1. With my love, if I had control of my reins
I would have turned away from the passions of desire and been rightly guided,
١. بِوُدِّيَ لو مُلِّكْتُ ثَنْيَ قِيادي
فأعتاضَ عن غَيِّ الهَوى برَشادِ
2. My tears flowed abundantly when sorrows aimed their arrows at you,
And then they continued to flow after them.
٢. تمادَتْ دموعي يومَ جدَّت بك النَّوى
وللَّومِ في أعقابِهنَّ تَمَادي
3. I stay while my lot is to be separated from me,
And I depart while yearning - that dissuader - is my provision.
٣. أُقيمُ وحظِّي الهجرُ عندَ إقامتي
وأرحَلُ والشوقُ المبرِّحُ زادي
4. So the predawn shower does not cease blowing
Towards the direction of the gentle, fragrant breeze.
٤. فلا زال صوب المزن يرتاح صبوة
إلى رائح من ذي الأراح وغادي
5. If lightning startles it, it rests for a while
Near the scent of a lovely, walking companion.
٥. إذا ماحداه البَرقُ يرتاحُ صَبوةً
إلى رائحٍ من ذي الأراكِ وَغَادي
6. And if the era of youth does not promise to return
It remains there without the time of youth promising to come back.
٦. وإنْ لم يكن عهدُ الشبابِ براجعٍ
لَدَيْهِ ولا عصرُ الصِّبا بمُعادِ
7. And another comes close, keeping me company when I am alone,
So my nearness to her and distance are equal.
٧. وأخرى تَحامى خُلَّتي عندَ خَلَّتي
فسِيّانِ قُربي عندَها وبُعادي
8. And she wonders at the avarice of the rhymed prose and its lack of experience
Upon a cheek that has no grazer to pierce it.
٨. وتَعجَبُ من ضَنِّ القريضِ وخُبْره
على وَشَلٍ لا رَيَّ فيه لصادي
9. And my fatigue is only to renew vigor,
And my sleeplessness is only to prolong my rest.
٩. فما تَعبي إلا لتجديدِ راحةٍ
ولا سَهَري إلا لطولِ رُقادي
10. Divert me to the docile, guided she-camel, she will
Take the reins from the hands of misfortunes to guide me.
١٠. كِلِيني إلى المَهرِيَّةِ القُودِ إنها
ستأخُذُ من أيدي الخُطوبِ قيادي
11. And every young man who has helped me is my companion,
And every land that has thrived is my land.
١١. وكلُّ فتىً أجدَى عليَّ فصاحبي
وكلُّ بلادٍ أخصَبَتْ فبِلادي
12. And I swear by the exciting darkness that came dispelling fatigue
Like the greeting of a longing one and the moan of one in pain.
١٢. وأُقسِمُ بالغُمْضِ الذي جادَ مَوْهِناً
تحيَّةَ مشتاقٍ ورنَّةَ حَادي
13. The loss of the pleasure of spring made me sorrowful
And took away my livelihood and the softness of my resting place.
١٣. لَفَقْدُ النَّدى الرِّبعيِّ أوجَدَني الأَسى
وأفقَدَني عَيشي ولينَ مِهادي
14. And the hands of traveling loaded me down, and often
My bedding and pillow were folded up beside them.
١٤. ووسَّدَني أيدي الرِّكابِ وطالما
أقضَّ لديها مَضجَعي ووِسادي
15. If I try the prince, then surely
I try to attain my paradise and supplies from him.
١٥. إذا أنا حاولتُ الأميرَ فإنما
أحاولُ منه جَنَّتي وعِتادي
16. I put on my loincloth when Ali bin Abdullah
Honored it by returning it to become my loincloth.
١٦. حللْتُ بنادي الشأمِ لَمَّا أعادَه
عليُّ بنُ عبدِ الله أكرمَ نَادي
17. I boast when the hand of fate extends its palm
With white swords or with white hands.
١٧. أغرُّ إذا امتدَّتْ يدُ الدَّهْر كفَّها
بِبيضِ صِفاحٍ أو بِبيضِ أيادي
18. Spring lavishes its wealth without limit
And glory with him has no end.
١٨. يروعُ النَّدى أموالَه بنَفادِها
وما رِيعَ مَجدٌ عنده بنَفادِ
19. When kindness mingles with good tidings,
Praise mingles with affection towards him.
١٩. إذا امتزجَ المعروفُ بالبِشْر عندَه
غدا الحمدُ ممزوجاً له بوَدادِ
20. He threw at every caller from the tribe and clan
With a speech that courting women stir up.
٢٠. رمى كلَّ مُنآدِ القناةِ من العِدا
بِخَطْبٍ تَحاماهُ الخُطوبُ نآدِ
21. With a coat of mail that sets clanging the armor
As if white swords were tearing the garb of mourning.
٢١. بجُردٍ تُثيرُ النَّقعَ حتى كأنَّما
تُمزِّقُ منه البِيضُ ثَوبَ حِدادِ
22. And white swords whose water sparkles if they shake,
While they gently prod the souls of the seekers.
٢٢. وبِيضٍ إذا اهتزَّتْ ترقرَقَ ماؤُّها
وهُنَّ إلى ماءِ النُّفوسِ صَوَادي
23. And every frightening roaring warrior
Who terrifies the timid even in the sole stream of a valley.
٢٣. وكلِّ رُدَينيٍّ أصمَّ كأنَّما
تُروِّعُ منه الرَّوعَ حيةُ وَادِي
24. Assisted at nightfall by the squadrons as if
Near an enclosure while the hunting gear was set up for shooting.
٢٤. تَحُفُّ بجَذلانِ العَشيِّ كأنه
لَدَى طَرَدٍ ما راحَ نُصبَ طِرادِ
25. And the open space of battle aids him if
The refuge of the daring clothes itself in triumph.
٢٥. وأَغلبَ رَحْبِ الباعِ يُنجِدُه الرَّدَى
إذا ما ارتدى في مأزَقٍ بنِجاد
26. He spends the night while the sharp edge of the sword spends it with him,
And the eyelid of sleep spends it clutching wakefulness.
٢٦. يبيتُ وحَدُّ السيفِ حلُّ مبيتِه
لديه وجَفنُ العَينِ حِلُّ سُهادِ
27. He makes the breaths of the enemy ascend if
Destinies fold back to him amidst attacks and charges.
٢٧. يُصَعِّدُ أنفاسَ العدوِّ إذا ثَنى
إليه المَنايا في ظُبىً وصِعادِ
28. Before a Khamis who veils horizons with the spear
And fills all corners of earth with steeds.
٢٨. أمامَ خميسٍ يَحجُبُ الأفْقَ بالقَنا
ويملأُ أقطارَ الثَّرى بجِيادِ
29. Whoever returns with hidden cunning,
Returns in desperation, misfortune openly touching him.
٢٩. فمَنْ عادَ بالكَيدِ الخفيِّ فإنَّه
يعودُ بيأسٍ في الكريهةِ بَادِي
30. I will teach myself benevolence while knowing
That the land of Taghlib is my land.
٣٠. سأُعْلِمُ نَفسي بالسَّماحةِ عالماً
بأنَّ بلادَ التَّغلبِيِّ بِلادي
31. Through you she swaggers in every hearing
And crosses the mind of every heart.
٣١. فدونَكها تختالُ في كلِّ مَسمَعٍ
وتخطُرُ في مكنونِ كلِّ فؤادِ
32. She loved you with the basil of speech, and so
She is generous with its fragrance to every gallant one.
٣٢. حَبَتْكَ برَيحانِ الكلامِ وإنما
تَجودُ بريَّاهُ لكلِّ جَوادِ
33. With something sweeter than the scent of slumber for one who keeps vigil
And more luscious than the spittle of the beloved for one who meets misfortune.
٣٣. بأطيبَ من طِيبِ الرُّقادِ لساهرٍ
وأعذبَ من رِيقِ الحبيبِ لصَادي