
The brilliant star has set on the horizon of glory

هوى الكوكب الدري من أفق المجد

1. The brilliant star has set on the horizon of glory
Alas for a heart that does not melt from passion

١. هوى الكوكبُ الدُرّيّ من أفُقِ المجدِ
فتبّاً لقلبٍ لا يذوبُ من الوجدِ

2. And woe to eyes that do not overflow with tears
For a sea of kings from the Banu Mahdi has gone low

٢. وتَعْساً لعَينٍ لا تَفيضُ دموعُها
فقد غاضَ بحرٌ من مُلوك بَني المَهدي

3. The veil of dusk overtook him after excellence
So it came between him and the darkness of the grave

٣. تداركَهُ كسْفُ الرّدى بعد تمِّه
فحالَ وحالَتْ دونَه ظُلمَةُ اللّحْدِ

4. He passed away so prohibition came after him
And the breast of nobility after him lost eternity

٤. مضى فالنُّهى من بعدِه واجِدُ الحَشا
وصدرُ العُلى من بعدِه فاقِدُ الخَلْدِ

5. Death annihilated him while he was a part of brilliance
So the palm of favors became without adornment

٥. برَتْهُ المَنايا وهْوَ عُضْوٌ من النّدى
فأصبحَ كفّ المَكرُماتِ بلا زَنْدِ

6. Oh you who come to visit, mourn the son of the benefactor
For the pillar of generosity from the Kaaba of wayfarers fell

٦. ألا فاِندُبوا يا وافِدونَ اِبنَ مُحسنٍ
فقد هُدّ رُكْنُ الجودِ من كعبةِ الوفدِ

7. And console the chiefs for indeed
Through him the chapter of their mention was raised

٧. وعزّوا بني السّاداتِ فيهِ فإنّما
بهِ رُفِعَتْ من ذِكرِهم سورةُ الحَمدِ

8. He withdrew so he showed in hearts youthfulness
So alive and dead he never ceased to be clothed in splendor

٨. تَوارَى فأورى في القُلوبِ صَبابةً
فحيّاً ومَيْتاً لم يزَلْ واريَ الزَّنْدِ

9. He is the son of Allah's Messenger and the jewel
That formed from the light of prophethood and guidance

٩. هو اِبنُ رسولِ اللّهِ والجوهرُ الّذي
تكوّن من نورِ النّبوّةِ والرُّشْدِ

10. He granted the world to a most generous father
And preferred arrival in blessedness over ancestors

١٠. لقد وهَبَ الدّنيا لأكرَمِ والِدٍ
وآثرَ في طوبى القُدوم على الجَدِّ

11. The houris vie for his love and jealousy
And the youths envy him in the Garden of Immortality

١١. تنازعُ فيه الحورُ حُبّاً وغيرةً
وتَغبِطُهُ الوُلدانُ في جنّةِ الخُلْدِ

12. If the daughters of biers knew his bier
They would wish to be for the full moon the finest sons

١٢. لوَ اِنّ بناتِ النّعْشِ في سَمْكِ نعشِه
لَصارَتْ لبَدْر التّمِّ من أكرَمِ الوُلْدِ

13. So the king of power rightly laments his loss
For with his absence the best of lions was lost

١٣. فحقّاً لمَلْكِ الحوْزِ يَشكو فِراقَهُ
فعَنْ غابه قد غابَ خيرُ بني الأُسْدِ

14. And the eye of war rightly sheds blood in tears for him
For with his loss it lost its Indian sword

١٤. وحقّاً لِعَيْنِ الحربِ تبكي له دَماً
فقد فقدَتْ في فَقْدِه سَيفَها الهِنْدي

15. And it is the right of the exalted to dig the earth after him
For it lost in the dust the necklace's link

١٥. وحقُّ العُلى أن تنبُشَ الأرضَ بعدَهُ
فقد ضيّعَتْ في التُّرْبِ واسطةَ العِقْدِ

16. His perfume has spread in the earth until
The perfume in it changed to rose musk

١٦. سرى طيبُه في الأرض حتّى كأنّما
تبدّلَ منها الطيبُ بالعَنبَرِ الوَردي

17. His shrouds suffice you pride in him
For you are from the swords of the eminent their sheaths

١٧. فحسبُكِ يا أكفانَهُ فيهِ مَفْخَراً
فإنّكِ من نصلِ العُلا موضعُ الغِمدِ

18. And his bier - by God - how did you carry him?
And his grave - how did you contain the unique one?

١٨. ويا نَعشَهُ باللّهِ كيفَ حملْتَهُ
ويا لحدَهُ كيف اِنطوَيْتَ على أحْدِ

19. A thoroughbred in the tracks of his fathers he raced
And his noble, glorious, perfect forefathers

١٩. جَوادٌ على آثارِ آبائِه جرى
وأجدادِه الغُرِّ الغطارِفةِ اللُّدِّ

20. Had mishaps not prevented him from the course
He would have attained the furthest of their goals

٢٠. ولو لم تعُقْهُ الحادثاتُ عن المَدى
لأدركَ من غاياتِهم غايةَ القَصْدِ

21. Had the rending of pockets brought back what was lost
Few would say: I have rent my heart for them

٢١. ولو أنّ شقَّ الجيبِ قد ردّ فائِتاً
لقلّ وإنّي قد شقَقْتُ لهُم كِبْدي

22. Had death accepted ransom, I would ransom him
But it does not give the free man for the slave

٢٢. ولو قبِلَ الموتُ الفِداءَ فديتُه
ولكنّهُ لن يُعطيَ الحُرَّ بالعَبْدِ

23. O people of glory, the arrows of misfortune do not silence you
Nor have the days crippled your hands from giving

٢٣. بَنو المجدِ لا أصمَتْكُمُ أسهُمُ الرّدى
ولا شلّتِ الأيامُ منكُم يَدَ الرِّفدِ

24. Nor have your eyes ever been tested by separation
Nor have yearnings burned your hearts from distance

٢٤. ولا اِمتحَنَتْ بالبَينِ يوماً عُيونكُم
ولا أحرقَتْ أحشاءَكُم لوعةُ البُعدِ

25. Nor have your views and your palms ceased to be
Lamps guiding and hands benefiting

٢٥. ولا برِحَتْ آراءُكم وأكفُّكُم
مصابيحُها تَهدي وراحاتُها تُجدي