
Do you not see the caravan of clouds being led

ألست ترى ركب الغمام يساق

1. Do you not see the caravan of clouds being led
And its tears flowing between the gardens

١. ألستَ تَرى رَكبَ الغَمامِ يُساقُ
وأدمُعَه بينَ الرِّياضِ تُراقُ

2. The robe of the breeze has been adorned with dew
But the robes of clouds are all torn

٢. وقد رَقَّ جلِبابُ النَّسيمِ على النَّدى
ولكنْ جلابيبُ الغُيومِ صِفاقُ

3. I have a kind of basil you would love
And a cup noisy like the anklets of a beauty

٣. وعندي منَ الرَّيحانِ نَوعٌ تُحبُّهُ
وكأسٌ كرَقراقِ الخَلوقِ دِهاقُ

4. A man of literature, excellent are the works of his hands
But the meanings of his poetry in him are subtle

٤. وذو أدبٍ جلَّت صَنائعُ كَفِّه
ولكن معاني الشِّعرِ فيه دِقاقُ

5. We will have from his prose and verse forever
Wondrous beauties that have no equal

٥. لنا أبداً من نَثرِهِ ونِظامِه
بَدائِعُ حَلْيٍ ما لَهُنَّ حِقاقُ

6. Over his rosy cheek hangs a dangling earring
Strands dyed with the color of shy modesty

٦. وأَغْيَدُ مُهتَزٌّ على صَحْنِ خَدِّهِ
غَلائِلُ من صِبْغِ الحَياءِ رِقاقُ

7. The eyes of lovers have encircled his waist
So they are his belt under the belt

٧. أحاطَتْ عيونُ العاشقينَ بِخَصْرِه
فهُنَّ له دُونَ النِّطاقِ نِطاقُ

8. Prose has been strung as necklaces over us
A gilded and ornate necklace

٨. وقد نُظِمَ المنثورُ فهو قلائِدٌ
علينا وعقدٌ مُذْهَبٌ وخِناقُ

9. Our chamber between the clouds comes together
Over it are porches and a hall

٩. وغُرفَتُنا بينَ السَّحائبِ تلتقي
لهُنَّ عليها كِلَّةٌ ورِواقُ

10. Indian visitors shared its ceiling
Their steps light on the heart of the boon companion

١٠. تَقَسَّمَ زُوَّار منَ الهِنْدِ سقفَها
خِفافٌ على قَلبِ النَّديمِ رِشاقُ

11. Foreigners delight in argument as if they are
Sinful Zanj slave girls aroused by separation

١١. أَعاجِمُ تَلتَذُّ الخِصامَ كأنَّها
كَواعِبُ زَنْجٍ راعَهُنَّ طَلاقُ

12. They have made friends with us with the intimacy of slave girls
Yet their nature is betrayal and abandonment

١٢. أَنِسْنَ بنا أُنسَ الإماءِ تحبَّبَتْ
وَشيمَتُها غدرٌ بنا وإباقُ

13. Being together, and roses on their branches
Departure, when parting from them happens

١٣. مُواصِلَةٌ والوردُ في شَجَراتِه
مفارِقَةٌ إن حانَ منه فِراقُ

14. So visit youths, the coolness of drink is with them
Intimacy, when you leave them, and separation

١٤. فَزُرْ فِتْيَةً بَرْدُ الشَّرابِ لَدَيْهِمُ
حَميمٌ إذا فارَقْتَهُم وغَسَاقِ

15. When the morals of a friend become well-known
No creature has the right to spurn the Creator

١٥. إذا اشتهرَتْ بالحُسْنِ أخلاقُ صاحبٍ
فليسَ لخلوقٍ جَفاهُ خَلاقِ