1. You have remained forever, O joy of all time
And this era was blessed through you, O beauty of the age
١. بقيتَ بقاءَ الدّهرِ يا بهجةَ الدّهرِ
وهُنّئَ فيكَ العصرُ يا زينةَ العَصْرِ
2. The stars came to congratulate you with their sun
And you continue to glean from them the halo of the full moon
٢. وفَدّتْ مُحيّاكَ النُجومُ بشَمسِها
ولا زِلْتَ منها تَجتَني هالةَ البَدْرِ
3. The gentle breeze praising you has not ceased in meetings
Opening the flowers of victories with good news
٣. ولا برحَتْ ريحُ الوَغى لك في اللِقا
تُفتّحُ أزهارَ الفُتوحِ مع البِشْرِ
4. The army which you are its heart has not ceased
Folding its wings over the egg of victory
٤. ولا برِحَ الجيشُ الّذي أنت قلبُه
يضمُّ جناحَيه على بيضةِ النّصْرِ
5. God has fulfilled His promise to His Prophet through manifest conquest
And this victory of yours has fulfilled the promise and command
٥. أتى اللَّهُ بالفتحِ المُبين نبيَّهُ
ونصرُك هذا أنجزَ الوَعْدَ بالأمرِ
6. Indeed the world rejoiced in your victory and supremacy
And the hand of kingdom became free in its chest
٦. لقد سُرَّتِ الدُنيا بنصركَ والعُلا
وأصبحَ دَسْتُ المُلكِ منشرحَ الصّدرِ
7. You were raised while the soul of generosity was in the grip of meanness
So you saved it by extending your ten fingers
٧. نشأتَ ونفسُ الجودِ في قبضةِ الرّدى
فأنقَذْتَها في بَسْطِ أنْمُلِكَ العَشْرِ
8. And you brought ease to the face of time
And reddened the cheek of glory with your rosy white
٨. وأحدَثْتَ في وجهِ الزّمانِ طَلاقةً
وورّدْتَ خدَّ المَجدِ في بِيضِكَ الحُمْرِ
9. And you made the spear-tips buzz as if
You mixed blood for them and gave them wine to drink
٩. ورنّحْتَ أعطافَ الرِّماحِ كأنّما
مزَجْتَ دماً سقّيْتَها منه بالخَمْرِ
10. The necks of supremacy did not carry any yoke from you
Nor did its cheeks feel any slash from you
١٠. قُدودُ المَعالي ما حمَلْتَ من القَنا
وأحداقُها ما قد هزَزْتَ منَ البُتْرِ
11. You supported a hissing, biting blade with good opinion
So it expressed in striking the lexicon of secrets
١١. عضَدْتَ بحُسْنِ الرأي عَضْباً مهنّداً
فأعْرَبَ عِندَ الضّربِ عن مُعجَمِ السِرِّ
12. You interceded with your resolved past, O possessor of its pride
So you attained the lute string of glory with the perfect strike
١٢. شَفَعْتَ بماضي العَزْمِ يا ذا غِرارهُ
فأدْرَكْتَ وِتْرَ المَجد بالضّربةِ الوِتْرِ
13. And you split with it arrogant heads that have long
Become crowned with the glory and arrogance of delusion
١٣. وفلّقْتَ هاماتٍ به طالَ ما غدَتْ
متوّجةً في عِزّةِ الغَيِّ والكِبْرِ
14. Supremacy sees them in its cheek while they are in the ground
With their blood like a mole on the cheek of an undeflowered girl
١٤. تَراها العُلا في خدّها وهْيَ في الثّرى
على دَمِها خالاً على وَجْنَتَي بِكرِ
15. As if the blood that watered the ground had watered
The necks of supremacy after ruin with a draught of greenness
١٥. كأنّ دماً منها سَقى التُرْبَ قد سَقى
رِقابَ العُلا بعد البِلى جَرعةَ الخَضْرِ
16. And you defeated the parties of misguidance even if they conspired
You would have chased them in the tracks of their master Amr
١٦. وأهزَمْتَ أحزابَ الضّلالِ ولو وَنَوْا
لألْحَقْتَهُم في إثْرِ سيّدِهِمْ عَمرِو
17. And you brought them out while they thought
They would never leave their homes until the first resurrection
١٧. وأخرَجْتَهم في زَعمِهم عن دِيارِهم
وما اِعتقدوا هذا إلى أوّلِ الحَشْرِ
18. And they cast the ropes of abhorrent acts and fantasized
But you confronted them in the verse of the sword, not sorcery
١٨. وألْقوا حِبال المُنكَراتِ وخيّلوا
فعارَضْتَهُم في آيةِ السّيفِ لا السِحْرِ
19. It sufficed the believers when courage was required
That you fought the enemies until you were safe from harm
١٩. كفى اللّهُ فيكَ المؤمنينَ لدى الوَغى
قِتالَ العِدا حتّى سَلِمْتَ من الأزْرِ
20. And if your forgiveness had not restrained violence
You would have returned while iron turned to copper
٢٠. ولو لم يكِفَّ البأسَ عفوُكَ عنهُمُ
لعُدْتَ وقد عادَ الحَديدُ منَ التِبْرِ
21. And they did not remain except briefly, so think how many
Oppressors fled from the egg of gentleness
٢١. وما لبِثوا إلّا قليلاً فكم تَرى
بهِم من ظَليمٍ فرّ عنْ بيضةِ الخِدْرِ
22. They turned away with the bats in the darkness of night
And feared the seekers of sun at the break of dawn
٢٢. تولّوا مع الخُفّاشِ في غَسَقِ الدُجى
وخافوا طِلابَ الشّمسِ في عَقِبِ الفَجْرِ
23. When the eagles of your banners swooped down upon them
They borrowed the wings of crows from fright
٢٣. إذا ما لهُم عِقبانُ راياتِك اِنجَلَتْ
أُعيروا من الغِرْبانِ أجنحةَ الغُرِّ
24. You threw them in a wasteland taken over
By the birds of success in the sweetest wine
٢٤. رميْتَهُمُ في فَيْلَقٍ قد تفرّدَتْ
به طائِراتُ النُجْحِ في عَذَبِ السُّمْرِ
25. In it every valiant one from the lineage of Hashim
From the Haydari courageous hawks
٢٥. به كلُّ شَهمٍ من سُلالةِ هاشمٍ
منَ الحَيدرِيّينَ الغطارِفَةِ الغُرِّ
26. When they enter a battlefield, its stench from their goodness
Nearly matures into fine perfume
٢٦. إذا وَلَجوا في مَعرَكٍ كادَ نَقعُه
لِطيبِهمِ يُربي على طَيِّبِ العِطْرِ
27. Clouds of generosity, whenever asked, their fingertips
Stretch to give away eggs and chick
٢٧. سَحائِبُ جُودٍ كلّما سُئِلوا هَمَتْ
بنانُهُمُ للوَفْدِ بالبيضِ والصُفْرِ
28. Lions whose might is in their spears
Like the venom of snakes flowing in their tubes
٢٨. أُسودُ كِفاحٍ بأسُهُم في رِماحِهم
كَسُمّ الأفاعي في أنابيبِها يَجري
29. And how many people you attacked at dawn
Who found no refuge on land or sea
٢٩. وكم قبلَهُم صبّحْتَ قوماً بغارةٍ
فلم يحتَموا منها ببَرٍّ ولا بَحْرِ
30. You returned at morning from their filthy hyenas
And from their shame, pure of sin
٣٠. رَجَعْتَ ضُحىً عن أُسْدِهم نَجِسَ الظُبا
وعن عَيبِهم عفَّ الرّدا طاهِرَ الأزْرِ
31. O father of the seven pure ones, you have remained
Stringing with them the necklace of glory with stars
٣١. أبا السّبعةِ الأطهارِ لا زِلْتَ ناظِماً
بهِم عِقْدَ جِيدِ المَجْدِ بالأنجُمِ الزُّهْرِ
32. Kings, when they wage attacks, have no ambition
Except for the booty of pride
٣٢. مُلوكٌ إذا شنّوا الإغارةَ لم تكن
لهُم همّةٌ إلّا إلى مغنَمِ الفَخْرِ
33. Whoever you wish among them is your lantern
Enlightening supremacy, and your starry pearl
٣٣. فمَنْ شِئْتَ منهُم فهو مِصباحُك الّذي
يُفيدُ العُلا نوراً وكوكَبُك الدُرّي
34. They are the days of your week
Ordained upon people with benefits and harm
٣٤. وإنّهمُ أيّامُ أُسبوعِكَ الّتي
على الخَلْقِ تُقضى بالمنافعِ والضُرِّ
35. And your turbulent seas which you have made
For the day of dew and striking, of ebb and flow
٣٥. وأبحُرُكَ اللُجُّ الّتي قد جعلْتَها
بيومِ النّدى والضّرْبِ للمَدِّ والجزْرِ
36. If attributed to the most generous, they are
Like the seven oft-repeated verses of the Quran
٣٦. إذا نُسِبوا للأكرَمينَ فإنّهم
بمنزلَةِ السّبعِ المَثاني من الذِكرِ
37. Letters of righteousness detailed for people as guidance
And verses of conquest revealed on the Night of Power
٣٧. حَواميمُ رُشدٍ فُصِّلَتْ للوَرى هُدىً
وآياتُ فَتحٍ أُنزِلَتْ ليلةَ القَدْرِ
38. Through them the Merciful executed your rule in the world
So you lived and they lived, in goodly life
٣٨. بهِم نفّذَ الرّحمنُ حُكمَك في الوَرى
فعِشْتَ وعاشوا في السّعيدِ من العُمرِ