1. May God protect the covenant of a beloved friend
And enliven the dwellings of that settlement
١. رعى اللهُ عهدَ حبيبٍ ظَعنْ
وحيّا مساكنَ ذاك السّكَنْ
2. For since the lands have harbored him
I have been tested by yearning for him
٢. فإنِّي مُذ أضمرتْهُ البلادُ
مُعَنّىً بأشواقِهِ مُمْتَحَنْ
3. And my heart is true in its faith in him
It loves the worship of that idol
٣. وقلبي على صدقِ إيمانِهِ
يُحبُّ عبادةَ ذاكَ الوثَنْ
4. I walk with grief in my throat from me
And I start the day with sorrow in my heart from me
٤. أروحُ وفي الحَلْقِ منِّي شَجىً
وأَغدو في القَلبِ مِنِّي شجَنْ
5. And I cry though I have no neck-ring to cry for
When a neck-ringed one cried during trials
٥. وأَبكي ولا طوقَ لي بالفراقِ
إذا ذاتُ طَوقٍ بكتْ في فَنَنْ
6. So my tears openly flow
And my passion hides within
٦. فللماءِ من مُقلتي ما بَدا
وللنّارِ من مُهجتي ما كمَنْ
7. And I stay up erect in bed
As the verb stood after the subject
٧. وأسهرُ مُنتصباً في الفراش
كما انتصبَ الفِعلُ من بعدِ أَنْ
8. And who can lend me something I forgot
Which I think was called sleep
٨. ومَن لجُفوني بشيءٍ نسيتُ
وأحسبُهُ كان يُدعى الوسَنْ
9. And no matter how eloquently the fever's lightning flashes
I remember him with an agile tongue
٩. ومهما تلسّنَ برقُ الحِمى
فإنيِّ في ذكرهِ ذو لَسَنْ
10. I say to myself perhaps or maybe
And that is a trick of love
١٠. أَقولُ لنفسي عسى أو لعلَّ
وذلك من خِدَعِ العِشقِ فَنْ
11. It's as if in loving him I am a merchant
And I have no capital except the price
١١. كأنِّي في حبّه تاجرٌ
وما رأس ماليَ إلاَ الثَمَنْ
12. So leave passion, for it and disgrace
Are partners, equally yoked
١٢. فخلِّ الهَوى إنّهُ والهَوانَ
شريكانِ لُزّا معاً في قَرَنْ
13. And I am the storehouse of his news
And I have certain knowledge of it, so ask
١٣. وإنِّي جُهينةُ أخبارِهِ
وعِنْدي اليَقينُ بِها فاسألَنْ
14. Shall I herd the hillsides, and I have a will
Roaming the tips of spears?
١٤. أأَرعى السّفوح ولي همّةٌ
مُطنِّبةٌ في نَواصي القُنَنْ
15. And I despair though the land has the likes of
My father Tahir son of al-Hasan
١٥. وآسى وفي الأرضِ مثلُ العميدِ
أبي طاهرٍ خلفِ بنِ الحسَنْ
16. Loud of call, fresh with dew
Abundant in giving, welcoming in hospitality
١٦. جهيرِ النِّداءِ كثيرِ النّدى
جزيلِ العَطاءِ رحيبِ العَطَنْ
17. The nakedness of the kingdom was covered through him
With some cleverness, an accomplished art
١٧. ونِيطَتْ عُرا الملك من رائِهِ
بِبعض الدَّهاءِ مِعَنٍّ مِفَنْ
18. When water is far from one who seeks it
It is from him that his bucket and drinking-horn come
١٨. إذا بعُدَ الماءُ مِن ماتِحٍ
فمن عندِهِ دَلوُهُ والشّطن
19. And if hopes have been lost among people
He recovers for us consolation and grace
١٩. وإنْ تاهَ في الناسِ آمالُنا
تَداركَنا منهُ سَلوى ومَنْ
20. So he is consolation, and in him is solace for us,
And grace - would that blame be choked in grace!
٢٠. فسلوى وفيهِ لنا سَلوةٌ
وَمنٌّ لوم يتنغّصْ بمَنْ
21. He makes precious his generous acts
And buys praise at the highest price
٢١. يُهينُ كرائمَ أموالِهِ
ويَشْري الثّناءَ بأغلى ثمَنْ
22. He is the spirit in the body of noble deeds
And through the spirit survival of the body is hoped for
٢٢. هو الرُوحُ في بدنِ المكرُماتِ
وبالرُّوحِ يُرجى بقاءُ البدَنْ
23. He did not miss dignity in youth
Nor did old age make him forget the way of intimacy
٢٣. فما فاتَهُ في الشبابِ الوقارُ
ولم يُنسِهِ الشّيبُ عهدَ الدَّدَنْ
24. His playful ways are like the gardens of the grieved
They please the grieved and increase grief
٢٤. شَجاياهُ مثلُ رياضِ الحزونِ
تَسرُّ الحزينَ وتَسرو الحَزَن
25. A knowledge in which the forbearing prove ignorant
And a forbearance that shakes even the nest
٢٥. فعِلمٌ يفنِّدُ فيهِ الحليمُ
وحِلمٌ يُزلزَلُ منهُ حَضَنْ
26. Through him there is an aversion to the affairs of baseness
As the flock was startled by a howling wolf
٢٦. به نفرةٌ من دَنايا الأمورِ
كما ذَعَر السربَ نَبعٌ أرَنْ
27. I headed for his abode, and my assumption of him
Was beautiful, and he made every assumption true
٢٧. تجرُّ أعاديهِ من بأسِهِ
على الأخشنينِ السّفا والسّفَن
28. I toured the wastelands and roamed the lands
But did not see a freeman except him
٢٨. قَصدتُ ذَراهُ وظنِّي بهِ
جميلٌ فحقّقَ لي كلَّ ظَنْ
29. Neither has my praise of the chosen one digressed from him
Nor has his gift to the covetous one digressed
٢٩. وجبتُ القِفارَ وطفتُ البلادَ
فلم أرَ حُرّا سِواهُ ولَنْ
30. So he remains in a blessing that does not cease
And a new passion that renews throughout time
٣٠. ولا مدحِيَ المُجْتبى شذَّ عنْهُ
ولا مَنحُهُ المُجْتنى شذَّ عَنْ
٣١. فلا زالَ في نعمةٍ لا تَزولُ
وجدٍّ يجدَّدُ طولَ الزَّمنْ