1. Our mothers directed us towards Al-‘Aqeeq, and prodded,
They stopped at those meadows and wandered,
١. أُمّوا بنا نحوَ العقيقِ وأدْلِجوا
وقِفوا على تلكَ الرّبوعِ وعرّجوا
2. And turned the she-camels towards the dwellers of the valleys,
And bent the necks of the rides and swerved.
٢. واثْنوا الأعنّةَ نحو سكّانِ اللّوى
واِلوُوا بأعناقِ المطيّ وعوّجوا
3. So when the features become visible to you, then withhold
Your livers until your hands ripen.
٣. فإذا لكم بدتِ الرّسومُ فأمْسِكوا
أكبادَكُم حتّى يدَيكُم تنضجُ
4. For here is an abode of delight for the eyes,
A place of joy for the aching heart.
٤. فهُناكَ حيٌّ للعُيونِ تنزّهٌ
فيهِ وللقَلبِ الشجيّ تبَهّجُ
5. An abode over the valley, as if its domes
Are hillocks diversified by snakes and lizards.
٥. حيٌّ على الوادي كأنّ قِبابَه
كُثُبٌ ينوّعُها الحَيا ويُزَبْرِجُ
6. A sanctuary you see, without the egg of its wall,
So many eggs of snakes in it rolling.
٦. حرمٌ تَرى من دونِ بيضةِ خِدرِه
كم فيهِ بيضةُ خادِرٍ تتدَحْرَجُ
7. The springs are sweet but its roses
Are fires of sorrows burning within.
٧. عذْبُ المناهِلِ غيرَ أنّ وُرودَها
نارُ المَنايا دونَه تتأجّجُ
8. In the evening, a delegation comes to it from the fires of the villages
And a surge of thin visitors flows.
٨. يُمسي بأربُعهِ لنيرانِ القِرى
وفْدٌ وللبيضِ الرِّقاقِ تموُّجُ
9. For the planets of youths therein are veils
And for the stars of girls adornments.
٩. لكواكِبِ الفِتيانِ فيه تحجّبٌ
ولأنجُمِ الفَتَياتِ فيه تبرُّجُ
10. Its leaves whisper and the return of its reeds
Most melodious and impactful to the souls.
١٠. أوراقُهُ تُشْجي ورَجْعُ قيانِهِ
أشْجى وأوقَعُ في النّفوسِ وأوهَجُ
11. How many gazelles in it wear silk robes
And brave warriors in it don iron armor.
١١. كم فيهِ ظبيٌ بالحَرير مسَرْبَلٌ
وهِزَبْرُ حربٍ بالحَديدِ مدَجَّجُ
12. The noble glory in it wears white blood
And the fervent love wears tears.
١٢. ورفيعُ مجدٍ بالنّجيعِ مخضّبٌ
وصريعُ وجدٍ بالدّموعِ مضرّجُ
13. How many suns wear its mane as meteors
And how many moons wear the crescent as jewelry.
١٣. ولكَمْ به شمسٌ تقلّد جيدُها
شُهُباً وبدرٌ بالهِلالِ مدَمْلَجُ
14. By its ground the eyes recover and sights clear
As if each pebble on it were oil.
١٤. بصعيدِه تشفى العُيونُ وتنْجَلي
فكأنّ كلَّ حصىً عليه دهنَجُ
15. Days Allah provided us in it
And nights of union whose elite cannot be blended.
١٥. للّهِ أيّامٌ لنا سلفَتْ به
ولَيالُ وَصْلٍ صفوُها لا يُمزَجُ
16. Times of intimacy like happy brides
If only they would not marry separation!
١٦. أوقاتُ أنسٍ كالعرائِسِ بهجةً
يا ليتَها بالبَيْنِ لا تتزوّجُ
17. Their order was like a necklace but it scattered
So the caves of distance narrated and ruptured.
١٧. كالعِقْدِ كان نظامُها فتفرّقَتْ
فحكَتْ ثَنايا الغُرّ وهْو مفلَّجُ
18. Greet the fine life of the eminent Arabs for their guests
They wove for them silk carpets and embroidered.
١٨. حيّا الحَيا العَرَبَ الألى لضيوفِهِم
نسجوا به بُسْطَ الحرير ودبّجوا
19. And for my beloved ones among them, who were dearest to me,
They entered my heart and extracted my patience.
١٩. وبمُهجَتي منهم عليّ أعزّةٌ
دخلوا الفؤادَ ومنه صبري أخرجوا
20. You see the dawn of faces glow on their foreheads
Like lamps of beauty ignited and illuminated.
٢٠. صُبْحُ الوجوه ترى على جبَهاتِهم
تزهو مصابيحُ الجمالِ وتُسرَجُ
21. They took their thoroughbred steeds, marked with glory,
And crowned them with the iron stars of white weapons.
٢١. أخذوا جِيادَهُمُ أهلّةَ عسْجَدٍ
وبأنْجُمِ البيضِ الحديدِ تتوّجوا
22. I cannot forget their stand when the shelters were packed
And the wind challenged departure and darkness.
٢٢. لم أنْسَ موقفَهُم وقد أرِقَ النّوى
والريحُ تُحدى للرّحيلِ وتُحدَجُ
23. How many moons on horses appeared among them
And how many suns crowned with tent covers!
٢٣. ساروا فكم قمرٍ على فرسٍ بَدا
فيهِم وكم شمسٍ زَواها هودَجُ
24. And on the morrow of their departure, how many does
Became confused and startled by the disturbing separation.
٢٤. ولَرُبّ سافرةٍ غَداةَ رحيلِهم
ذهلَتْ وأفزَعَها الفِراقُ المُزعِجُ
25. She cries and sheds her kohl in tears
So the roses of her cheeks return as violets.
٢٥. تبكي وتذري كحلَها بدمُوعِها
فيعودُ وردُ الخدِّ وهوَ بنفسَجُ
26. I had not seen tears in her eyes before
As if the thin crescents were being woven.
٢٦. لم أدرِ قبل أرى الدموعَ بجَفنِها
أنّ اللآلي البيض قد تتنسّجُ
27. I seek the stars in the dark night and ascend
And I worry about joining the stars and swerve.
٢٧. حتّامَ أطلبُ للنجومِ فأرتَقي
وأهِمُّ في وصلِ النجومِ فأعرُجُ
28. I go astray in the night of temptation and passion
While the dawn of my white hair gleams.
٢٨. وأضلَّ في لَيلِ الغوايةِ والهوى
وبياضُ شَيبي فجرُهُ يتبلّجُ
29. I was not the first lovelorn with a heart
Played with by a glance and deceived by a gaze.
٢٩. ما كُنتُ أوّلَ مُدْنَفٍ بفؤادِه
لعِبَ الهَوى وسَباهُ طَرْفٌ أدْعَجُ
30. Why does she give me hope of union
While their vows are a matter concluded?
٣٠. وإلامَ تُطمِعُني الحِسانُ بوصلِها
وعُهودُهنّ قضيةٌ لا تُنتَجُ
31. And I say that time makes lawful meeting
But the intent of loved ones is unsolvable anguish.
٣١. وأقولُ إنّ الدهرَ يسْمحُ باللِّقا
ونَوى الأحبّةِ كُربةٌ لا تُفرَجُ
32. Misery to the times that hold no charming scene
Good when tested that does not turn hostile.
٣٢. تعِسَ الزّمانُ وليسَ فيه منظرٌ
حسنٌ إذا جرّبْتَهُ لا يسمُجُ
33. Is there in it a lover for beautiful supposition
Or open roads for traveling rhymes?
٣٣. هل فيه للظّنِّ الجميلِ معرَّسٌ
أو للقوافي السائِراتِ معرَّجُ
34. Its pastures have calmed so there remains
Only the singing of Aali, a garden that flourishes.
٣٤. همدَتْ مرابعُه فليس به سوى
مَغنى عليٍّ روضةٌ تتأرّجُ
35. A rain, when vegetation cheers and the land,
Becomes ugly and its face does not cloak.
٣٥. غيثٌ إذا ما النّبْتُ صوّحَ والكَلا
أولى ووجهُ الأرضِ لا يتدجّجُ
36. How did you come upon their meadows, so its greenery
Is verdant and the leaves of generosity overflow?
٣٦. أنّى أتيتَ ربوعَهُم فرِياضُها
خُضْرٌ ووُرْقُ المَكرُماتِ تثجّجُ
37. People compared it to the clouds, but they did not see
That the clouds by its generosity dress.
٣٧. قاسَ الأنامُ به الغمامَ وما يروا
أنّ الغَمامَ بجُودِه يتسرّجُ
38. If its palm were to rain gems on the earth
It would illuminate carnelian in it and make it flow.
٣٨. لو في سِباخِ الأرضِ يمطُرُ كفُّهُ
بالتِبْرِ فيها نوّرَ الفَيروزَجُ
39. The dew was created to belong to it, so if
Another claims it, he is most unjust and petty.
٣٩. خُلِقَ النّدى خُلُقاً له فإنِ اِدّعى
فيهِ سواهُ فأحْولٌ يتغنّجُ
40. I would sacrifice the pretenders for him, for they
Are water with algae floating over it.
٤٠. أفديهِ بالمتصنّعينَ فإنّهم
ماءٌ عليهِ طُحلُبٌ يتفَلْذَجُ
41. O you whom sustenance has shaded with its building,
To it, incline with every share of determination.
٤١. يا منْ أظلَّ الرّزْقُ ملكَ بَنانِه
فيها إليه بكلِّ حظٍّ منهَجُ
42. In it the letters M and K of generosity are joined
So it became a gulf with its building gushing forth.
٤٢. جُمِعَتْ به مِيمُ الكِرامِ فأصبحَتْ
لُجَجاً بعَشْرِ بنانِه يتخلّجُ
43. It is easy when the times become harsh
By it the face lightens when gloomy.
٤٣. سمْحٌ إذا ما الدّهرُ أصبحَ كالحاً
منهُ تبلّجَ فيه وجهٌ أبْلجُ
44. It is power for the highs and for the lows of life
A cheek that smiles when days turn ashen.
٤٤. هو للعُلا زنْدٌ وللدنيا إذا
ما اِسودّتْ الأيّامُ خدٌّ أنعَجُ
45. Leave aside the news of the generous for it
Is sufficient essence and an exemplar.
٤٥. دعْ عنكَ أخبارَ الكِرامِ فإنّه
هو زُبدةٌ يَكفيكَها ونَموذَجُ
46. Its springs are sweet and its mouth wholesome
With bounty at watering, it does not boil.
٤٦. عَذُبَتْ مواردُه وطاب فمَنُّه
بالمَنِّ عندَ الوِردِ لا يتأجّجُ
47. Many minds have gone astray by its traits
And by its light are guided at night traveling.
٤٧. بصفاتِه كم ضلّ عقلٌ واِهتدى
بضيائِه في الليلِ سارٍ مُدلِجُ
48. A spark that shakes the gulf of steel
Drowning the insidious souls and troubling.
٤٨. قبَسٌ يهزُّ خليجَ فولاذٍ به
غَرْقى النّفوسِ الخائِناتِ تلجّجُ
49. The wind of anger passes by it and freezes
And the cold of pardon passes and snows.
٤٩. يجتازُ ريحُ السُخطِ فيه فيلْتَظي
ويمرّ برْدُ العَفوِ فيه فيثلُجُ
50. It suckled malice until its body oozed
Milk, so over it dashes and bubbles.
٥٠. رضعَ الرّدى حتّى ترشّح جسمُه
لبَناً فأصبح فوقَهُ يترجْرَجُ
51. The black falls dead on the ground when
Witnessing its death struggles marching.
٥١. تُمسي الأسودُ على الثّرى صرعى إذا
شهِدَتْ نِمالَ الموتِ فيه تَدْرُجُ
52. A hero whose grinders crunch with the arrows
From which the grinders of evil stammer and tremble.
٥٢. بطلٌ أسنّتُهُ تنضْنَضُ بالسَّنا
منهنّ ألسنةُ الرّدى وتلجْلَجُ
53. In it the spears are sharpened so they nearly
Leak from its hand and convulse.
٥٣. فيه تثقّفتِ الرّماحُ فأوشكَتْ
تنسابُ من يدِه القَناةُ فتخْلجُ
54. And the swords are honed with its determination
So they depart, and their edges nearly ignite.
٥٤. وتَشحّذَتْ بيضُ السيوفِ بعزمِه
فمضَتْ وكادَ كَهامُها يتسرّجُ
55. Its wonders meet the throngs when it attacks
As if they are cords of union unraveling.
٥٥. تلقى عوامِلُها الجُموعَ إذا سَطا
فكأنّها ألِفاتُ وَصْلٍ تُدْرَجُ
56. Its forefathers are proofs of God and its Hajj
A duty upon one in need bumbling.
٥٦. آباؤهُ حُجَجُ الإله وحَجّهُ
فرضٌ على ذي حاجةٍ يتحوّجُ
57. From a lineage by whose generosity and existence
The people became safe from the woes of time, and they straightened.
٥٧. من عِترةٍ في جودِهم ووجودِهم
أمِنَ الوَرى نُوَبَ الزّمانِ وأبلَجوا
58. A folk by whom Yathrib gained goodness
And its Aus increased in nobility and its Khazraj.
٥٨. رهْطٌ بهِم طابَتْ وزادَتْ يثرِبٌ
شرَفاً وعزّتْ أوسُها والخزرَجُ
59. If on a day the supplicant swore by them to
The deaf mountains, they would lean and shake.
٥٩. لو يُقسمُ الدّاعي بهم يوماً على
صُمّ الجِبالِ لأقبلَتْ تتخزلَجُ
60. They mounted adversities and defeated them with the lions
So their courage for them accepts and mobilizes.
٦٠. ركبوا الخُطوبَ وألجموها بالظُّبا
فلهُم جوامحُها تُراضُ وتُسْرَجُ
61. They combined generosity with bravery just as
With chastity they mixed propriety and consolidated.
٦١. قرنوا السّماحةَ بالشجاعةِ مثلَ ما
بالعفوِ قد خلطوا العَفافَ وأدمَجوا
62. And singled out praise, except that they
Paired each of the virtues and coupled.
٦٢. وتفرّدوا بالحَمْدِ إلّا أنّهُمْ
شفَعوا فُرادى المَكرُماتِ وزوّجوا
63. O you, if I say he is an ocean, I do not fear
Or hesitate to exaggerate and breach.
٦٣. يا منْ إذا حدّثْتُ عنهُ بأنّه
بحرٌ فلا أخشى ولا أتحرّجُ
64. If it is said a lantern, your view is brilliant,
Or if a mirror, your mind is most capacious.
٦٤. إن قيلَ مِشكاةٌ فرأيُكَ نيّرٌ
أو قيلَ مرآةٌ فذِهنُك أسرَجُ
65. How can you compete in perfection when
Luqman in your track is the lame and limping?
٦٥. أنّى تُجارى في الكمال وإنّما
لُقمانُ في المِضمارِ خلفَك أعرَجُ
66. You relieved the narrowness of problems with a thought
Through which agreement finds a way to penetrate.
٦٦. فرّجْتَ ضيقَ المُشكلاتِ بفكرةٍ
في السُّمِّ يُمكِنُها لرَضْوى تولِجُ
67. You remain the best father to the children of goodwill
And path of sustenance whose gate does not shut.
٦٧. لا زِلْتَ خيرَ أبٍ لأبناءِ الرّجا
وطريقَ رزقٍ بابُه لا يُرتَجُ
68. So enjoy the reward of fasting, and remain in bounty
That boils the chests of enviers and ignites.
٦٨. فاِنعَم بأجرِ الصّومِ واِبقَ بنعمةٍ
تُغلي صُدورَ الحاسدينَ وتوهِجُ
69. And delight in an Eid whose eldest branch you are
The most beautiful in hearts and dazzling.
٦٩. واِبهَج بعيدٍ أنت أسنى غُرّة
منه وأبهى في القلوبِ وأبهَجُ
70. And stroll the expanse of days wearing garments of intimacy
For your activity to drape them and your mind to weave.
٧٠. واِرْفُلْ مدى الأيّامِ في حُلَلِ الثّنا
فنَداكَ يُسديها وفِكري ينسُجُ