1. The pride of mankind, my Master whose wishes are fulfilled
The treasure of wealth, the cave of safety for the fearful fugitive
١. فَخرُ الوَرَى حَيدَرِيٌّ عَمَّ نائِلُهُ
كَنزُ الغِنَى كَهفُ أَمنِ الخائِفِ الوَجلِ
2. The star of glory whose stations are in the celestial spheres
The most high, pure, without any fault
٢. نَجمُ السُّهَى فَلَكِيَّاتٌ مَرَاتِبهُ
عَفُّ الرِّدا عَلَوِيٌّ طَاهِرُ الخُلَلِ
3. The lion of valor, a meteor blazing forth from his hands
The vast grace, son of the best of mankind and the Messengers
٣. لَيثُ الثَّرَى قَبَسٌ تَهمِي أَنَامِلُهُ
رَحبُ الفَنَا نَجلُ خَيرِ الخَلقِ والرُّسُلِ
4. The full moon of splendor, whose rising stars appear in the horizons
Quencher of those who recite his virtues, watering place of the languid honey
٤. بَدرُ البَهَا أُفُقٌ تَبدُو كَوَاكِبُهُ
مُروِي الصّدَى مَورِدِ العَسَّالَةِ الذُّبُلِ
5. The lofty one, ascendant, whose terrors are feared
The spirit of eternity, source of favors and friendship
٥. سَامِي الذَرَى صَاعِدٌ تُخشَى نَوَازِلُهُ
رُوحُ المُنَى مَنبَعُ الآلاءِ والخَوَلِ
6. Repeller of prohibitions, its Master present at the House of wealth
Sharp sword of the law taking the form of the man
٦. طَودُ النُّهَى عِندَ بَيتِ المَالِ صَاحِبُهُ
نابُ الرَّدَى أَجلٌ في صُورَةِ الرَّجُلِ
7. Pleasant perfume of towns, palm of time whose shoulder bears it
Proud ornament of generosity and kingdom
٧. طِبُّ القِرَى كَفُّ يُمنِ الدَّهرِ كَاهِلُهُ
سِمطُ الثَّنَا زِينَةُ الأَجيَادِ وَالدُّوَلِ
8. A garden, beautiful, a spring whose drinks are sweet
Mountain of protection, striker of the lofty and high
٨. رَوضٌ زَهَا مَنهَلٌ طَابَت مَشَارِبُهُ
حَتفُ العِدَا ضَارِبُ الهَامَاتِ والقُلَلِ
9. An abundant sea in motion, its billows stirred up
Sun of life, dawn of the night of tremendous events
٩. بَحرٌ جَرَى عَلقَمِيٌّ مُجَّ عَاسِلُهُ
شَمسُ الدُّنا صُبح لَيلِ الحادِثِ الجَلَلِ
10. Granter of desires, his virtues are prophetic
Rain of light, watering place sweeter than honey
١٠. مُعطِي اللَّهَى نَبَوِيَّاتٌ مَنَاقِبُهُ
غَيثُ النَّدَى مَورِدٌ أَشهَى مِنَ العَسَلِ
11. The fulfillment of excellence, his superiorities encompass all
Guide, shining, rising above Saturn
١١. مَقنَى الثَّرَى فَاضِلٌ عَمَّت فَوَاضِلُهُ
بَادِي السَّنَا نَيّرٌ يَسمُو عَلَى زُحَلِ
12. An age which passed, a decree which turned its calamities
The dawn of guidance, possessor of clear glorious traits, Ali
١٢. دَهرٌ دَهَا قَدَرٌ دَارَت نَوَائِبُهُ
فَجرُ الهُدَى ذُو المَعالِي البَاهِرَاتِ عَلِي