
If an ignoble man rises high and does not strengthen his ascent with virtues and solid proofs,

إذا علا رذل ولم يدل في ال

1. If an ignoble man rises high and does not strengthen his ascent with virtues and solid proofs,
Serve him only so long as wealth streams from him or blindness still ties his eyes.

١. إذا علا رَذلٌ ولم يُدْلِ في ال
مِجدِ ببرهانٍ ولا حُجّهْ

2. Take patience to endure his vileness as the ship to cross his sea surge.
See how the world fashions from the spear that overthrows a kingdom its kingdom-propping crutch!

٢. فاخْدِمْه ما دَرَّ لهُ المالُ أو
نشّتْ على مِقلاتِهِ العجّهْ

٣. واتّخذا الصبرَ على لؤمِهِ
سفينةً إن طمت اللُّجّه

٤. وصانع الدهرَ فكم دولةٍ
صاغَتْ من السلحَةِ أُترُجّهْ