
Oh what a lovely greeting

يا حبذا تحية

1. Oh what a lovely greeting
I was delighted to receive it

١. يا حَبَّذا تحيَّةٌ
رُحْتُ بها مسرورا

2. Brought by a graceful gazelle
Outshining the fairest maidens

٢. إذ جاءَني يَحمِلُها
ظبْيٌ يُباهي الحُورا

3. Cupped in his hand it shone
Cloaked in radiant light

٣. شبَّهْتُها في كَفِّهِ
وقد كَساها نُورا

4. Like a chest of purest gold
Filled up with camphor white

٤. مَخْزَنَةً من ذَهَبٍ
قد مُلِئَتْ كافورا