
God is your ally in adversity and prosperity

الله جارك ظاعنا ومقيما

1. God is your ally in adversity and prosperity
And the guarantor of your triumph in old and new struggles

١. اللهُ جارُكَ ظاعِناً ومُقيما
وضمينُ نَصرِكَ حادثاً وقَديما

2. If you travel you will be accompanied by success
If you stay you will have happiness as your boon companion

٢. إنْ تَسْرِ كان لك النَّجاحُ مُصاحباً
أو تَبْقَ كان لك السُّرورُ نَديما

3. The clouds rain down on you when they are filled
Bringing plentiful rain while the winds blow gently

٣. تَغشاكَ بارِقَةُ السَّحابِ إذا سرَتْ
غيثاً وتلقاكَ الرِّياحُ نَسيما

4. You are the radiant spring if the land so desires
And the seasons change to your joyous arrival

٤. أنتَ الربيعُ الطَّلْقُ إن شاءَ الثَّرى
وتَزَحَّلُ الأنواءِ سَرَّ قُدوما

5. Your ambition to which the ambitions of kings return
Is for their mounting anxieties to become tribulations

٥. للهِ هِمَّتُكَ التي رَجَعَتْ بها
هِمَمُ الملوكِ الصَّاعِداتُ هُموما

6. And your winds which blow violently from the south
And at times you make them lethal poison

٦. ورياحُكَ اللاتي تَهُبُّ جَنائباً
ولربَّما أجريتَهُنَّ سَمُوما

7. And your peaks are blossoms which peaks of ranks disdained
Lest they become stars

٧. وخلالُكَ الزُّهْرُ التي أنِفَتْ لها
قِمَمُ المَراتبِ أن تكونَ نُجوما

8. How many men of great worth have you met
With the tips of spears bringing great calamity

٨. كم من عظيمِ القَدْرِ قد لقَّيْتَه
خَطْباً بأطرافِ الرِّماحِ عَظيما

9. And a braggart called generous you left
Called generous though your hands had debased him

٩. ومُشهَّرٍ يُدعى الكَريمَ تَركتَه
يُدْعَى وقد هَطَلَتْ يَداكَ لَئيما

10. Did your lions not finish off the Romans
Leaving just a foolish or runty one

١٠. أَفنَتْ ظُباكَ الرُّومَ حتّى أنها
لم تُبْقِ إلا ظَبيةً أو رِيما

11. And you erased all trace of the cross
Leaving no landmark for the eye that was known

١١. ومَحَوْتَ آثارَ الصَّليبِ فلم تَدَعْ
للعينِ منها مَعلَماً مَعلوما

12. Horses compensated for attacking in relays
With grievous injuries from their hoofs and fetlocks

١٢. خَيْلٌ تُثابُ على تَتابُعِ كَرِّها
نَدْباً على لَبَّاتِها وكُلوما

13. And forbidden prey so their sheaths
Allowed them to violate sanctuaries

١٣. وظُباً مُحرَّمَةٌ على أَغْمادِها
حتى تُبيحَ من الضَّلال حَريما

14. And you brought justice regarding acts of valor
While leaving your share among them deprived

١٤. ومكارمٌ أنصَفتَ فيهِنَّ العُلى
وتركتَ مالَك بينها مَظْلوما

15. The tribes granted you their obedience in awe
So you granted the embers of their glory more fuel

١٥. مَنَحَتْكَ طاعتَها القبائلُ رَهبةً
فمنحتَ جَمرَةَ عِزّها تَضريما

16. The most difficult of them gave you the bridle
And none but you could steer their most intractable

١٦. أعطاكَ أَصعَبُها الخِطامَ ولم يَكُنْ
ليقودَ غَيرُكَ صعبَها مَخطوما

17. So your vultures do not aspire to prophecy
Nor seek other than you to select

١٧. فغدَتْ سَوامُكَ لا تُحاوِلُ نَبوَةً
أبداً ولا تَبْغي سِواكَ مُسيما

18. They entreat you for more talents and promises
That no longer shower from you as clouds and rain

١٨. يَستَمطِروهُ مَواهِباً ومَواعِداً
لم تَعْدُ منك سَحائباً وغُيوما

19. The epitomes of unsheathed swords which you surpassed
In courage when carnage was imminent

١٩. أَسَمِيَّ مُرهَفَةِ السُّيوفِ فَضَلْتَها
شِيَماً إذا جَدَّ القِراعُ وَخيما

20. And I see the dynasties garlanded you with their affairs
And called you leader after your father passed

٢٠. وأَرى الأراقِمَ قَلَّدَتْكَ أمورَها
فدَعَتْكَ مُذْ فَقَدَتْ أباكَ زَعيما

21. You adorned me with blessings by which I saw the darkness
As morning, while I used to see morning as bleak

٢١. أَلبَسْتَني نِعَماً رَأيتُ بها الدُّجى
صُبْحاً وكنتُ أرى الصَّباحَ بَهيما

22. So I came to be envied by a friend though before
Even a foe would show me mercy

٢٢. فغَدَوْتُ يَحسُدُني الصَّديقُ وقبلَها
قد كانَ يَلقاني العَدُوُّ رَحيما

23. I filled the horizons with words
Were it not for praising you they would be meaningless

٢٣. فملأتُ آفاقَ البِلادِ بمَنْطِقٍ
لولا الثَّناءُ عليكَ عادَ وُجُوما

24. A perfume rivals vie over as if
They vie over unplucked hyacinth

٢٤. عبق تنازعه الرواة كأنما
يتنازعون بنفسجا مغموما

25. So you were spared by the woes of fate and no longer
Does your distinction suffer any blemish

٢٥. فسَلِمْتَ من نُوَبِ الزَّمانِ ولا غَدَا
شانيك من معنى السَّليمِ سَليما

26. Kings sought the dust of your threshold so they withdrew
Empty-handed, with seal rings and rags

٢٦. طلبَ الملوكُ غُبارَ شأوِكَ فانثَنَوا
صِفْرَ اليَدَيْنِ وخائماً وذَميما

27. Whether they be gracious for the moment or pretend
Generosity of spirit for you were created generous

٢٧. إنْ يَسمَحُوا في الحِينِ أو يَتكَلَّفوا
كَرَمَ النُّفوس فقد خُلِقْتَ كَريما