1. Keep your secret, may God keep you while you wait
For what you desire has come to pass
١. سِرْ سَرَّكَ اللُه فيما أنت مُنتظِرُ
فقَد جَرى بالذي تَهوى لك القدرُ
2. And four things have made you successful
Victory, opening, prosperity and triumph
٢. وأظفرتكَ بما أمَّلْتَ أربعةٌ
النَّصرُ والفَتحُ والإقبالُ والظَّفَرُ
3. Your star did not rise to its highest ascension
Until the stars of your enemies scattered
٣. لم يعلُ نجمُكَ في أعلى مَطالِعِه
حتى غدَتْ أنجُمُ الأعداءِ تَنتشِرُ
4. How could something you seek not come about
When God and the nomads and the settled desire it
٤. وكيفَض يَبعُدُ أمرٌ أنتَ طالبُه
واللهُ طالبُه والبدوُ والحَضَرُُ
5. O supporter of the state, hasten its response
For it has called you and there is no defect in its purity
٥. يا ناصرَ الدولةِ استعجِلْ إجابتَها
فقد دَعَتْكَ وما في صفوِها كَدَرُ
6. A renewed kingdom whose authority time has not eroded
Honor and the sharp sword has not worn out
٦. مُلْكٌ تجدَّدَض لم يُدْمَ السِّنانُ له
عِزّاً ولم يَتحلَّ الصَّارمُ الذَّكَرُ
7. The door of good fortune is open to those who enter
And you have entered, and the excellent masters
٧. بابُث السَّعادَةِ مفتوحٌ لداخِله
وأنتَ داخلُه والسادُة الغُرَرُ
8. So the kingdom is smiling and order is arranged
And time apologizes for the rule of the wicked
٨. فالمُلْكُ مُبتَسِمٌ والأَمرُ مُنتَظِمٌ
والدَّهرُ من دولةِ الأَوغادِ يَعتَذِرُ
9. Why do you wait when horizons are watching you
And the brilliant court is waiting
٩. فما انتظارُكَ والآفاقُ ناظرةٌ
إليك والحَضرَةُ الغرَّاءُ تَنتَظِرُ
10. The full moon has been saved now that the eclipse has passed it
And fear and caution have gone from the one who desires it
١٠. وقد نَجا البدرُ إذ طافَ الكُسوفُ به
وزالَ عن مُشتَهيهِ الخوفُ والحَذَرُ