
You went away, yet separation's rule is not just

بعدت وما حكم البعاد بعادل

1. You went away, yet separation's rule is not just
Is there no share for me in you but separation?

١. بعدتَ وما حكمُ البِعادِ بعادلِ
أما مِن نصيبٍ فيك غيرُ البعادِ لي

2. You folded your musky cheek from me and your
Beautiful cheek the day my anguish appeared and the cheeks of the young women.

٢. طوى خالَكَ المسكيَّ عنِّي وخدَّكَ ال
جميلَ غداةَ الجزعِ وَخْدُ الحمائلِ

3. You dropped me when you thought I was a companion
As if I were the letter 'ra' in the word 'companion'.

٣. وأسقطْتَني لمّا ظننتُكَ واصلاُ
كأنِّيَ حرفُ الراءِ في لفظِ واصلِ

4. And a quarter of your family, desolate, made me lonesome
So I clung to a heart burning with the embers of passion.

٤. وأوحَشني ربعٌ لأهلكَ مُقفرٌ
فلذتُ بقلبٍ من جَوى الشوقِ آهِلِ

5. You left my eyes like a pond at dawn
It is the meadow missing the flowing rivers.

٥. وغادرتَ عَيني كالغدير بطلعةِ
هِيَ الروضُ غِبَّ السارياتِ الهواطل

6. So be a unifier between the pond and the meadow
That my life may grow green and I may obtain good fortune.

٦. فكنْ جامعاً بينَ الغَديرِ ورَوْضة
ليخضرَّ لي عَيْشي وأحظى بطائِلِ

7. And who can make my life grow green when my intentions
Are withered palms from which my days slip.

٧. ومَن لي بأنْ يخضرَّ عيشي والنّوى
دُوَيهةٌ تصفرُّ منها أنامِلي

8. You were secretly pleased that parting from me is harmful
And you were fooled that my love kills me.

٨. أسرَّكَ مني أنَّ هجركَ مُدنفي
وغرَّك مني أنَّ حبكَ قاتِلي

9. It is enough for you that separation spread its arrows
And directed them at me, so they were silenced as warriors.

٩. بحسبِكَ أنَّ البَينَ راشَ نبالَه
وفوَّقَها نَحوي فأصمَتْ مقاتلي

10. You frightened me with water falling from the eye
Blindness which, from water to the eye, descends.

١٠. وخوَّفني ماءٌ منَ العينِ نازلٌ
عمىً هو من ماءٍ إلى العينِ نازِلِ

11. You indulged in juicy discourse like your buttocks
While I, with a lean body like your slender waist, abstained.

١١. وخطبٌ سمينٌ مثلُ رِدفِكَ ذقتُهُ
بجسمٍ نحيفٍ مثلِ خَصركَ ناحلِ

12. So instill in me intimacy, then intimacy's mingling
Through the folds of your torment, the gushing springs.

١٢. فهبني خِلالاً ثمَّ هبني تَداخُلاً
خلالَ ثناياكَ العذابِ المناهلِ

13. Since the fourty knots tied me in their ropes
The earth appears to my eyes like a whirling sieve.

١٣. ومُذ أَعلقتْني الأربعونَ حِبالَها
تراءَتْ لعيني الأرضُ كِفّةَ حابِلٍ

14. And my white hairs are only torches
With the fire of my heart the light of those torches.

١٤. وما شَعَراتيْ البيضُ إلا مشاعلٌ
ومِن نارِ قلبي نورُ تلك المشاعلِ

15. And graying is but graying of youth with motes
And its line only the warner of departing youth.

١٥. وما الشيبُ إلا شائبُ الصّفوِ بِالقَذى
ولا وخطُه إلا نذيرُ الغَوائلِ

16. It bends the canal of old age into an arc and glistens
White amidst the black currents with the swords unsheathed.

١٦. يردٌّ قناة القدِّ قوساً ويَنْتضي
على الوفَراتِ السُّودِ بيضُ المَناصِلِ

17. And were it not for the harvest of life, the bodies would not
Stoop in old age like sickles.

١٧. ولولا حَصادُ العُمرِ لم تكُ تَنْثني
لدى الكِبرِ القاماتُ مثلَ المناجلِ

18. A cloud of youth provided the meadow of my joy
But it passed away, and the act of clouds is not everlasting.

١٨. وغيم شبابٍ جادَ رَوضَ مسرَّتي
فزالَ وفعلُ الغيمِ ليسَ بزائلِ

19. In my brain is a pounding throb from its outpouring
And in my temples a lightning like the false lightning of blinks.

١٩. ففي مَقلتي وَدْقٌ صَدوقٌ بفَيضِهِ
وفي عارضي برقٌ كذوبُ المَخائِلِ

20. God watered the days of youth - it was their right -
With milk of overflowing breasts for bliss in legions.

٢٠. سقى اللهُ أيامَ الصّبا فهي حقّها
لبان ضروعٍ للنعيمِ حَوافلِ

21. And delighted their ears with the melody of song
And stirred their gazes with the wine of Babylon.

٢١. وطّرب أُذْنَيْها بنغمةِ مَعْبَدٍ
وحرَّكَ عِطْفَيْها بخَمرةِ بابِلِ

22. And gave pasture, like the field of a warrior,
Which the hand of fate harvested, for it to fade.

٢٢. وعشّبَ مَرْعاها كساحةِ مُجْتد
حبَتْهُ يد الشيّخ الأجل بنائِلِ

23. The order of the kingdom is but a cloud
From which the life of all vanishes, settler and roamer.

٢٣. وليسَ نظامُ الملكِ إلاّ سحابَةٌ
يشيمُ حَياها كلُّ حافٍ وناعِلِ

24. It is like the sea, but calmer,
And like the moon, but less waning.

٢٤. فكالبحرِ إلاّ أنّهُ غيرُ آسنٍ
وكالبدرِ إلا أنَّهُ غيرُ آفِلِ

25. Its spring, when it dawns, arouses hope
And in it is pollen for wishes in multitudes.

٢٥. ذَراهُ ربيعٌ للرجاءِ إذا شَتا
وفيهِ لقاحٌ للأماني الحَوافِلِ

26. When people depart from its courtyard
And unleash the saddled she-camels' leading ropes,

٢٦. إذا الركبُ زمُّوا عِيسَهم عن فِنائِهِ
وشَدُّوا قُتودَ النّاجِياتِ المَراقِلِ

27. I saw the female servants spreading its generosity
Even if their backs complain of the howdahs.

٢٧. رأيت العِبابَ البجرَ ينشرْنَ شُكرَهُ
وإنْ كانَ تَشكوهُ ظُهورُ الرَّواحِلِ

28. So their imaginations of praising its subtleties
And their judgments of its gifts are glorious.

٢٨. فأوْهامُهم من مَدحِه في دقائقٍ
وأَحكامُهم من مَنْحِهِ في جَلائِلِ

29. The most noble thing to it is a begging voice
And the lowliest thing to it is the word of a critic.

٢٩. وأكرمُ شيءٍ عندَهُ صوتً سائِلٍ
وأَهْونُ شيءٍ عندَهُ قَوْلُ عاذِلِ

30. It is perfect in description and deed
Open-handed, gentle-faced, refined in traits.

٣٠. هو الحسَنُ المَوْصوفُ بالحُسنِ فِعلُهُ
نَدِي الكفِّ طلقُ الوجْهِ لدْنُ الشّمائِلِ

31. I smell the scent of one tall in stature, distracted by amusement
Delicate, broad in prominence, complete in virtues.

٣١. أشمُّ طويل الباع مستغزر الّلهى
أغرّ عريض الجاه جمُّ الفضائل

32. A young man the ministry forgot its wisdom over
When the midwives entrusted him to the cradle.

٣٢. فتىً أنستْ منهُ الوِزارَةُ رُشْدَها
إذِ استْتَودعتْهُ المهد أيدي القوابل

33. He pillowed on the rock of the generous elite
And suckled at the breasts ofprotected women in multitudes.

٣٣. توسّدَ حجرَ الأكرِمينَ أُولي النُّهى
وألقَم ثديَ المُحصّناتِ الغَوافِلِ

34. So he came just as his ministerial gown would befittingly clothe
One naturally disposed to the heights wrapped in slippers.

٣٤. فجاءَ كما يلفي وزرُّ قميصِهِ
على مُستقِلٍّ بالمَعالي حُلاحِلِ

35. May God give him success leading to glory
And an omen of good and open-handedness.

٣٥. لهُ اللهُ من قَرمٍ إلى المجدِ سابقٍ
وبالخيرِ أمّارٍ وللمَيرِ باذِلِ

36. And a helper for the kingdom, a guard for the monarchy
A churner for wealth, and a palm bearing sincerity.

٣٦. ولِلملْكِ مِعوانٌ وللمُلكِ حارِسٌ
وللدَّرِّ حَلاَّبٌ ولِلنُّصحِ ناخِلِ

37. If he waves the palm of favor the train of his garment
Trails shyly and the eyelid's light dims from bashfulness.

٣٧. إذا خطَّ كفَّ الوَشْيِ فَضلةَ ذَيْلِهِ
حَياءًُ وغضَّ الجفْنَ نَورُ الخَمائلِ

38. And if he loosens the mouthpiece of eloquence, speaking
You become perplexed in applying joints to it.

٣٨. وإنْ سلَّ صمصامَ الفَصاحةِ ناطقاً
تحيّرتَ في تَطبيقِهِ للمَفاصِلِ

39. Through him the sprigs of time grew green and its herbs trembled
And every noble pointed to his purpose.

٣٩. به اخْضرَّ عُودُ الدَّهرِ واهتزَّ نَبْتُهُ
ودُلَّ على مَقْصوده كلُّ فاضِلِ

40. I blame time as its blessing descended upon me
And made me drink from its cups of unending charity.

٤٠. أذُمُّ عليهِ الدَّهرَ إذ حلَّ بَرْكُهُ
عليَّ وحَسّاني كُؤوسَ البَلابِلِ

41. It shook my pillar and I collapsed from its shaking
As the shaking of tremors crumbles pillars.

٤١. وزَلزلَ رُكني فانهدمْتُ لهدِّهِ
وقد هدَّمَ الأركانَ هدُّ الزَّلازِلِ

42. My birds scattered, my standards flipped
My demons raged, and my bronze pots boiled.

٤٢. فطارَتْ عَصافيري وشالَتْ نَعائمي
وهاجَتْ شَياطيني وفارَتْ مَراجلي

43. And how can I see myself trodden by feet
Pacified from me or like the resting place of anklets.

٤٣. وكيفَ أرى نفسي مَداسَ مناسِمٍ
تُطامِنُ منِّي أو مُناخَ كَلاكِل

44. Behind me are children and behind me a life
Upon incapacitated palms the reddest dye.

٤٤. وخَلفيَ أولادٌ وخلفي رائثٌ
على عاجِزات النهض حُمر الحواصل

45. And the gift of my service made me hope for it
And a claim of belonging emphasized by evidence.

٤٥. وقد أطمعتْني منهُ قُدْمَةُ خِدْمتي
ودعْوى انتماءٍ أُكِّدَتْ بالدَّلائل

46. And I have hope the folly of youth will depart
That's the nature of white hair in sidelocks and forelocks.

٤٦. ولي أملٌ غضُّ الشبابِ طَريُّهُ
وذاكَ لشيبٍ في نَواصي وسائلي

47. And companionship of days past, as if their
Migrants are clothed in the shade of origin.

٤٧. وصحبةُ أيامٍ مضَتْ وكأنّما
هواجِرُها تُكْسى ظِلالَ الأصائِلِ

48. Nights we wore and touched in beautification
And found them subtle in their stratagems.

٤٨. ليالٍ لبِسْناها ومِسْنا تَجمُّلاً
بِها فوجدنْاها رقاقَ الغَلائِلِ

49. And how many intimate times I have with it
Moments beyond all moments, endless.

٤٩. وكم لي فيهِ من سَوارٍ سوائِرٍ
حوالٍ على الأحوالِ غيرِ عَواطِلِ

50. Periods, as if I'm a player with their rhythms
Thirstily with the tinkling of anklets, freely with their bells.

٥٠. قوافٍ كأني لاعبٌ من نَسيبِها
بعطشانةِ الزنّارِ رَيّا الخلاخِلِ

51. Tantalizing in every club, its stories
Melodious in every valley, my anklets.

٥١. مُغرّرةٌ في كلِّ نادٍ رُواتُها
مُصنِّجَةٌ في كل وادٍ جَلاجلي