
Greetings that told of his beauty like pearls on a necklace

سلام حكى في حسنه لؤلؤ العقد

1. Greetings that told of his beauty like pearls on a necklace
And scented the pocket with reddish ambergris

١. سلامٌ حَكى في حُسنِه لُؤلؤَ العِقدِ
وضُمِّخَ منه الجَيبُ بالعنبرِ الوَرْدِ

2. And I send greetings that sing of its meadows
The doves cooing thanks for the arts of affection

٢. وأروى تحيّاتٍ تغنّى بروضِها
حَمامُ الثّنا شُكراً على فنَنِ الوُدِّ

3. And the best prayer that found ready acceptance
With an arrow of humility guided by the hand of glory

٣. وخير دُعاءٍ قد أصابَ إجابةً
بسهمِ خُشوعٍ فوّقَتْهُ يدُ المجدِ

4. From the sincere slave belonging to the one known
For generosity and hospitality, the master

٤. منَ المخلِصِ المَملوكِ يُهدي كرامةً
إلى السيّدِ المعروفِ بالفضلِ والوَفْدِ

5. To the son of the noble and eminent people
The ally of dew, my master Hussein the rightly guided

٥. إلى اِبنِ الكِرامِ الفاخرينَ ذوي العُلا
حليفِ النّدى المولى الحُسينِ أخي الرُشْدِ

6. A cloud that when the destitute seek its rain
Gives freely without promise and pours without thunder

٦. سَحابٌ إذا اِستَسقى العُفاةُ نوالَهُ
يَجودُ بِلا وعدٍ ويَهمي بلا رَعْدِ

7. A generous one who when asked lends his ear
Alerting of his character the eyelids of roses

٧. كريمٌ إذا هبّ السّؤالُ بسَمْعِه
يُنبّهُ عن أخلاقهِ حدقَ الوَردِ

8. With his birth the world and its people prospered
And the young blade of justice and glory grew sharp

٨. بمولدِه طابَ الزّمانُ وأهلُه
وشبّ وقرّتْ مُقلةُ العدلِ والمجدِ

9. Who softens when the breeze blows gently by the dew
And hardens against the raging as solid rock

٩. يرقُّ إذا رقّ النسيمُ لدى النّدى
ويَقسو لدى الهيجاءِ كالحجَرِ الصّلْدِ

10. Formed of valor, generosity and his valor
With his limbs attacks and his palms call to battle

١٠. تكوّن من بأسٍ وجودٍ وبأسُه
بأعضائِهِ يوري وراحاتُه تُندي

11. Whenever the clan of Muzain gives their alliance
Or he brandishes a sword, their alliance with the lions

١١. إذا جادَ يوماً من بني المُزنِ خِلتَهُ
وإنْ هزّ سيفاً خِلتَهُ من بَني الأُسْدِ

12. Your face is perfected by fortune's face
So the moon of bliss shone in your crown

١٢. تكمّل في وجهِ السّعادةِ وجهُه
فأشرقَ في إكليلِه قمرُ السّعْدِ

13. Bear from me, o breeze, a trust
Speaking of how I preserve covenants with him

١٣. ألا فاِحمِلي يا ريحُ منّي أمانةً
تحدِّثُ عن حِفظِ العُهودِ له عِندي

14. A message of one longing for him as though
The dawn breathed from it the scent of affection

١٤. رسالةَ مُشتاقٍ إليه كأنّما
تنفّسَ منها الصُّبحُ عن عبَقِ النّدِّ

15. Convey from me, o messenger, a kiss on his hand
And share with him what I hide of passion

١٥. وعنّيَ قبِّل يا رسولُ يمينَهُ
وبُثَّ لديه ما أُجِنُّ من الوَجْدِ

16. And convey to him my greetings, for his reply
In returning the greeting from afar would gladden me

١٦. وبلّغْهُ تسليمي عليه فعلّه
يُجيبُك في ردِّ السّلامِ على البُعدِ

17. For that is a favor from him like the taste
That delights my hearing and heals my liver

١٧. فذلك مَنٌّ منهُ كالمَنّ طعمُه
يلَذُّ به سَمعي ويَشفى به كبدي

18. And I am obliged to you for visiting him
As if you were tears flowing down my cheek

١٨. وإنّي لمَمنونٌ لديكَ بقصدِه
ولو كنتَ مجرى كالدُموعِ على خدّي

19. Oh if only you were a sandal on his feet
Honored by the sacred valley's dust from my hide

١٩. ويا لَيتَها نعلٌ برجلَيْكَ شُرِّفا
بتُربةِ وادِيه المقدّسِ من جِلدي

20. Upon him be the peace of God while passionate love
And the specters of desire roam the valley of Nejd

٢٠. عليهِ سلامُ اللّهِ ما حنّ شيّقٌ
وأوْرَتْ صَباباتُ الغرامِ صَبا نجْدِ