
I say to him though I did not pant with exertion,

أقول له ولم أنفس بنفسي

1. I say to him though I did not pant with exertion,
Nor affect pretty turns of speech and wit,

١. أقولُ لهُ ولم أَنفَسْ بنَفْسي
عليهِ ولا التّليدِ ولا الطرّيفِ

2. "My shirt is the ransom for you, whatever part of it you wish to rend;
But my shirt cannot ransom anything contemptible.

٢. فدىً لكَ ما تُزَرُّ عليهِ قًمْصي
وقُمْصي لا تُزرُّ على سَخيفِ

3. For through you I live in a blissful meadow
Where I am pampered with lush greenery.

٣. فإني منكَ في روضٍ أَريضٍ
دُللتُ بهِ على خصبٍ وَريفِ

4. And from the flowers of your favor in springtime,
And from the fruits of your words in autumn.

٤. ومن زَهَراتِ حظِّكَ في ربيعٍ
ومن ثَمَراتِ لفظكَ في خَريفِ

5. And though I have consorted with many a tribe,
I have chosen you as the most familiar of them all.

٥. وكم عاشرتُ من عُصَبٍ ولكنْ
تَخذْتُكَ من أُلوفهُمُ أَليفي

6. And though I am no peer of yours in poetry,
The essence of the game is to know one's partner.

٦. وما أنا من رجالكَ في القوافي
وأصلُ اللِّعْبِ عرفانُ الحَريفِ

7. And when you mount the most difficult of meters,
You outpace all others on your own, with no need of a companion.

٧. وأنتَ إذا ركبتَ الصّعبَ منْها
سَبقْتَ إلى مَداكَ بلاد رَدِيف

8. And I possess a bushel, and in me is the lessening of a little measure,
Yet here is my bushel along with your scant measure.

٨. ولي حَشَفٌ وبي تَطْفيفُ كيلٍ
وها حَشَفي مَعَ الكَيلِ الطّفيفِ

9. So if you visit me, my awe of you will be from

٩. فإن تَرْدُدْ عليَّ فرَهْبتي منْ
وإنْ تُحسنْ إليَّ فَرَغبتي في