
I seek refuge in Allah from a debaucher who

أعوذ بالله من سحاقة ملكت

1. I seek refuge in Allah from a debaucher who
Has taken hold of my heart's reins, not from an uncouth one or a veil

١. أعوذُ باللهِ من سَحّاقةٍ مَلكتْ
زِمَامَ قلبي لا من غاسِقٍ وَقِبا

2. Her expertise is flirtation and coyness
And thus my capital is a straw-mat and a veil

٢. ملاكُ حرْفتها كسٌّ وملْحفَةٌ
وهكذا رأسُ مالي فِيشةٌ وقِبا

3. I approached her and she allowed me into her treasures
After the inducements and did not forbid access to the protected grounds

٣. طرقتُها فأباحَتْني ذخيرتهَا
بعد الهدوِّ ولم تمنع حِمى الوَقبَا