
Love has found for me an ardent heart

وجد الحب لي فؤادا علوقا

1. Love has found for me an ardent heart,
So awake, for I cannot awaken from it,

١. وَجَدَ الحبُّ لي فُؤاداً عَلُوقا
فأَفيقا فلستُ منه مُفيقا

2. Destiny has stopped us from mutual dislike,
In a stand that combines a passionate and a desirous.

٢. وَقَفَتْنا النَّوى على الكُرْهِ منَّا
مَوقِفاً ضَمَّ شائقاً ومَشُوقا

3. The roses of the cheeks therein have become acceptable, so the redness of bashfulness in the tears has drowned,
A grief that went too far and turned into conflagration,

٣. حالَ وَرْدُ الخُدودِ فيه فأَضحى النْ
رجِسُ الغَضُّ في الدُّموعِ غَريقا

4. And a yearning that grew and turned into sighs,
And worthy of the agony of love is sorrow,

٤. لَوعَةٌ أفرَطَتْ فعادَتْ حَريقاً
وحَنينٌ أربَى فعادَ شَهيقا

5. That cannot be comforted,
So I see it in the path of love spacious,

٥. وخَليقٍ بلَوْعَةِ الحبِّ صَبٍّ
لم يكنْ بالعَزاء فيه خَليقا

6. And I see it in the path of patience narrow,
By my father you didn’t lack passion in you,

٦. فأراه في مَسلَكِ الحبِّ رَحْباً
وأراه في مَسلَكِ الصَّبرِ ضِيقا

7. Be it intense in his tyranny or gentle,
I cannot forget the shaking of your kindness when

٧. بأبي أنتَ لا عَدِمْتُ الهَوى في
كَ عَنيفاً في بَطْشِه أو رَفيقا

8. The embrace shook from you a supple branch,
And the eyes of the envious when they brought back

٨. لستُ أنسى اهتِزازَ عِطْفِكَ لمَّا
هَزَّ منك العِناقُ غُصْناً رَشيقا

9. The roses of your cheek to bashfulness like a twin,
How many kind ones have I disobeyed in you, and even if

٩. وعيون الوشاة حين أعادت
ورد خديك للحياء شقيقا

10. My heart didn't disobey me, I wouldn't have disobeyed a kind one,
Every kindness intermingled with the bitterness of request is rightful to be ungratefulness,

١٠. كم شفيق عصيت فيك ولو لم
يعصني القلب ما عصيت شفيقا

11. And if favor comes with favor, then the well-mannered one is he who was not well-favored,
If the passages of nights shed my blood,

١١. كلُّ بِرٍّ يَشوبُه كَدَرُ المَطْ
لِ حَقيقٌ بأن يكونَ عُقُوقا

12. You wouldn't have found me shedding tears,
We found in Ahmed ibn Suleiman,

١٢. وإذا المَنُّ جاءَ بالمَنِّ فالمَر
زوقُ منه مَنْ لم يكنْ مَرزُوقا

13. A generous hand and a cheerful face,
And qualities that softened into a gentle breeze, so they went

١٣. لو أراقَت دمي صُروفُ اللَّيالي
لم تَجدْني لماء وَجْهي مُريقا

14. Embarrassing the wind and the gentle breeze.
He is singular in generosity and has become a group

١٤. قَد وَجَدْنا لأحمدَ بنِ سُليما
نَ يداً ثَرَّةً ووجهاً طَليقا

15. In his glories while people are groups,
Every day he shows you a momentous deed

١٥. وسجايا رَقَّتْ نَسيماً فراحَت
تُخْجِلُ الرَّاحَ والنَّسيمَ الرَّقيقا

16. In the deprecation of wishes and a subtle meaning,
His will has flowed so it became clouds,

١٦. مُفردٌ في السَّماحِ أضحى فَريقاً
في معاليهِ والأنامُ فَريقا

17. And his determination passed so it became blaze,
And there appeared in him the imaginations of good tidings,

١٧. كلَّ يَومٍ يُريكَ فِعْلاً جَليلاً
في ابتذالِ اللُّهى ومَعنىً دَقيقا

18. That were to the rain from his activity, lightning,
Breezes gathered the unity of his glory,

١٨. قد جَرى نَيْلُه فكانَ غَماماً
ومَضى عَزمُه فكانَ حَريقا

19. And dispersed the unity of his money's scattering,
So they made the flowers of requests sweet

١٩. وأضاءَتْ فيه مَخايلُ بِشْرٍ
كُنَّ للغَيْثِ من نَداه بُروقا

20. And made the meadow of gifts elegant,
So when the late night visitor saw him, he saw towards

٢٠. جَمَعَتْ شَمْلَ مَجدِه نَفَحاتٌ
فَرَّقَتْ شَملَ مالِه تَفريقا

21. His munificence from every perspective a way,
Disability to attain your pace disappointed whoever aspires to catch up with you,

٢١. فأعادَت وِرْدَ المَطالبِ عَذْباً
وأعادَتْ رَوْضَ العَطايا أنيقا

22. From glories that transcend the hampered,
And the envious recoiled from an outstripping one from you

٢٢. فإذا الطَّارِقُ انتحَاه رأى من
كلِّ وَجْهٍ إلى نَداه طَريقا

23. To glory, so that he is not seen outstripped,
And the heedless recovered from a comfort

٢٣. عاقَ مَنْ يَرتَجي لَحاقَكَ عَجْزٌ
عن معالٍ تُجاوِزُ العَيُّوقا

24. That has no intoxication of meadow's freshness,
A mannerism that purified in sights until

٢٤. وانثَنى الحَاسِدونَ عن سابقٍ من
كَ إلى المَجدِ أن يُرى مَسبوقا

25. Its diffusion disabled the musk and the images,
With a top person in Asad, good roots purified

٢٥. وأفاقَ العَذولُ عن أَرْيَحيٍّ
ليسَ من نَشوةِ النَّدى مُستَفيقا

26. In the plateau of highness, and moods purified,
And the old Al-Najjar passes by, and does the youth

٢٦. خُلُقٌ طابَ في المَشاهدِ حتّى
عَطَّلَ المِسك َنَشرُه والخَلوقا

27. Of a sword pass by or become old?
A lineage the sun was clad with light by it

٢٧. بِعَريقٍ في الأزدِ طابَ أُصولاً
في صَعيدِ العُلى وطابَ طُروقا

28. Or the dawn was lent its sunrises from it,
So we stringed from praise necklaces

٢٨. وعَتيقِ النَّجارِ ماضٍ وهل يَم
ضي شَبا السَّيفِ أو يكونَ عَتيقا

29. That shame coral in its stringing and carnelian
In between them the wonders of the meadow narrate

٢٩. نَسَبٌ أُلبِسَتْ بهِ الشَّمسُ نُوراً
أو أُعِيرَ الصَّباحُ منه شُروقا

30. Refined, decked out elegantly,
And meanings that if deposited in the ear of a lover,

٣٠. فنَظَمْنا منَ الثَّناءِ عُقوداً
يُخْجِلُ الدُّرَّ نَظمُها والعَقيقا

31. Its beauty would enchant the beloved,
So construct yourself a praiser that actualizes in your praise

٣١. بينَ أَثنائِها بَدائعُ تَحكي
بِدَعَ الرَّوْضِ نُمِّقَتْ تَنْميقا

32. Since you were truthful in praise,
And remain in favor that aggravates an enemy;

٣٢. ومَعانٍ لو جُلْنَ في أُذُنِ العا
شقِ أنشاه حُسنُها المَعشُوقا

33. The latent spiteful, or pleases a friend.

٣٣. فاصطِنعْ مادِحاً يُحَقِّقُ في مد
حِكَ إذ كنتَ بالمديحِ حَقيقا

٣٤. وَابْقَ في نَعمَةٍ تَسوءُ عَدُوّاً
كامنَ الحِقْدِ أو تَسُرُّ صَديقا