1. The course of events is the same as when it began
And the horses that do not settle down
١. وَقائِعُ مثلُ ما بدأَتْ تعودُ
وخيلٌ ما تُحطُّ لها لُبودُ
2. And the young men whose armor is piety
Layered, and their patience is ready
٢. وفتيانٌ تَقِيَّتُهم دُروعٌ
مُضاعفةٌ وصَبرُهمُ عَتيدُ
3. Revealing the paths of enemies
When iron shudders, so does its amulet
٣. وتعرين أسفار الأعادي
تمائمه إذا ارتاعَ الحديدُ
4. And days that are white for Islam
While humiliation for the enemies is red and black
٤. وأيامٌ على الإسلامِ بِيضٌ
وهنّ على العِدا حُمْرٌ وسُودُ
5. It blossoms the flower of hopes in it
Victories that no mail can keep up with
٥. تُثفِّتحُ زَهْرَةَ الآمالِ فيها
فُتوحٌ لا يُقَدُّ لها بَريدُ
6. It tells of prey that fears it
The enemy camps, so it chases them
٦. يُخِّبرُ عن طِرادٍ يتَّقيهِ
كَرى الاعداءِ فهو له طَريدُ
7. And the flashing swords when they are unsheathed
Spill the blood of old age, so the infant turns grey
٧. ومُبرِقةُ الحُتوفِ إذا أسالَتْ
دماءَ الشَّيبِ شابَ لها الوليدُ
8. Its torture spends the night east and west
A talk that makes skin shiver
٨. يَبيتُ جِلادُها شَرقاً وغَرباً
حديثاً تَقشَعِرُّ لخ الجُلودُ
9. And no restraint unless life
Or cheeks suffice from the white
٩. ولا إحجامَ إلاَّ أن تُكفِّي
عنِ البِيضِ الحياةُ أو الخدودُ
10. The deaf, blind sword went straight to Samandu
And the clanging of iron has its iron
١٠. خطا الَّذربُ الأصَمُّ إلى سَمَنْدُو
وقَعقَعَةُ الحديدِ لها حديدُ
11. It awes the side of enemies as it leans
And the sword of the state is the sturdy pillar
١١. أيرهَبُ جانبَ الأعداءِ ميلاً
وسيفُ الدَّولةِ الرُّكنُ الشَّديدُ
12. And it led the horses driven
By the capacity of their effort or it asks for more
١٢. وقادَ الخيلَ قُبّاً يَقتضيها
ذخيرةَ جُهْدِها أو يستزيدُ
13. So it sent them to the whinnying horses
The thickets hide its brightness from it
١٣. فأرسلَها على الصَّفصافِ يُخفي
سَنا أوضاحِها عنه الكَديدُ
14. And they toured the land of Khorasan stomping
Almost making the land of Khorasan collapse
١٤. وزارَت أرضَ خَرْشَنَةٍ رِعالاً
فكادتْ أرضُ خَرْشَنةٍ تَميدُ
15. And Juzan scattered on the plain
Scattered, not what the plain weaved
١٥. وجُزْنَ على الصعيدِ مُبَرقَعاتٍ
بَراقِعُهُنَّ ما نَسَجَ الصَّعيدُ
16. And it collapsed on Jurjan's villages
With calamity or will collapse
١٦. وخَرَّتْ في قُرى جَيجانَ تَردي
بجائجةٍ عليها أو تَرودُ
17. And it spent the night igniting fires in it
While the stars and the firewood ignited
١٧. وباتَت تُوقدُ النِّيرانَ فيها
وسِيَّانِ الكواكبُ والوَقودُ
18. And Sihin, by the two sides of Sayhan
Until they returned and its populated crevasse overflowed
١٨. وسِحْنَ بجانِبَيْ سَيحانَ حتى
رَجَعْنَ وفجُّه المعمورُ بِيدُ
19. So it woke while the wave was a flower
Overflowing on it, an artery or a vein
١٩. فأصبحَ وهو وِردُ المَوجِ مما
يَفيضُ عليه نَحْرٌ أو وَريدُ
20. When it collapsed over it, you'd see a sea
Collapse over it from an extended sea
٢٠. إذا خرَّت عليه رأيتَ بحراً
تَخُرُّ عليه من بحرٍ مُدودُ
21. And it took them to the gulf until they equaled
The reserves and the generous there
٢١. وأورَدَها الخليجَ وقد تساوَتْ
بجُمَّتِها التَّهائمُ والنُّجودُ
22. And it guided the fiery arrows to the citadels
Its sparks reach the distant target
٢٢. وفوَّقَ للحُصونِ سِهامَ نارٍ
يُصابُ بلَفْحِها الغَرَضُ البعيدُ
23. When they spread on the walls, they glistened
As the hail glistened from the icy clouds
٢٣. إذا انتشرَتْ على الجُدرانِ راقَتْ
كما راقَتْ من العَصْبِ البُرودُ
24. When the war priests kneel, pray
A prayer whose essence is prostration
٢٤. إذا ركعَ القَنا الخَطِّيُّ صلُّوا
صلاةً جُلُّ واجِبها السُّجودُ
25. They appeared to the lands while they were plants
And sheathed the swords while they were harvest
٢٥. طلعت على الديار وهم نبات
وأغمدت السيوف وهم حصيد
26. So you did not leave behind but snatches
The waist protected from it and breasts
٢٦. فما أبقيتَ إلا مُخْطَفَاتٍ
حَمَاها الخَصْرُ منها والنُّهودُ
27. They are brought to you two by two or one by one
As the threads fall from the single strand
٢٧. تُساقُ إليه مَثنىً أو فُرادى
كما يَهوي من السِّلكِ الفَريدُ
28. And your white, O son of Abdullah, receive
Its fair spoils of war as you wish
٢٨. وبيضُكَ يا ابْنَ عبدِ الله تَلقَى
سَباياها الحسانَ كما تُريدُ
29. Bringing the white mares whose lead ropes
Swirl from the whitish camels and the flanks
٢٩. تقُدُّ البَيْضَ في الهَيْجاءِ قَدّاً
وتَثنيها السَّوالفُ والقُدودُ
30. They have afforded us with what they have afforded
I gained with myself what it grants
٣٠. أفاءت لاونا فيما أفاءت
فجدت بنفسه فيما تجود
31. It came to you while in its belly are gales of panic
Gales that have no end to their blowing
٣١. أتاكَ وفي حَشاه رياحُ رَوْعٍ
عواصفُ ما لِهَبَّتِهَا رُكودُ
32. With a face that spoils the earth's water for him
So no uprooted wood shall return green
٣٢. بوجهٍ غاضَ ماءُ الأرضِ عنه
فليس بعائدٍ ما اخضرَّ عودُ
33. And many a fortified you have stormed
Whose settlement was not protected by its firm fortress
٣٣. وربَّ مُمَنَّعٍ حاوَلْتَ منه
فلم يَمنعْه مَعقِلُه المَشيدُ
34. And an overlooking that its climber has winds
On the peaks of clouds or ladder climbs
٣٤. ومُشرِفَةٍ لقاصدِها صُبُوبٌ
على قِمَمِ السَّحائبِ أو صُعودُ
35. Around it are lofty towering palaces
As the soldiers had crowded around its master
٣٥. تَحُفُّ بها شَواهِقُ شامخاتٌ
كما حفَّتْ بسيِّدِها الجنودُ
36. It is as if the expanses of its galleries are
Women sitting in their wraps
٣٦. كأنَّ فوارعَ الشَّرَفاتِ منها
نساءٌ في مَلاحِفِها قُعودُ
37. You have besieged them with glittering swords
They are necklaces on their necks
٣٧. أَحطْتَ بها الأسنَّةَ لامعاتٍ
فهنَّ على ترائِبها عُقودُ
38. So your battering has born it while being a virgin
No virgin had been born and given birth before it
٣٨. فأولدَها قِراعُكَ وهيَ بِكْرٌ
ولم تُرَ قبلَها بِكرٌ وَلودُ
39. It saw the likes of its shape in iron
As solid as it stands it almost swayed
٣٩. رأتْ أمثالَ صورتِها حديداً
فكادَتْ وهي راسيةٌ تَميدُ
40. Your steeds have continued covering ground
Driven to the enemy, robbing what they passed
٤٠. وما زالَت جيادُكَ طاوياتٍ
تُقادُ إلى العدوِّ فتستقيدُ
41. You have struck with it the two frontiers, a dam
Supported by solid opinion
٤١. ضربْتَ بها الثَّغْرَينِ سَدّاً
يُؤيِّدُ رُكْنَه رأيٌ سَديدُ
42. And you were granted with glory
So your spear was appointed over it and the white witnesses
٤٢. وأُبْتَ بها وقد أحرزْتَ مجداً
قَناكَ عليه والبِيضُ الشُّهودُ
43. Stars between lightning and eclipse
Its omens are fair fortunes and thunder
٤٣. طوالعُ بينَ إيماضٍ وخُرسٍ
تَمائمُها البوارقُ والرُّعودُ
44. Meeting earth silently equaling
With their sands and stubborn rocks
٤٤. تلقَّيْنَ الثَّرى صُمّاً تَساوى
بهِنَّ الرَّملُ والحجرُ الصَّلودُ
45. So sometimes with eagle they have prey
And sometimes with the gulf they have roses
٤٥. فطَوراً بالأُرُنْدِ لها طِرادٌ
وطَوراً بالخليجِ لها ورودُ
46. And when Tarousus met the attack
The attack met it with Saud hosts
٤٦. ولَمَّا قابَلَتْ طَرسوسُ غُرّاً
مُحجَّلةً تُقابِلُها السُّعودُ
47. You have curtailed its insolence so a might was repelled
Like extinguishing a fire, so generosity overflowed
٤٧. كفَفْتَ شَذاتَها فارتدَّ بأسٌ
كدُفَّاعِ الحريقِ وفاضَ جودُ
48. Indeed, rhyming lines have become noble with your help
And glory and ancestral dignity have been won
٤٨. لقد شَرُفَت بِسُؤْدُدِكَ القَوافي
وفاز المجدُ والحسَبُ التَّليدُ
49. So the battles thrill you on the war days
While poems thrill you on the peaceful days
٤٩. فيومَ الحربِ تُطرِبُكَ المذاكي
ويومَ السِّلمِ يُطرِبُكَ النَّشيدُ
50. Kings have envied each other, no wonder
As their resentments are hidden but do not vanish
٥٠. تحاسَدَتِ الملوكُ فليسَ تَخبو
ضَغائُنها ولا تَفنى الحُقودُ
51. You are, for eternity, favors and misery
And we don't know time to be jealous
٥١. وأنتَ الدَّهرُ إنعاماً وبؤساً
وما للدَّهرِ نَعَلمُه حَسودُ