1. I sought you not for gain or need
As one who thirsts may ask the spring to heed
١. قَصَدْتُك لم أُرِد رِفداً وأنَّى
يَرومُ من الصَّفا العطشانُ رَيَّا
2. Yet niggard souls their doors against me barred
Who by your grace were generous indeed
٢. وكم من مانعٍ جَدواه بُخلاً
يكونُ بِجاهِه بَرّاً حَفِيَّا
3. So was your rug where I reclined outspread
And so your speech heartening at my need
٣. فكانَ لَحَاظُكَ المكرورُ شَزْراً
وكانَ جوابُك المفهومُ عِيَّا
4. And had I praised you, asking your consent
You would have rained reproaches on my head
٤. فلو أني امتدحتُك مُستميحاً
سَللْتَ عليَّ عَضباً مَشرِفيَّا