
How can I escape from Iraq when I have chosen in it

كيف خلاصي من العراق وقد

1. How can I escape from Iraq when I have chosen in it
The mines of generosity?

١. كيفَ خَلاصي من العِراقِ وقد
آثرتُ فيها مَعادِنَ الكَرَمِ

2. I saw in it a glory that was adorned
By knowledge and wisdom.

٢. رَأَيْتُ فيها خَلاعَةً وُصِلَتْ
أطرافُها بالعلومِ والحِكَمِ

3. Gatherings where judges dance
When they relax from the noose of analysis

٣. مَجالِسٌ يَرقُصُ القُضاةُ بها
إذا انتشَوا في مَخانقِ البَرَمِ

4. As if they were kings of Himyar whose
Crowns were completed despite difficulties.

٤. كأنَّهُمْ من ملوكِ حِمْيَرَ ما
أَوفَتْ أكاليلُهُم على اللَّمَمِ

5. And a friend who mixes wine for us
With a sweet nature from virtues.

٥. وصاحِبٍ يَخلِطُ المُجونَ لنا
بشيمَةٍ حُلوَةٍ منَ الشِّيَمِ

6. Age colors his hair vainly
Fingers like the red of ants.

٦. تَخْضِبُ بالرَّاحِ شَيبَه عَبَثاً
أناملٌ مثلُ حُمرَةِ العَنَمِ

7. Until eyes imagined his gray hair
The gray hair of doers dyed with blood.

٧. حتى تَخالَ العيونُ شَيبَتَه
شَيبةَ فَعلانَ خُضِّبَتْ بِدَمِ

8. When God watered a house, He watered
Baghdad with what it attempted of building.

٨. إذا سَقى اللهُ مَنْزِلاً فسقَى
بغدادَ ما حاولَتْ منَ الدِّيَمِ

9. O the blessing of science being a companion in it
And living between ease and doing without.

٩. يا حَبَّذا صَحبةُ العلومِ بها
والعيشُ بين اليَسارِ والعَدَمِ