
To God we complain of the calamities that afflict us,

إلى الله نشكو فادحات النوائب

1. To God we complain of the calamities that afflict us,
For they have saddened us, seeking the most precious.

١. إلى اللّهِ نَشكو فادِحاتِ النّوائِبِ
فقد فجَعَتْنا في أجلِّ المَطالبِ

2. They have assailed us with contempt, which if assailed by,
The firmly rooted mountains would shake and tremble.

٢. رمَتْنا برُزْءٍ لو رمَتْ فيه يَذبُلاً
لزُلزِلَ منه راسِخاتُ الجوانِبِ

3. Woe to a life whose calamities are unceasing,
Plucking each chord of longing within the seeker.

٣. فتبّاً لدهْرٍ لا تزالُ خُطوبُه
تُطالِبُ في أوتارِها كلَّ طالِبِ

4. As if its nights amongst each other in part,
Are linked in kinship with those who sever ties.

٤. كأنّ الليالي فيهِ في بعضِها لهُمْ
قد اِتّصلَتْ أرحامُها بالنّواصِبِ

5. But even as its turns have brought us sorrow,
Our character has been refined through trials.

٥. فإنّا وإنْ ساءَتْ إلَيْنا صُروفُها
فقد حسّنَتْ أخلاقُنا بالتّجارِبِ

6. Would that it had ransomed Husayn with what was offered,
Of gifts from far and near to him, the chosen one.

٦. فيا لَيْتَها فدّتْ حُسَيْناً بما تَشا
منَ الوَفْدِ من ماشٍ إليهِ وراكِبِ

7. On the day of the rows of battle, it mediated through his like,
And because of Laith it glorified the son of Ghalib.

٧. لقد شَفعَتْ يومَ الصّفوفِ بمِثلِه
وثنّتْ بلَيثٍ من لُؤيِّ بنِ غالِبِ

8. Swords in the hands of death are his eyes,
While its bows are arches above the brows.

٨. هِزَبْرٌ تَرى بيضَ العَطايا بكفّهِ
وحُمرَ المَواضي بينَ حُمرِ المَخالِبِ

9. A youth who was like scent on the hillside,
And beauty manifest among the high and noble.

٩. صوارمُه في أوجُهِ الموتِ أعيُنٌ
وأقوُسُه منها مَكانَ الحَواجِبِ

10. After him the new moon of glory will not shine,
Nor will the Indian smile joyfully holding spears.

١٠. فتىً كانَ كالتّوريدِ في وجنةِ العُلى
وكالعِقْدِ حُسناً في نُحورِ المَراتِبِ

11. Beloved he lives beneath the soil in a grave,
Would that it were a perfumed shrine instead.

١١. فلا اِنطَبَقَتْ عينُ العُلا بعدَ فَقدِه
ولا اِبتسَمَ الهِنديُّ في كفِّ ضارِبِ

12. Think not that life has departed from his body there,
Does not the life of the revered shine like lamps?

١٢. عزيزٌ ثَوى تحتَ التُرابِ بحُفرةٍ
فيا لَيتَها محفورة في التّرائِبِ

13. May God water his dwelling with pardon and mercy,
And shield him on the day when defects are laid bare.

١٣. فلا تحسَبوهُ من دُجى القبرِ راهِباً
ألَيْسَ المُحيّا منهُ مصباحَ راهِبِ

14. Not poor is his grave to life that remains,
Within it has dawned an ocean delightful to partake.

١٤. سَقى اللّهُ مَثواهُ بعَفْوٍ ورَحمةٍ
وأولاهُ سِتراً يومَ كَشْفِ المَعايبِ

15. In the biers of the palm-branches no need lies for his bier
Sufficient is what the bosoms of the balms contain.

١٥. وما فَقْرُ مَثواه الرّويِّ إلى الحَيا
وفيهِ انطَوى بحرٌ لذيذ المَشاربِ

16. Heaven and earth wept for him until their tears flowed,
With the tears of the clouds flowing abundantly.

١٦. وما في بَناتِ النّعشِ حاجةُ نعشِهِ
كفى ما حوَتْهُ من حِسانِ المَناقِبِ

17. In grief the bamboo cane has bowed its shoulders,
Yearning after him the wild deer and does.

١٧. نعَتْهُ السّما والأرضُ حتّى بكَتْ له
جُفونُ الغَوادي بالدّموعِ السّواكِبِ

18. Those afar tore their garments in anguish,
Beyond even the sincerity of kin by blood.

١٨. ورقّ القَنا حُزناً عليهِ صُدوره
وحنّتْ إليهِ صاهِلاتُ السّلاهِبِ

19. Goodness and valor he fulfilled and righteousness,
While the ways of right conduct narrowed around us.

١٩. وشقّتْ عليهِ الأبعَدونَ جُيوبَها
منَ الوجدِ فضلاً عن قُلوبِ الأقارِبِ

20. Over his loss my heart is no less wounded,
Than the heart of a wolf bereft of her cubs.

٢٠. قضى فقضى المعروفُ والبأسُ والرّجا
وضاقَتْ علينا واسِعاتُ المَذاهِبِ

21. So say to the seekers of glory to cease their quest,
For the disappointment of endeavor and the trials of misfortune.

٢١. فليسَ عليه القلبُ من أُسْدِ قومِه
بأجزَعَ من خُمْصِ الذِّئابِ السّواغِبِ

22. I see the earth has obscured him from sight,
As if the shining moons and the gleaming constellations.

٢٢. فقُلْ لبَني الحاجاتِ كُفّوا عنِ السُّرى
فوا خَيبةَ المسعى وفَوْتَ المآرِبِ

23. Have Muzn, the clouds' pasturing ground, stripped of his traits,
With the firm knots of its gatherings as shooting stars?

٢٣. أرى الأرضَ حالَتْ دونَه فتكسّفَتْ
لمرآهُ أقمارُ الدُّجى والملاعِبِ

24. Or has his perfections been buried in the soil,
While its origin remains between the stars?

٢٤. سنَبْكيهِ ما عِشنا وإنْ قلَّ دَمعُنا
أزَدْناهُ منّا بالقُلوبِ الذّوائِبِ

25. Without him, pleasure in verse has no delight for us
Even if we borrowed meanings from folds of the bosoms.

٢٥. فلا سلِمَتْ نفْسٌ من الوَجدِ لم تَذُبْ
عليهِ ولا قلبٌ غَدا غيرَ واجِبِ

26. When after him will days quench our flames,
Having immersed in the earth the vastness of gifts?

٢٦. سلِ الأرضَ عنهُ هل تصدّى فِرِندُه
فعَهدي به نَصْلٌ صَقيلُ المَضارِبِ

27. And when will we seek repose from them,
When they have sunken us into most wretched troubles?

٢٧. وهل أقْشَعَتْ مُزْنُ النّدى من بَنانِه
فعِلميَ فيها وهْيَ عشْرُ سَحائِبِ

28. Noble, his rest after death has become,
As his morals spread open to the aspirations.

٢٨. وهل دُفِنَتْ منهُ الشّمائِلُ في الثّرى
فمركزُها الأصليُّ بين الكواكِبِ

29. By his life's close, death seized him entirely,
Without seizing him when warriors' arms were gripped.

٢٩. فما للثّنا من بعدِه بهجةٌ ولو
سرَقْنا المعاني من ثَنايا الكَواعِبِ

30. His loss has made the night eternal for us,
With no dawn appearing after him that is not false.

٣٠. متى بعدَهُ الأيّامُ تُطفي أُوامَنا
وقد غوّرَتْ بالأرضِ بحرَ المَواهِبِ

31. As if the plaits of darkness by his adversity,
For us are joined to forelocks by sorrows.

٣١. وأنّى لنا منها نُحاولُ راحةً
وقد أوقعَتْنا في أشقِّ المَتاعِبِ

32. Were it not for God completing the light of guidance for us,
Through his father we would live in the darkness of deviations.

٣٢. كريمٌ غدَتْ راحاتُه بعد موتِه
لعاداتِها مبسوطةً للرّغائِبِ

33. O father of generosity, piety and glory, O brother of bounty,
Brilliance of the highest traits, full moon of the brave.

٣٣. تمكّن منهُ الموتُ في قَبضِ روحِه
ولم يتمكّنْ عندَ قبضِ الرّواجِبِ

34. Open handed in the land of the two gardens is his abode,
While his renown unto every seeker flows.

٣٤. أدامَ علينا فَقْدُه الليلَ سَرْمَداً
فلم نلْقَ فجراً بعدَهُ غيرَ كاذِبِ

35. May God make his life last and extend it,
And suffice him in both abodes against evil ends.

٣٥. كأنّ قُرونَ الحالِقاتِ لرُزْئِه
لنا وصلَتْ عُمرَ الدُّجى بالذّوائِبِ

36. May his eyes not witness in his loved ones,
Nor his ears hear the voice of the wailing mourner.

٣٦. فلو لم يُتِمِّ اللّهُ نورَ الهُدى لنا
بوالدِه عِشْنا بسُودِ الغَياهِبِ

37. May his sons and their sons remain,
Rallying to him in victory from all sides.

٣٧. أبي الجُودِ والتّقوى عليّ أخي النّدى
ذُكاءِ المعالي بدرِ شُهبِ الكَتائِبِ

38. Lions, when the claws of their young are sharpened,
Hunting the lions of prey, cubs of lions.

٣٨. جوادٌ بأرضِ الكَرخَتَيْنِ مُقامُه
ومعروفُه يَسري إلى كلِّ طالبِ

39. Gardens watered by the Fatimis with their essence,
The most fragrant branches from the most fragrant roots.

٣٩. عسى اللّهُ يُبقي عُمرَه ويمدُّه
ويَكفيهِ في الدّارَينِ سوءَ العَواقِبِ

40. Wondrous progeny from a womb purified from filth,
Radiant moons, they came from luminous horizons.

٤٠. ولا شهِدَتْ عيناهُ بينَ أحبّةٍ
ولا سمِعَتْ أُذْناهُ صوتَ النّوادِبِ

41. May their Lord protect them from all evil,
And deliver them the most noble of aspirations and wants.

٤١. ولا برِحَتْ أبناؤهُ وبَنوهُمُ
تحِفُّ به للنّصْرِ من كلِّ جانبِ

٤٢. أُسودٌ إذا شُدَّتْ ثعالِبُ لُدْنِهم
تَصيدُ أسودَ الصيدِ صيدُ الثّعالِبِ

٤٣. رياضٌ سقَتْها الفاطميّاتُ درَّها
وأزْكى فروعٍ من أصولٍ أطايِبِ

٤٤. سُلالاتُ أرحامٍ من الرِّجْسِ طُهِّرَتْ
مَيامينُ أنجابٌ أتَوْا من نَجائِبِ

٤٥. وقاهُ وإيّاهُم من السّوءِ ربُّهم
وبلّغَهُم أسنى المُنى والمطالِبِ