
What is with this unjust fate

ما بال هذا الفلك الجاني

1. What is with this unjust fate
That withdrew, yet its tyranny remained near

١. ما بالُ هذا الفلكِ الجاني
نأى ولكنْ جَورُهُ دانِ

2. And the world is but a whore
Who shows off her decorations to the adulterer

٢. وليستِ الدُّنيا سوى قَحبةٍ
تَبرُزُ في الزينةِ للزاني

3. Until when he is fooled by her prosperity
She inclines to rejection and estrangement

٣. حتى إذا اغْترَّ بإقبالِها
مالتْ لإعراضٍ وهجرانِ

4. This is the pillar of the kingdom, he who
No page of history lacked mention of him

٤. هذا عميدُ الملكِ وهو الذي
لم يَخلُ منهُ صدرُ ديوانِ

5. No rebel disobeyed his rule
Except he donned the coat of humiliation

٥. ولا نَضا طاعتًهُ مارِدٌ
إلاّ اكتَسى فروةَ خِذلانِ

6. No era afflicted him except he saw
Himself in the attire of a human

٦. ولا اعْتراهُ القِرن إلاّ رأى
غَضَنفراً في زيِّ إنسانِ

7. As if in his ring wherever he gestured with it
Was the seal ring of Solomon

٧. كأنَّ في خاتَمِهِ حيثُ ما
أَومى بهِ فصُّ سُليمانِ

8. The pillars of the state were erected by his hand
Then the greatest edifice collapsed

٨. شادتْ يدُ الدَّولةِ أركانَهُ
ثمَ هوى أعظمَ بُنيانِ

9. Its parts scattered across the land
Held hostage in various towns and countries

٩. مفرَّقاً في الأرضِ أجزاؤُهُ
رهنَ قُرىً شتّى وبُلدانِ

10. Jibb seized his treasures in Khorasan
That mortal king Toghril

١٠. جَبّ بخوارزمٍ مذاكيرَهُ
طُغرِلُ ذاك الملكُ الفاني

11. And the silk of Merv flowed from his neck
Saffron-dyed soaked in his blood

١١. وجادَ مروَ الرُّوذَ من جيدِهِ
معصفرٌ مخضبُهُ قانِ

12. While his figure lies in a coffin
Behind screens and shrouds

١٢. والشخصُ في كُنْدُرَ مُستبطَنٌ
وراءَ أرماسٍ وأكفانٍ

13. And his head flew because of him
Falling on his perfect corpse

١٣. ورأسُه طار فلهْفي على
مَجْثمهِ في خَيرِ جُثمانِ

14. They left Nishapur deprived of him
And his bare skulls in Kerman

١٤. خَلّوا بنيسابورَ مَضمونَهُ
وقحفَه الخالي بكَرمانِ

15. Judgment belongs to the Almighty in what He decreed
And every day He is doing something

١٥. والحكمُ للجبّارِ فيما قَضى
وكلَّ يومٍ هو في شان

16. So do not struggle in the haze of demise
And be content with what the days hand you

١٦. فلا تُلَجِّجْ في غمارِ المُنَى
وارضَ بما يُمني لك الماني