1. They are suns, so if you see their risings
Laughing in the valleys, Edens set.
١. وَهي الشُموسُ فإنْ رأينَ طَوالِعا
يَضحكْنَ في الفَودَين عُدن أوافِلا
2. Often rationality captivates youth
Distracted, and for me in its shade are twines.
٢. وَلَطالَما عَقَلَ الشبابُ شَوارداً
منهنَّ لي في ظِلِّه وعَقائِلا
3. They stroke my curly hair as though
They stroke with fine musk chains
٣. يَمسحْنَ جَعدَ غَدائري وكأنَّما
يَمسَحْنَ بالمِسكِ الذكيِّ سَلاسِلا
4. Between me and the ignorant there is hatred
The frowning of the glances necessitates long sorrows
٤. بيني وبينَ الجاهلَينِ ضَغائنٌ
خُزرُ النَّواظِرِ يقتضين طوائلا
5. So if I pardon I will give gentleness
And if I assault I will give tremors
٥. فَلَئِنْ عفوتُ لأُسْدِيَنَّ عَوارفاً
وَلئِن سَطوتُ لأُسدِينَّ زَلازِلا
6. Two vilifiers criticized my poetry and so they lied
Vilifiers cannot be forbearing
٦. صَهَلا بشِعري مُقرِفَينِ فكُذِّبا
إنَّ المَقارِفَ لا يَكُنَّ صَواهِلا
7. And they seized some of my blood so they returned
Fleeing, their throats spared
٧. وتَناهبا منه دمي فرَجَعنَ دا
ميةَ النحورِ عواطلا
8. In a raid that did not quench the thirst of the land
With saliva nor cover the sky with drizzles
٨. في غارةٍ لم تَسقِ ظَمآنَ الثَّرى
عَلَقاً ولم تُغشِ السَماءَ قَساطِلا
9. They were the necklaces of noble kings
Yet they became the necklaces of Iraqi Bedouins
٩. كانَت لأشرافِ الملوكِ حَلائِلاً
فغدَت لأنباطِ العِراقِ حَلائِلا
10. Time knows I struggled with it
With more than it in adversities, enduring
١٠. الدّهرُ يعلَمُ أنني زاحمتُه
بأشدَّ منه في الشّدائد كاهلا
11. And I shook Abraham in it yet
I only acted in it violently or gently
١١. وهَزَزْتُ إبراهيمَ فيه وإنَّما
أعملتُ فيه مُهَنَّداً أو عَامِلا
12. And the sword is not shaken by the hand of a horseman
Unless the sword is incisive
١٢. والسيفُ ليسَ تَهُزُّه يدُ فارسٍ
إلا إذا كان الحُسامَ القَاصِلا
13. Generosity returned his days elegant
Until the ends and beginnings became indistinguishable
١٣. رَدَّ السماحَ أنيقةً أيامُه
حتَّى اشتبهنَ أواخِراً وأَوائِلا
14. And noble honor crowned his crescent
So he came and went with it appearing crescent-like
١٤. وأَحلَّه الشرفُ الرفيعُ هِلالَه
فغَدا وراحَ به هِلالاً مَاثِلا
15. A sea I met its abundance so a surge played with me
In which I did not find a coast
١٥. بحرٌ لَقِيتُ نَوالَه فتلاعَبتْ
بيَ غَمرةٌ لم أَلْقَ فيها سَاحِلا
16. And a youth, if he brandishes the spear, you would think
Because of his resolute determination he can shake joints
١٦. وفتىً إذا هَزَّ اليَراعَ حَسِبْتَه
لِمَضَاءِ عَزمتِه يهزُّ مَناصِلا
17. From every carrier of the cold (weapon) he speaks mounted
With the tongue of its carrier and is silent walking
١٧. من كلِّ ضافي البُردِ ينطِقُ راكباً
بلسانِ حامِله ويَصمُتُ رَاجِلا
18. And I see armours as strongholds so if
He chooses his opinions one day they are not strongholds
١٨. وأَرى الدروعَ معاقلاً فإذا انتَقى
آراءَه يوماً فلسنَ مَعاقِلا
19. He throws at calamities with resolute strikes
That for them the insanity of calamities has become battling
١٩. يرمي الخُطوبَ بصائباتِ عَزائمٍ
أضحَت لها جُنَنُ الخطوبِ مَقاتِلا
20. And how many courageous men in disasters have not been
Carriers of the sharpened sword
٢٠. ولكم شجاعٍ في النوائبِ لم يكن
لحمائلِ السيفِ المهنَّدِ حَامِلا
21. So he made benefactions obligations
For glory he paid them and added voluntary ones
٢١. فرَضَت عليه المكرُماتُ فَرائضاً
للمَجدِ أدَّاها وزادَ نَوافِلا
22. If it were not for him, praise would remain
Long, seeking shade or searching for elevation through him
٢٢. لولاه طالَ على المدائحِ أن تَرى
طَولاً تلوذُ بظِلِّه أو طائِلا
23. So if you meet the brother of generosity saying
You did not meet Ibraheem unless as a doer
٢٣. فإذا لَقِيتَ أخا المكارمِ قائلاً
لم تَلقَ إبراهيمَ إلاّ فَاعلا
24. And if the clouds saw the fingers of his palm
They incline and love to be fingers
٢٤. وإذا السحابُ رأَت أناملَ كَفِّهِ
تَنهلُّ ودَّت إن تكونَ أَنامِلا
25. How many meadows of glory thriving with grass
Thirsted for you so you were pouring rain
٢٥. كم روضةٍ للمَجدِ زاهرةِ الرُّبا
ظَمِئَت إليك فكنتَ غَيثاً هَاطِلا
26. When its light smiled in your courtyard
You let the springs of good flow in it
٢٦. لمّا تَبَسَّمَ في فَنائِك نَورُها
أجريْتَ بالمعروفِ فيه جَداوِلا
27. So the registers of your palm poured upon me with dew
That I thought you were contending with the clouds
٢٧. فاضَت عليَّ سِجالُ كفَّك بالنَّدى
حتى ظَننتُك بالغَمامِ مُساجِلا
28. So I held myself back from anyone else but you and my words
For seekers of requests have differing places
٢٨. فوَقفتُ نفسي عن سِواك ومَنطِقي
إن المَطَالِبَ يَختَلِفنَ مَنازِلا
29. By God, you, when you shine to a hopeful one
And water the offspring of the drizzling clouds hoping
٢٩. للهِ أنتَ إذا بَرقْتَ لآملٍ
وسَقَيتَ أخلافَ السَّحابةِ آمِلا
30. You choose the elite of rhetoric yet
You prefer to favour those few in bounties
٣٠. أخلَفتَ سَحبانَ الفَصاحةِ وعدَه
وغَدوتَ تُؤثِرُ بالعِنايةِ باقِلا
31. You adorned some people with wordings
With an adornment whereby the adorned becomes futile
٣١. حلَّيتَ بعضَ الناسِ من ألفاظِه
حَلياً يروحُ به المُحلَّى عاطِلا
32. And you deprived him of bliss which you grant
And quenched his thirst with hated lethal poison
٣٢. وَحَرَمْتَهُ الراحَ التي رَوَّقْتَها
وسقيتَه بالكُرهِ سُماً قاتِلا
33. And the opponent despairs of arguing with you in reverence
Until poetry engages in debate in his stead
٣٣. والخَصمُ يعجَزُ عن جِدالِك هيبةً
حتى يَنوبَ الشعرُ عنه مُجادِلا
34. So it becomes honest at times in your praise
And at other times critical in your reproach
٣٤. فيكونَ طَوراً في مديحِك صادقاً
ويكونَ طَوراً في عِتابِك عاذِلا
35. And of wondrous things is to see it ardour
And I had sent it to you courting
٣٥. ومِنَ العَجائِب أن تَراه هَواجِراً
ولقد بعثتُ به إليك أصائِلا
36. Do not disdain reproach and its bite
For musk is crushed so that its merits increase
٣٦. لا تأنَفنَّ من العِتابِ وَقَرصِه
فالمِسكُ يُسحَقُ كي يَزيدَ فَضائِلا
37. The “oud” wood you likened was not burnt wrongly
Nor was the jasmine flower spoiled unjustly
٣٧. ما حُرِّقَ العُودُ الذي أَشبهتَه
خطأ ولا غُمَّ البَنَفسجُ باطِلا
38. Far be it from you that poetry meets censures
While your path meets it with morning brightness and twilight
٣٨. حاشاكَ أن يلقَى القريضُ سَمائماً
ونَداك يَلقاه صَبَاً وشَمائِلا
39. You were none other than Samaheri whom I shook
So I found him through shaking as withering
٣٩. ما كنتَ إلا السَّمهريَّ هَزَزْتُه
فوجدْتُه لَدنَ المهزَّةِ ذَابِلا
40. With wonders like swords shining
And it found from the fine mind unsheathing
٤٠. بغرائبٍ مثلِ السيوفِ إضاءةً
وجَدَت من الفِكَرِ الدِّقاقِ صياقلا
41. So if old age borrowed some of its beauty
It would turn to youth with the most beautiful white skin
٤١. فلو استعارَ الشيبُ بعضَ جمالِها
أضحَى إلى البِيضش الحِسان وَسائِلا
42. It came to you, between firm and delicate
Presenting to you its edges and locks
٤٢. جَاءَتكَ بين رَصينةٍ ودَقيقةٍ
تُهدي إليك مَطارفاً وغَلائلا