍ وسماحةٍ ومَعالي
76. Drew from you any light of majesty.
They were brought together and coupled, so they became three
٧٦. منذُ اِستهلّ به تبيّن ذا ولم
تلدِ الأفاعي الرُقْمُ غيرَ صِلالِ
77. With the forehead of which blessed youth!
Childhood flows through his twigs, so you would think him
٧٧. بالمَهْدِ قد أوتي الكَمالَ وإنّما
غلبَتْ عليه عادةُ الأطفالِ
78. A sapling in which the water of polishing flows.
The light of glory gleams while he is in his cradle,
٧٨. نورٌ أتى من نَيّرَينِ كلاهُما
منكَ اِستفادا أيّ نُورِ جَلالِ
79. So you would reckon it the rays of lightning.
May you after him circumcise his sons
٧٩. سَعداهُما اِقترَنا معاً فتثلّثا
بجبينِ أيّ فتىً سعيدِ الفالِ
80. In the best times and deeds.
And may the Merciful grant my prayer for you,
٨٠. يَجري الصِّبا في عُودِه فتظنُّهُ
نَصْلاً ترقْرَقَ فيهِ ماءُ صِقالِ
81. And answer regarding you and your sons my request!
٨١. ويلوحُ نورُ المَجْدِ وهْوَ بمَهْدِه
فيهِ فتَحْسَبُهُ شُعاعَ ذَبالِ
٨٢. فعساكَ تختُنُ بعدَه أولادَه
في أحسنِ الأوقاتِ والأعمالِ
٨٣. وعسى لك الرحمنُ يقبَلُ دعوتي
ويُجيبُ فيكَ وفي بَنيكَ سؤالي