
O sun, though the sun has an eyelid

يا شمس والشمس لها حاجب

1. O sun, though the sun has an eyelid
Your eyelid is the horizon, why did it disappear?

١. يا شمسُ والشمسُ لها حاجبٌ
حاجِبُكَ الطّلقُ لماذا انزوى

2. Is it that my fervent heart's intoxication
Made its flashes too hot to bear?

٢. أإنْ هَفا لُبِّي من نَشوةٍ
لَظاتُها نَزّاعةٌ للشَّوى

3. So compose yourself, for each person
Will attain what they intended, said the Prophet

٣. فانْوِ ائْتلافاً فلكلِّ امرئٍ
قال النبيُّ المصطفى ما نَوى

4. Until when it's said he woke and saw clearly
That is the habit of the passionate

٤. حتى إذا قيلَ صَحا وارعَوى
عادَ كذا عادةُ أهلِ الهَوى

5. Then in his mind again crept
The memory of passion, watering passion's pact

٥. دبَّ في خاطرِه ثانيا
ذكرُ اللوى سَقياً لعهدِ اللوى

6. A meadow, peerless since we were troubled by love
Its peer since we yearned and pined

٦. مَرعىً نضيرٌ لم نُصبْ بعدَهُ
نظيرَهُ مذ أَزعجتْنا النّوى

7. Though the dove call not her mate, their sobbing
Will not the melodious rain call them both?

٧. تَدعو حَماماهُ ولو لم يُجِب
نوحُهُما المطربُ لن يَدعُوَا

8. Whatever good or ill you wish, or union
Enough separation, join us through love!

٨. ما شئتَ من خَيرٍ ومَيرٍ ومن
كافٍ وهاءٍ وصلا بالفَوا

9. Now his mood is downcast again
Yes, its bloom has faded and folded away

٩. فالآن قد أكسف من بالهِ
بِلىً طوى رونقَهُ فانطَوى

10. As if he did not sing yesterday, though
His song made me sing, and wouldn't relent

١٠. كأنّهُ لم يَغْنَ بالأمسِ وإ
كآبتَا منهُ ولم تُغْنِ وا

11. He pined, so if asked why I'm silent, say
His friends who made him sing have gone away

١١. ذوى فإن قيلَ لماذا أقُلْ
غابَ ذَووهُ فلهذا ذَوى

12. When I passed them, they'd patch the tatters
Of my being with joyful celebration

١٢. كانوا إذا اجتَزتُ بهم رقّعوا
بالمُقَلِ الدُّعجِ خروقَ الكُوى

13. My life was good with them, except that
It flew with the wild geese towards passion

١٣. طابَ بهم عَيشي سوى أنَّهُ
طارَ معَ العنقاءِ نحوَ الهَوى