
I used to be known as the son of Al-Hasan

لقد كنت أعرف بابن الحسن

1. I used to be known as the son of Al-Hasan
But love nicknamed me the son of sorrow

١. لقد كنتُ أُعرَفُ بابنِ الحسَنْ
فلقّبني العِشقُ بابن الحَزَنْ

2. If not for passion, I would not have faced disgrace
And if not for tears, I would not have stood at the inn

٢. ولولا الهَوى ما لقيتُ الهوانَ
ولولا الدُّمى لم أقِف بالدِّمَنْ

3. Whoever I loved went far away, so I have tears
Like scattered pearls once collected

٣. نأى مَن أحبُّ فلي مَدمعٌ
كما انْتَثَر اللؤلؤ المُختزَنْ

4. O soul, do not despair
Of reunion - perhaps God will grant it

٤. ألا أيّها النفسُ لا تَيأسي
من الاجتماعِ عسى الله أنْ