1. The righteous have passed, and the pure master,
So the eminent's heart is empty after him.
١. مضى خلَفُ الأبْرارِ والسيّدُ الطُّهرُ
فصدْرُ العُلى من قلبِه بعدَهُ صُفْرُ
2. The guide of light was buried in the ground,
So religion's intelligence has darkened and the full moon eclipsed.
٢. وغُيِّبَ منه في الثّرى نيّرُ الهُدى
فغارَتْ ذُكاءُ الدّينِ واِنكسَفَ البدْرُ
3. Dew has died, so let the tongues of praise elegize it,
And let the whites and browns weep the lion of turmoil.
٣. وماتَ النّدى فلْتَرْثِهِ ألسُنُ الثّنا
وليثُ الوَغى فلتَبْكِه البيضُ والسُّمرُ
4. It is right that virtues tear open their garments
And lament him, and nobility and pride mourn him.
٤. فحقُّ المعالي أن تشُقَّ جُيوبَها
عليهِ وتنْعاهُ المكارمُ والفخرُ
5. He is the glorious giver - whatever is in his right hand -
He is the devoted returner, the intercessor and the odd prayer.
٥. هو الماجِدُ الوهّابُ ما في يَمينِه
هوَ العابِدُ الأوّابُ والشّفْعُ والوِتْرُ
6. He is free on the day of war when swords sheathe him
And is remembered in the shrine by the mention.
٦. هوَ الحُرُّ يومَ الحربِ تُثْني حِرابُه
عليهِ وفي المِحرابِ يعرفُه الذِّكرُ
7. So do not reckon that time has destroyed his person,
But by his death, time itself was destroyed.
٧. فلا تحسبَنّ الدّهرَ أهلكَ شخصَهُ
ولكنّهُ في موتِه هلكَ الدّهرُ
8. If his people buried him according to his merit,
The cosmos would be too small, even if the sky was his tomb.
٨. فلو دفَنوهُ قومُه عندَ قدْرِه
لجلَّ ولو أنّ السِّماكَ له قَبْرُ
9. Burying him in the ground is only because of our knowledge
That he is a treasure for it and provision for us.
٩. وما دَفْنُه في الأرضِ إلّا لعِلْمِنا
به أنّه كنزٌ لها ولَنا ذُخْرُ
10. Only optionally did we wash him with water,
For say to me, when has the sea become impure?
١٠. وما غَسْلُه بالماءِ إلّا تطوّعاً
وإلّا فَقولا لي متى نَجُسَ البحرُ
11. A young man who imports Indian steel as if it were butter
And believes it to be sincere while it is deceitful tin.
١١. فتىً يورِدُ الهِنديَّ وهْوَ حديدةٌ
ويَصدِقُ فيه وهوَ من علَقٍ تِبْرُ
12. He contained virtue, preference, asceticism and prohibition
And accompanied benevolence, generosity and righteousness.
١٢. حَوى الفضلَ والإيثارَ والزُّهْدَ والنُّهى
وصاحَبهُ المعروفُ والجودُ والبِرُّ
13. After his death, the laws were suspended
And God's boundaries, prohibitions and commands vanished.
١٣. تعطّلَتِ الأحكامُ بعد وفاتِه
وضاعَتْ حُدودُ اللَّهِ والنهيُ والأمرُ
14. Do religious duties and extra prayers have sanctity?
And after him, do the nights of destiny have any worth?
١٤. فهل لفُروضِ الدّينِ والنّفْلِ حرمةٌ
وهل لليالي القَدْرِ من بعدِه قَدْرُ
15. It is hard on the Chosen One and Sanu, his company,
Because they know he is the righteous son.
١٥. يعِزُّ على المُختارِ والصّنوِ رُزْؤُه
لعِلمِهما في أنّه الوَلَدُ البَرُّ
16. So the grieved is not blamed, agonized by his tragedy,
For in the like of this misfortune, patience is unseemly.
١٦. فغيرُ مَلومٍ جازِعٌ لمُصابِه
ففي مثلِ هذا الخطْبِ يُستَقبَحُ الصّبْرُ
17. How great are the Mahdi's sons! If only he claimed
He is the Mahdi and the Green One supported him.
١٧. أجَلُّ بَني المَهديّ لو أنّهُ اِدّعى
وقال أنا المهديُّ وازَرَهُ الخضْرُ
18. Noble, as if God deferred his death
So those who missed his full moon may earn reward through him.
١٨. كريمٌ كأنّ اللّهَ أخّرَ موتَهُ
ليكسِبَ فيهِ الأجْرَ مَنْ فاتَهُ بَدْرُ
19. How can the meadows of grief smile with his light
And hope for life when the rain has perished?
١٩. فكيفَ رياضُ الحُزنِ يبسِمُ نَوْرُها
وترجو حياةً بعدَما هلَكَ القَطْرُ
20. How can we hope the night has an end
When darkness has buried the dawn in the earth?
٢٠. وكيفَ نُرجّي أنّ لليلِ آخِراً
وفي ظُلُماتِ الأرضِ قد دُفِنَ الفَجْرُ
21. What bones in his grave are so momentous
That they make poetry seem paltry by grieving for him?
٢١. فأيُّ عِظامٍ في ثَراهُ عظيمةٍ
تجِلُّ وعن إرثائِها يصغُرُ الشِّعْرُ
22. We pray for them while they are needless of us,
But through them our reward is magnified.
٢٢. نصلّي عليها وهي عنّا غنيّةٌ
ولكنّنا فيها لنا يعظُمُ الأجْرُ
23. We praise them craving their praise
So that the scent of his sweetness lingers in mouths.
٢٣. ونُثني عليها رغبةً في ثنائِها
ليَعبَقَ في الأفواهِ من طيبِها عِطْرُ
24. They have risen above the level of elegies,
Above the tears of mourners, even if they are pearls.
٢٤. ترفَّعْنَ عن قدْرِ المَراثي جلالةً
وعنْ أدمُعِ الباكي ولو أنّها دُرُّ
25. After him, who remains for the orphans and widows?
And from whom can we expect relief if hardship strikes us?
٢٥. فمَنْ لليَتامى والأرامِلِ بعدَهُ
وممّنْ نرجّي النّقْعَ إنْ مسّنا الضُّرُّ
26. As if the world around him before his mission
Called them from the graves on the day of his resurrection.
٢٦. كأنّ الورى من حولِه قبلَ بعثِهم
دَعاهُم من الأجداثِ في يومِه الحَشْرُ
27. If the nights betrayed him, their nature is betrayal,
And harming him would not hurt them if he were ransomed.
٢٧. لَئِنْ غدرَتْ فيه اللّيالي فإنّها
بكُلِّ وفيِّ العهدِ شيمَتُها الغَدْرُ
28. The breeze of contentment blew toward his grave
With lingering traces of his sweet perfume.
٢٨. وما ضرّها لو أنّها في عبيدِه
منَ الخَلقِ يُفْدى ذلكَ السيّدُ الحُرُّ
29. Entrusted to the Merciful is the best of farewells -
After him remains our fervor and contemplation.
٢٩. سَرَتْ نسمةُ الرُّضوانِ نحو ضريحِه
ولا زالَ فيها من شَذا طِيبِه نَشْرُ
30. He turned away, so for the world and its people
There is weeping, sorrow - and for it, good tidings.
٣٠. وفي ذمّةِ الرّحمنِ خيرُ مودَّعٍ
أقامَ لدَينا بعدَهُ الوَجْدُ والفِكْرُ
31. The call to join the heavenly maidens made him visit them,
And he did not know after him who the separation would kill.
٣١. تناءَى فللدُّنيا عليهِ وأهلِها
بُكاءٌ وحزْنٌ والجِنانُ لها بِشْرُ
32. So let not the envious gloat over him, for
His noble sons will silence them in death.
٣٢. دعَتْهُ لوصْلِ الحورِ طوبى فزارَها
ولم يدْرِ فيمَنْ بعدَهُ قتلَ الهَجْرُ
33. If his sons and grandsons survive,
Woe to the enemies - let the wolf and eagle rejoice!
٣٣. فلا يَشْمَتِ الحُسّادُ فيه فإنّه
سترغمُهُمْ بالموتِ أبناؤهُ الغُرُّ
34. Brave lions who aspired to greatness as is their right,
And flourished, the influence of gratitude upon them.
٣٤. لَئِنْ سلِمَتْ أبناؤهُ وبَنوهُمُ
فويلُ العِدا ولْيَفرَحِ الذّئْبُ والنَّسْرُ
35. Kings whose morals are pure, as if they are
Gardens of heavens and their morals are flowers.
٣٥. فُروعٌ تَسامَتْ للعُلا وهْوَ أهلُها
فطابَتْ وفي أفنانِها أثّرَ الشُّكْرُ
36. As if between them Ali is the full moon of the fourteenth night,
And around him shine stars of flowers.
٣٦. مُلوكٌ زكَتْ أخلاقُهم فكأنّهُم
حدائِقُ جنّاتٍ وأخلاقُهُم زَهْرُ
37. If Ali remains safe in glory and eminence,
Then neither will Zeid speak nor Amr.
٣٧. كأنّ عليّاً بينهُم بَدْرُ أربعٍ
وعَشْرٍ أضاءَتْ حولَهُ أنجُمٌ زُهرُ
38. The fall of any disaster is easy for us
If he exists, even if the matter is grave.
٣٨. إذا ما عليٌّ كان في المجدِ والعُلا
سَليماً فلا زَيدٌ يَقولُ ولا عَمْرُو
39. My masters, this is the way of time in the world,
There is no lasting good or evil in it.
٣٩. يَهونُ علينا وقْعُ كلِّ ملمّةٍ
إذا كان موجوداً وإن فدَحَ الأمرُ
40. Excuse what it brings upon you - how often
Before you has it committed grave outrage.
٤٠. أمَولايَ هذا عادةُ الدّهرِ في الوَرى
وليس بهِ خيرٌ يَدومُ ولا شَرُّ
41. May God reward you multiplied compensation
And relieve the difficulty after it with ease.
٤١. فعُذْراً لِما يَجنِيهِ فيكُم فكَمْ وكَمْ
لهُ عِندَكُم من قبلُ فادحةٌ وِتْرُ
42. May He inspire you with beautiful patience by His grace,
And extend upon you in fortune a happy lifetime.
٤٢. عَسى اللّهُ يَجزيكَ الثّوابَ مُضاعَفاً
ويَعقُبُ عُسْرَ الأمرِ منْ بَعدِهِ يُسْرُ
٤٣. ويُلْهِمُكَ الصّبرَ الجميلَ بفَضلِهِ
ويمتدُّ في الحظِّ السّعيدِ لكَ العُمْرُ