1. He awoke while still drunk with love,
How can one smitten with passion ever awaken?
١. تَصاحى وهو مخمورُ الجَنانِ
وهل يصحو فتىً يهوى الغَواني
2. He revealed his inner turmoil, complained, and turned
His eyes from the vicissitudes of time.
٢. وأوْرى وجْدَهُ فشكا وورّى
عنِ الأحداقِ في نُوَبِ الزّمانِ
3. Is there anything more painful for him
Than the glances of the tender gazelles?
٣. وهل في النّائِباتِ السّودِ شيءٌ
أشدُّ عليه من حدَقِ الحِسانِ
4. Of the coils of the young women's tresses around him
Did the darkness of trials not impose itself?
٤. وهل كذوائِبِ الفتيانِ منها
عليهِ تطاولَتْ ظُلَمُ اِمْتِحانِ
5. He professed devotion in love until
He saw the glory of love in humiliation.
٥. تديّن في الهَوى العُذْريِّ حتّى
رأى عِزَّ المحبّةِ بالهَوانِ
6. More intense than the black of night when it descends
And the separation from the beloved is the agony of the soul.
٦. أشَدُّ من الأسودِ إذا لَقيها
وفيه عنِ المَهى فرقُ الجَنانِ
7. He does not flee except from a fight
In which the tall heroes wield their spears.
٧. فليسَ يفرُّ إلّا عن قِتالٍ
به القاماتُ من عُدَدِ الطِعانِ
8. What good is it to conceal his love
When his tongue betrays the secret?
٨. إلامَ يرومُ سترَ الحبِّ فيه
فتكشفُ عنه عَثْرات اللِّسانِ
9. He flirts with the sand dunes while still a youth
Embracing the young gazelles.
٩. يُشبّبُ بالحُوَيزةِ وهو صبٌّ
تغزُّلُه بغِزلانِ اللِّقانِ
10. His tears flow freely out of yearning
As the lightning of Al-Yaman flickers and gleams.
١٠. ويسفَحُ دمعَهُ بالسّفحِ شَوقاً
ويلمعُ مضحكُ البَرقِ اليَمانِ
11. He hides his secret, but how can it be hidden
When his eyes openly display it?
١١. ويطوي السّرَّ منه وكيفَ يَخفى
وفي عينيهِ عُنوانُ العَلانِ
12. His partridge became enamored with Najd
So it wandered there pining for the meadows.
١٢. لقد شُغِفَتْ حُشاشتُهُ بنجدٍ
فهامَ بها وحنّ إلى المَجاني
13. It saw the people honor their vows
Yet it lost its heart to the meadows.
١٣. رأى حِفظَ العُهودِ لساكِنيها
وضيّع قلبَهُ بين المَغاني
14. Held captive by those who encamp upon his cheeks
My tears race like the streaming rain.
١٤. رهينُ قُوىً على خدّيه تجري
سوابِقُ دمعِه جرْيَ الرِّهانِ
15. Passing over the valley's pebbles, he weeps
And carnelians are scattered upon his sleeve.
١٥. يمرّ على حَصى الوادي فيبكي
فينتثِرُ العقيقُ على الجُمانِ
16. The morning breeze blows upon him and he sways, drunk,
As if the scent of danan carried him away.
١٦. وتنفحُهُ الصّبا فيميلُ سُكْراً
كأنّ بريحِها راح الدّنانِ
17. Is there anyone to help a youth who is lovesick
And whom existence has overtaken with passing away?
١٧. فهل من مُسعِدٍ لفتىً تفانى
فأدْرَكهُ الوجودُ من التّفاني
18. Whom separation has judged, yet he lives
Due to his torment and suffering.
١٨. عليه قضى البِعادُ فعاد حيّاً
لأجلِ عذابِه فيما يُعاني
19. When despair seizes his soul
Hope breathes into him the spirit of consolation.
١٩. إذا قبضَ الإياسُ الرُّوحَ منه
به نفخَ الرّجا روحَ التّداني
20. Fires rage within his heart, but
From his fever he inhales the breezes of Paradise.
٢٠. تُشَبُّ بقَلبه النيرانُ لكنْ
يُشمُّ منَ الحِمى نفَسُ الجنانِ
21. May God water his fever like my tears
Flooding the sand dunes with red roses.
٢١. سقى اللّه الحِمى غيثاً كدمعي
تَسيلُ به البِطاحُ بأُرجُوانِ
22. It never ceases to soothe him
Like the full moons shining among the stars.
٢٢. ولا برِحَتْ تُجيبُ به اِرتياحاً
قَماري الدّوحِ أقمارَ القِيانِ
23. A fever in which the black antelopes
Stretch out their wings over the sands.
٢٣. حِمىً فيه البُنودُ تُمَدُّ منها
على البيضاءِ أجنحةُ الأماني
24. And the ostriches nesting therein
Build their nests like the ibexes on the hillsides.
٢٤. ومُرتَبعاً به الضِرغامُ يَبني
كِناسَ الظَبي في غابِ اللِّدانِ
25. One fire of steel burns over it
While another welcomes guests by the watering places.
٢٥. تلوحُ عليهِ نارٌ من حديدٍ
وأخرى للضّيوفِ على الرّعانِ
26. How many gardens of beauty flourish there!
How many languid eyes glance about!
٢٦. فكم تزهو به جنّاتُ حُسْنٍ
وكم تجري عليهِ عُيونُ عانِ
27. With its white lids the darkness of annihilation
And beneath its domes the white of hopes.
٢٧. بأجفُنِ بيضِه حُمرُ المَنايا
وتحتَ قِبابه بيضُ الأماني
28. A place where gazelles at play appear
Like stars arranged in conjunction.
٢٨. محلّاً في الملاعِب منه تبدو
كواعبُ كالكواكبِ في قِرانِ
29. Beauties like candles, their coils
Like pillars of smoke.
٢٩. حِسانٌ كالشُموعِ تَرى عليها
ذوائِبَها كأعمدةِ الدُخانِ
30. Statues - if you saw them
You would pardon those enraptured by meadows.
٣٠. تماثيلٌ تضلُّكَ لو تَراها
عذرْتَ العاكفين على المداني
31. Among them appears a phantom of my beloved
Whom my imagination conjures but hides from my sight.
٣١. بروحي غادةٌ منهنّ تبدو
إلى قلبي وتنأى عن مَكاني
32. She flashes her white cheeks from a delicate eyelid
And her long tresses wave like the lance of the ban tree.
٣٢. يمثّلها الخيالُ خيال طَرفي
فأُبصرُها وتُحجَبُ عن عِياني
33. When she whispers to me
I think her tongue is the warbling ringdove.
٣٣. تقُدُّ البيضَ في جَفْنٍ نَحيفٍ
وتَفري السّابغاتِ بغصنِ بانِ
34. Her undulating curves are like the supple sword of Ali,
Chanting, composed of meanings.
٣٤. إذا نبذَتْ إلى سمعي كلاماً
حسِبْتُ لسانَها نبّاذَ حانِ
35. Her glance and her determination are equal,
Like the two Indian swords, peers of scimitars.
٣٥. ثناياها كدُرِّ ثَنا عليٍّ
مرتّلةً مرتّبةَ المَعاني
36. He inclined toward praise, as she prompted me,
Just as youthfulness invites me to do in her.
٣٦. ومُقلتُها وعزمتُهُ سَواءٌ
كِلا السّيفينِ نصلٌ هُندواني
37. The ally of generous deeds, Abu Hussein,
The honorable neighbor, noble yet slighted.
٣٧. هَواهُ إلى المديحِ كما دعَتْني
كذا التشبيبُ فيها قد دَعاني
38. The brother of lofty aspirations, which if roused,
Their furthest reaches touch the heavens.
٣٨. حليفُ المَكرُمات أبو حُسينٍ
عزيزُ الجارِ ذو المالِ المُهانِ
39. And tales which have circulated in every land,
Leaving behind a scent that rivals all perfumes.
٣٩. أخو هِمَمٍ إذا اِنبعثَتْ فأدنى
مواضيها على هامِ الزّمانِ
40. And examples that delight every ear,
As if composed by the composers of odes.
٤٠. وأخبارٍ سرَتْ فبكلِّ أرضٍ
لها عبقٌ يضرُّ بكلِّ شانِ
41. And manners like gardens of al-Muzain, which portray
Their smiles like the apertures of gems.
٤١. وأمثالٍ تلذُّ بكلِّ سمعٍ
كأنّ بضرْبِها ضرْبَ المثاني
42. And qualities that vied with rubies
In necklaces of white pearls.
٤٢. وأخلاقٍ كروضِ المُزنِ تحكي
مباسِمُها ثُغورَ الأُقحُوانِ
43. A flame of war shaking the firm spear
And a lion of combat brandishing snakes.
٤٣. خِصالٌ كاللآلي نافسَتْها
عليه قلائِدُ البيضِ الحَصانِ
44. He sees the plain of heroes white with the locks of age
And dyes them red as scarlet dye.
٤٤. شِهابُ وغىً يهزُّ سريَّ نصلٍ
وليثُ سُرىً يَصولُ بأُفعوانِ
45. The clouds embraced him, so it was more fitting
For him to rain down destruction upon the wicked.
٤٥. يرى وضحَ النّصولِ فُصولَ شَيبٍ
فيخضِبُها بأحمرَ كالدِّهانِ
46. And the sword adopted him as a brother
In the position of the spearhead to the spear.
٤٦. تبنّاهُ السّحابُ فكان أحرى
بذي الدّعوى عليه النَّيّرانِ
47. And he attained the station of grand qualities
Thus becoming like a ring upon the fingers.
٤٧. وواخاهُ الحُسامُ فكان منهُ
بمرتبةِ القناةِ منَ السِّنانِ
48. And he adorned glory with the pearls of discernment
Until he was like the horizon at dawn.
٤٨. وحلّتْ منه منزلةَ المَعالي
فأضحَتْ كالخواتِمِ في البَنانِ
49. As if he cloaked the stars in masks of pure silk
And donned the garb of day at dawn.
٤٩. وحلّى المجدَ في دُرَرِ السّجايا
فأمْسى وهو كالأفُقِ المُزانِ
50. And brought awe to the heart of the dawn
Whose camphor now is like saffron.
٥٠. كَسا تُرْكَ النّجومِ مُسوحَ نقْعٍ
وروميَّ النّهارِ بطَيْلَسانِ
51. As if his black antelopes were Kisra's guard
Each wearing a brocaded gown.
٥١. وأنبتَ في فؤادِ الصُّبحِ رَوعاً
فها كافورُه كالزّعْفَرانِ
52. And the red of his ostriches vies with Mars –
Each the color of pure blood.
٥٢. كأنّ بُنودَهُ حجّابُ كِسْرى
على كلٍّ قميصٌ خُسْرَواني
53. He fancied the earth would sink beneath his tread
So he supported it with the pillars of heaven.
٥٣. وحُمرُ ظُباهُ للمرّيخ رهْطٌ
فكلٌّ عندَميُّ اللّونِ قانِ
54. And was certain that generosity endures
So he immortalized it in this abode.
٥٤. توهّمَ أن تَميدَ الأرضُ فيه
فوقّرَها براسيةِ الجَنانِ
55. Truly time was mistaken in being generous to him
And barren thereafter, an opportunity missed!
٥٥. وأيقنَ أنّ بذْلَ المالِ يُبقي
له بُقْيا فخلّدَه بِفانِ
56. If it had been as generous as the celestial spheres
It still wouldn't have sufficed.
٥٦. لقد غلِطَ الزّمانُ فجادَ فيه
وأعْقَمَ بعدَه فرْجُ الأوانِ
57. He inherited every glory from his father
And every piety, grace and favor.
٥٧. فلو حملَتْ من القمرِ الثُريّا
لما كادَتْ تَجيءُ له بثانِ
58. As if they were the dawn prayer, with him
The latter part, or the seven oft-repeated verses.
٥٨. تورّث كلَّ فخرٍ من أبيه
وكلَّ تُقىً وفضلٍ واِمتنانِ
59. His stature was so lofty, he was called “Ali”
And shared with him a name and rank.
٥٩. كأنّهُما صلاةُ الفجرِ هذا
لذا شَفْعٌ أو السّبعُ المَثاني
60. They are two stars, with similarities between them –
If combined, one would call them the Double Star.
٦٠. عَلا مِقدارُه فحكى عليّاً
فشاركَهُ بتسميةٍ وشانِ
61. How many victories like the day of Sabur did he gain
And aid like the day of Nahrawan!
٦١. هُما نجمانِ بينهُما اِشتراكٌ
لوِ اِقترَنا لقُلنا الفرقَدانِ
62. And among the followers of the House of Harb
How many valorous acts of the gallant knight!
٦٢. فكم من نهرِ سابورٍ تأتّى
له نصرٌ كيومِ النّهروانِ
63. The most noble day for him in time
Was the day formations clashed at Shihrkan.
٦٣. وكم في التّابعين لآلِ حَربٍ
له من فتكةٍ بِكرٍ عَوانِ
64. O son of the most righteous clan of Quraish,
Guides of mankind, jinn and men!
٦٤. وأشرفُ ما لهُ في الدّهر يومٌ
قضى يومَ الصّفوفِ بشهرَكانِ
65. In character, manners and wisdom in judgments and eloquence
I resemble them.
٦٥. ألا يا اِبْنَ الأيمّةِ من قُريشٍ
هُداةِ الخَلقِ من إنسٍ وجانِ
66. You have attained old age, which has become youthful again,
As the blackness of its parting hair turns dark again.
٦٦. لقد أشبهتُهُم خَلقاً وخُلقاً
وحُكماً بالقضايا والبيانِ
67. You ascended to the heights on light feet
Thus overtaking Al-Buraq on a steed.
٦٧. ووافَيْتَ الزّمانَ وكان شيخاً
فعادَ سوادُ مفرِقِه الهِجانِ
68. You are like Moses, in the outstretched arm
Your spear like his staff in his right hand.
٦٨. عرَجْتَ إلى المعالي فوقَ طرفٍ
فجارَيْتَ البُراقَ على حِصانِ
69. Your teeth, in the face of death's tongue
Have become for heroes the most eloquent translator.
٦٩. كأنّك في اليد البيضاءِ موسى
ورُمحُكَ كالعَصا في زِيّ جانِ
70. Your sword has always been a bracelet
For an epic, or a ring for a warrior.
٧٠. سِنانُكَ عن لِسانِ الموتِ أضحى
لدى الهيجاءِ أفصحَ تَرْجُمانِ
71. Live long until times past return to you
And live long until the planets complete their cycles.
٧١. وسيفُكَ لم يزلْ إمّا سِواراً
لملحَمةٍ وإمّا طوقَ جانِ
72. May God grant you the joy of Eid
And bless you with greetings and felicitations!
٧٢. فدُمْ حتّى يعودَ إليك أمسٌ
وعِشْ حتّى يؤوبَ القارِظانِ
٧٣. ومتّعكَ الإلهُ بعيدِ فِطْرٍ
وخصّكَ بالتّحيةِ والتّهاني