
This carnelian and that fragrant musk,

هذا العقيق وتلك شم رعانه

1. This carnelian and that fragrant musk,
So mix the tears from their springs.

١. هذا العَقيقُ وتلكَ شُمُّ رِعانِهِ
فاِمزُجْ لُجينَ الدّمعِ منْ عِقْيانِهِ

2. And alight where there is always a bride
In which hearts of passion reside from its riders.

٢. واِنزِل فثَمَّ مُعرَّسٌ أبداً ترى
فيهِ قُلوب العِشقِ مِن رُكْبانِهِ

3. And smell the scent of its soil and kiss its pebbles
That scattered necklaces on its slopes.

٣. وَاِشمُمْ عَبيرَ تُرابِهِ واِلْثِمْ حَصىً
في سَفحِهِ اِنتثَرتْ عُقودُ جُمانِهِ

4. And lead us to the valley from Mina,
And beware the arrows of young gazelles from its fawns.

٤. واِعدِل بنا نحوَ المُحصَّبِ مِنْ مِنىً
واِحْذَرْ رُماةَ الغُنجِ مِن غِزلانِهِ

5. And cease the piercing there, whether from
Its skilled horsemen or its straight spears.

٥. وتوَقَّ فيه الطّعنَ إمّا مِن قَنا
فُرسانِهِ أو مِن قُدودِ حِسانِهِ

6. Honor it with a square from its roses,
While its gardens and stands are from its branches.

٦. أكرِمْ بهِ من مَربَعٍ منْ وَردِهِ ال
وَجَناتُ والقاماتُ من أغصانِهِ

7. A refuge when its doves coo,
Their robes dance around it joyfully.

٧. مَغنىً إذا غنّى حَمامُ أرَاكِهِ
رَقَصَتْ به طَرباً معاطِفُ بانهِ

8. It looks like a universe has descended on it
Or like the moons you see from its inhabitants.

٨. فلكٌ تنزّلَ فهوَ يُحسَبُ بُقعةً
أوَ مَا ترى الأقمارَ منْ سُكّانِهِ

9. The young gazelles dyed it and speckled it,
This one with its cheeks and that with its spots.

٩. خَضَبَ النّجيعُ غَزالَهُ وهِزَبْرَهُ
هذا بِوَجنَتهِ وذا بِبَبانِهِ

10. So if you do not know where its sanctuary lies,
Ask me for I know its place.

١٠. فلَئنْ جَهلْتَ الحَتْفَ أين مقرُّهُ
سَلني فإنّي عارفٌ بمكانهِ

11. It is in the black eyelids of its maidens
Or the white eyelids of its youths.

١١. هو في الجفونِ السّودِ من فَتياتهِ
أو في الجفونِ البيضِ منْ فِتيانهِ

12. Who can enable me to see faces in faces
Distance veiled their suns with its reigns?

١٢. مَنْ لي برُؤيةِ أوجُهٍ في أوجِه
حجبَ البِعادُ شُموسَها بعَنانهِ

13. Whites when the zephyr plays with their tails
The breeze carries musk in their vessels.

١٣. بيضٌ إذا لعبتْ صَباً بذُيولِها
حملَ النّسيمُ المِسْكَ في أرْدانهِ

14. They reached for the morning spark so they veiled themselves
With it and the darkness masked them with its smoke.

١٤. عمدَتْ إلى قَبسِ الضُحى فتبرْقَعتْ
فيه وقنّعَها الدّجى بدُخانهِ

15. The moon on every radiant forehead
With a crown and stars orbiting its crescent.

١٥. من كلِّ نيّرةٍ بتاجِ شَقيقِها
قمرٌ تحفُّ به نجومُ لِدانهِ

16. The Pleiades granted it the meteors of its belt
As jewelry and the crescent adorned it with its splendor.

١٦. وَهبتْ لهُ الجوزاءُ شُهبَ نِطاقِها
حَلْياً وسوّرَها الهِلالُ بحانهِ

17. This one with the edge of its eyelid prevails over
The ferocity of the lions, and that tames them.

١٧. هذي بأنْصُل جَفْنِها تسطو على
مُهَجِ الأُسودِ وذاكَ منْ مُرّانهِ

18. The lightning's gap smiles beneath its veil
And rain flows from it in its shirts.

١٨. يفترُّ ثَغرُ البرقِ تحتَ لِثامِها
ويَسيرُ منها الغَيْثُ في قُمصانهِ

19. Languor hid in its waist, and sword
And death in its incisors and teeth.

١٩. كمَنَ النُحولُ بخَصْرِها وبسيْفِه
والموتُ من وَسْنانِها وسِنانِهِ

20. In its burrows, the goat carries a fetus
And the lion diminishes the saddle of its steed.

٢٠. في الخِدرِ منها العِيسُ تحملُ جُؤذراً
ويُقلُّ منه الليثُ سَرْجَ حِصانهِ

21. The young gazelles dyed its sharp iron red
While its crimson flowers bloom on its buttons.

٢١. قَسَماً بسَلْعٍ وهْيَ حِلفةُ وامِقٍ
أقصاهُ صَرْفُ البَيْنِ عنْ جيرانِهِ

22. Wounds weep blood while it smiles
And its white teeth grin.

٢٢. ما اِشْتاقَ سمْعي ذِكرَ منزلِ طَيْبةٍ
إلّا وهِمْتُ بِساكِني ودْيانهِ

23. Its hardships have triumphed, while cunning foxes
Succumb to the claws of lions from its horsemen.

٢٣. بلدٌ إذا شاهَدْتَه أيْقَنتَ أن
نَ اللّهَ ثمّن فيهِ سبعَ جِنانهِ

24. Gabriel is one of its supporters, Michael is one of its companions,
Israfil is one of its supporters.

٢٤. ثغرٌ حمَتْهُ صِفاحُ أجفانِ المَهى
وتكلّفَتْهُ رِماحُ أُسْدِ طِعانهِ

25. A light has emerged revealing the dawn of guidance
And the darkness of misguidance vanished in the glare of its proof.

٢٥. تُمسي فراشُ قُلوبِ أرْبابِ الهَوى
تُلْقي بأنفُسِها على نيرانهِ

26. The scripts of its religion abrogated the ancient pages
In the unambiguous verses of its discrimination.

٢٦. لوْلا رِواياتُ الهَوى عن أهلِه
لمْ يَروِ طَرفي الدّمعَ عن إنسانهِ

27. The swords spend the night dripping
When they are unsheathed and their blades are dyed with its blood.

٢٧. لا تُنكِروا بحَديثهِمْ ثَملي إذا
فضّ المُحدّثُ عن سُلافةِ حانهِ

28. He ceaselessly watches the horizons with an eye
That sleep avoids its eyelids.

٢٨. همْ أقرَضوا سَمعي الجُمانَ وطالبوا
فيهِ مَسيلَ الدّمعِ منْ مُرجانهِ

29. Fearfully, the night mistakes the gleam of its swords
And sees the stars of the sky as their sparks.

٢٩. فإلامَ يَفجعُني الزّمانُ بفَقْدِهمْ
ولقد رأى جَلَدي على حِدْثانهِ

30. When the cowardly hearts see it brandish
A sword like a platter in its scabbard.

٣٠. عَتبي على هذا الزّمان مُطوَّلٌ
يُفضي إلى الإطْنابِ شرحُ بَيانهِ

31. How often the battlefield delighted the antelopes
While they grazed in it and wild donkeys browsed from its bushes.

٣١. هَيهاتِ أنْ ألقاهُ وهْوَ مُسالِمي
إنّ الأديبَ الحُرَّ حَرْبُ زَمانهِ

32. It dyed the young gazelles with the drips of its iron rain
While its crimson patronizes its buttons.

٣٢. يا قَلبُ لا تَشْكُ الصّبابةَ بَعْدَما
أوْقعتَ نَفسَكَ في الهوى وهَوانهِ

33. Wounds weep blood while it smiles
Dressed in white with grinning teeth.

٣٣. تَهوى وتَطمَعُ أن تفِرَّ من الهَوى
كيف الفِرارُ وأنت رهنُ ضَمانهِ

34. Its schemes have killed the cunning foxes
With the claws of lions from its horsemen.

٣٤. يا للرِّفاقِ ومَن لمُهجةِ مُدْنَفٍ
نِيرانُها نزَعَتْ شوى سلوانهِ

35. Gabriel is one of its supporters, Michael is one of its companions,
Israfil is one of its supporters.

٣٥. لم ألْقَ قبلَ العِشْقِ ناراً أحرَقَتْ
بَشَراً وحُبُّ المُصْطفى بجَنانهِ

36. A light emerged revealing the dawn of guidance
And the darkness of misguidance vanished in the glare of its proof.

٣٦. خيْرِ النّبِيّينَ الّذي نَطَقَتْ بهِ الت
توراةُ والإنجيلُ قبلَ أوانِهِ

37. The scripts of its religion abrogated the ancient pages
In the unambiguous verses of its discrimination.

٣٧. كهفُ الوَرى غيثُ الصّريخِ مَعاذُهُ
وكَفيلُ نجدَتِهِ وحِصْنُ أمانهِ

38. The arm reaches high with its palms
And the crown stoops to plead on its throne.

٣٨. المُنْطِقُ الصّخْرَ الأصمَّ بكفّهِ
والمُخْرسُ البُلَغاءَ في تِبيانهِ

39. Were the sun to seek refuge in it from the darkness
The darkness and dawn would be of its shrouds.

٣٩. لُطفُ الإلهِ وسرُّ حكمَتهِ الّذي
قد ضاقَ صدْرُ الغيْثِ عنْ كِتْمانهِ

40. Or if it wanted to prevent the moon in its orbit
From its course, it would not be in its plans.

٤٠. قِرْنٌ بهِ التّوحيدُ أصبحَ ضاحِكاً
والشِّركُ مُنتحباً على أوْثانهِ

41. Or if it sought a path from the Milky Way's horizon
Its horses would race pulling its reins.

٤١. نسخَتْ شرائعُ دينهِ الصُّحفَ الأُلى
في مُحكَمِ الآياتِ منْ فُرقانهِ

42. Fates do not permeate realms
Without permission from its sultanate.

٤٢. تُمسي الصّوارمُ في النّجيعِ إذا سَطا
وخُدودُها مخضوبةٌ بدِهانهِ

43. God has subjugated them to it, so their zeal
Is smooth to control, obedient to its reins.

٤٣. ما زال يَرقُبُ شخصُهُ الآفاقَ في
طَرْفٍ تحامى النّومُ عنْ أجفانهِ

44. It is the one without whom Noah would not have survived
In his laden ship from the flood.

٤٤. وجِلاً يظنّ النومَ لَمْعَ سُيوفهِ
ويرى نُجومَ الليلِ منْ خِرْصانهِ

45. No, nor would Moses the Interlocutor have blinded
And killed his Pharaoh or rose above Haman.

٤٥. قلبُ الكَميّ إذا رآهُ وقدْ نَضا
سيفاً كقُرطِ الخوْدِ في حُلْقانهِ

46. If it is said a throne, it carries its leg,
Or if it is said a tablet, it is in its inscription.

٤٦. ولَرُبَّ مُعترَكٍ زَها روضُ الظُّبى
فيهِ وسُمْرُ القُضْبِ منْ قُضْبانهِ

47. The spirit of bliss and the blessed soul
Whose fruits of generosity are harvested from its branches.

٤٧. خضَبَ النّجيعُ قَتيرَ سَردِ حَديدهِ
فشَقيقُهُ يَزهو على غُدْرانهِ

48. O Master of the two worlds, indeed most distinguished
Of the two burdens with God on His scale.

٤٨. تبكي الجِراحُ النُجلُ فيه والرّدى
مُتبسّمٌ والبيضُ منْ أسنانهِ

49. You embarrass the luminous moon with your pulchritude
And rain with your benevolence.

٤٩. فتَكَتْ عوامِلُهُ وهُنّ ثَعالبٌ
بجوارحِ الآسادِ منْ فُرسانهِ

50. And the audacious knight whose valiance
Comes from you, and wild plants from your basil.

٥٠. جِبريلُ منْ أعوانهِ مِيكالُ مِنْ
أخدانهِ عِزريلُ منْ أعوانهِ

51. Excuse me, praise of you falls short
And I confess my tongue's inadequacy.

٥١. نُورٌ بَدا فأبانَ عنْ فلَقِ الهُدى
وجَلا الضّلالةَ في سَنى بُرهانهِ

52. What is the measure of one who praises one
Whom God praises in His Quran?

٥٢. شهِدَتْ حَواميمُ الكِتابِ بفضْلهِ
وكفى بهِ فخراً على أقرانهِ

53. Were it not for you, the calf would not have been demolished
Nor the ashes of the cow carried to its valleys.

٥٣. سلْ عنهُ ياسينا وطهَ والضُحى
إنْ كُنتَ لم تَعلَمْ حَقيقةَ شانهِ

54. I wished in you and visited your grave praising
To gain God's approval and satisfaction.

٥٤. وسَلِ المَشاعرَ والحَطيمَ وزَمزَماً
عن فخرِ هاشمِهِ وعن عِمرانهِ

55. A slave came to you led by good hope
Your generosity never returns one deprived.

٥٥. يَسمو الذّراعُ بأخْمَصَيْه ويهبِطُ ال
إكليلُ يَستجدي على تِيجانهِ

56. So accept his repentance to You, for he
Relies on You against God for his disobedience.

٥٦. لو تَستجيرُ الشمسُ فيه منَ الدُجى
لَغدا الدُجى والفجرُ منْ أكفانهِ

57. Intercede for him and his family on Judgment Day
And for his parents and righteous brethren.

٥٧. أوْ شاءَ منعَ البدرِ في أفلاكهِ
عن سيرِهِ لم يَسْرِ في حُسبانهِ

58. May God send blessings upon you, O Master of Creation,
As long as the estranged yearns for his homeland.

٥٨. أو رامَ منْ أفُقِ المجرّةِ مَسْلكاً
لجَرَتْ بحَلْبَتهِ خُيولُ رِهانهِ

59. O my heart, do not doubt the youth after
You have brought yourself into passion and humiliation.

٥٩. لا تَنفُذُ الأقدارُ في الأقطارِ في
شيءٍ بغَيرِ الإذْن من سُلطانِهِ

60. You love and hope to escape from love
How can you flee while you are hostage to its guarantee?

٦٠. اللّهُ سخّرَها لهُ فجَموحُها
سَلِسُ القِيادِ لديهِ طوْعُ عِنانهِ

61. O for companions and the breast of the tender
Their fires have seared the cliffs of Mount Sila.

٦١. فهو الّذي لولاهُ نوحٌ ما نَجا
في فُلكِهِ المَشحونِ منْ طُوفانهِ

62. Before love, I never lit a fire that burned
Mortals, and loving the Chosen One delighted me.

٦٢. كَلّا ولا مُوسى الكَليمُ سَقى الرّدى
فِرعَونَهُ وسَما على هامانهِ

63. The best of Prophets, whom the Torah
And Bible spoke of before his time.

٦٣. إنْ قِيلَ عرشٌ فهوَ حاملُ ساقهِ
أو قيلَ لوحٌ فهْوَ في عُنوانهِ

64. Cave of the world, rain of the desperate, protector
Refuge for aid and fortress of safety.

٦٤. رَوْحُ النّعيمِ ورُوحُ طُوباهُ الّذي
تُجنى ثِمارُ الجودِ منْ أفنانهِ

65. The one who made the deaf rock hear
And the mute orators in his eloquence.

٦٥. يا سَيّدَ الكَونينِ بل يا أرْجَحَ الث
ثقلينِ عندَ اللَّه في أوزانهِ

66. God's subtle kindness and wisdom
That the vastness of rain was too narrow to conceal.

٦٦. والمُخْجِلَ القَمرَ المُنيرَ بتِمّهِ
في حُسنهِ والغيثَ من إحسانهِ

67. An era whose monotheism smiles
While polytheism weeps over its idols.

٦٧. والفارسَ الشّهْمَ الّذي غَبراتُهُ
من ندّهِ والسُمرُ من رَيْحانهِ

68. The statutes of his religion abrogated the ancient scripts
In the unambiguous verses of its discrimination.

٦٨. عُذراً فإنّ المدْحَ فيكَ مُقَصِّرٌ
والعبدُ مُعتَرفٌ بعجزِ لِسانهِ

69. Ask about him, O Ya Seen, and Taha, and Duha,
If you do not know the truth of his affair.

٦٩. ما قَدرُهُ ما شِعرهُ بمَديحِ مَنْ
يُثني عليهِ اللّهُ في قُرآنهِ

70. And ask the shrines, and the Hateem, and Zamzam
About the pride of Hashim and his offspring.

٧٠. لَولاكَ ما قطعَتْ بيَ العِيسُ الفَلا
وطَوَيْتُ فَدْفَدَهُ إلى غِيطانهِ

71. The arm rises high on its palms and the crown descends
To plead on its throne.

٧١. أمّلْتُ فيكَ وزُرتُ قبرَكَ مادحاً
لأفوزَ عندَ اللَّهِ في رِضوانهِ

72. If the sun were to seek refuge in it from darkness
The darkness and dawn would become its shrouds.

٧٢. عبدٌ أتاكَ يقودُهُ حُسنُ الرّجا
حاشا نَداكَ يعودُ في حِرمانهِ

73. Or if it wanted to stop the moon in its orbit
It would not cross its mind.

٧٣. فاِقبَلْ إنابَتَهُ إليكَ فإنّهُ
بكَ يستقيلُ اللَّهَ في عِصيانهِ

74. Or if it sought a path from the Milky Way
Its horses would race pulling its reins.

٧٤. فاِشفَعْ لهُ ولآلهِ يومَ الجَزا
ولوالِدَيْهِ وصالحي إخوانهِ

75. Fates do not permeate the corners of realms
Without permission from its sultanate.

٧٥. صلّى الإلهُ عليكَ يا مَوْلى الوَرى
ما حنّ مُغتَرِبٌ إلى أوطانهِ