
My soul is your ransom, O guide

نفسي فداؤك هاديا

1. My soul is your ransom, O guide
By which the comrades' allegiance is guided

١. نَفْسي فِداؤُكَ هادياً
تُهدَى بها عُصَبُ الرِّفاقِ

2. Like the full moon it is considered in the dark night
And it rose high above the horizons

٢. كالبدرِ يُحسَبُ في التَّمَا
مِ وقد تَرَفَّعَ بالمَحاقِ

3. It fulfilled over roads I walked
So there is no permission for departure

٣. أوفَىعلى طُرُقٍ أقا
مَ فَليسَ يُؤذَنُ بانطِلاقِ

4. Wearing blood on it
Like the carriers of the fragile eggs

٤. مُتوشِّحاً فيه دماً
كَحمائلِ البِيْضِ الرِّقاقِ

5. And it competes with the beautiful women for me
Rising in elevation and harmony

٥. ومضارِعُ الجَوْزَاءِ لي
لاً في عُلوِّ واتِّساقِ

6. So it is as if it and as if she
Were two intimates who cared to embrace

٦. فكأنَّه وكأنَّها
إلفانِ هَمَّا باعتِناقِ