
A youth allured by the zephyr's blandishment

صب بغرات الصبا مكلف

1. A youth allured by the zephyr's blandishment
With mantle hitched and finely tapered tent,

١. صَبٌّ بِغرَّاتِ الصَّبا مُكلَّفُ
منسحبٌ مئزره والمطرفُ

2. O'ercomes the censurers, o'erbears dissent,
Till ravished by excess of sentiment.

٢. يُرغِمُ مَنْ يَلْحى ومَنْ يُعَنِّفُ
تَشوقُه حتَّى يَكادَ يَتْلفُ

3. A fawn, whose streaming eye with liquid gleams-
Young friends around him and light-hearted girls-

٣. خَدٌّ أَسيلٌ وقَوامٌ أَهيَفُ
فصاحباهُ فِتْيَةٌ وقَرقَفُ

4. His transports stir the luxe and rustling meres
And pastures fresh, close-planted and fern-fringed.

٤. وعُدتَّاه سابحٌ ومُرهَفُ
هاجَ هَواه الدَّيرُ والمُستَشرَفُ

5. Health breathes in every breeze, gently winnowed;
Whatsoever way one turns, a gladdening sight;

٥. وروضُه المُدَبَّجُ المُفَوَّفُ
تُرْبٌ صَحيحٌ وهواءٌ مُدْنَفُ

6. A tapestry outspread, the sward besprent;
For him the thorn trees don their brightest white

٦. للعَيْنِ فيه أيَّ وَجهٍ تُصْرَفُ
بِساطُ منثورٍ نَداه يَنطِفُ

7. And softened brooks glide on without relent.
Winds polished bright his smooth bay's flank and back;

٧. له من الآسِ الجَنيِّ رَفْرَفُ
وجَدْوَلٌ لُجَّتُهُ لا تَنْزِفُ

8. Its welkin whales that crisply dip and roll;
Its waves are tempered, delicate and clear,

٨. تَصقُلُ مَتْنَيهِ الرِّياحُ العُصَّفُ
حيتانهُ دانيةٌ تَلقَّفُ

9. As though the pleasaunce, loth to stint their cheer,
Spared nothing to console their weary soul.

٩. فماؤُهُ مُرَوَّقٌ مُنَطَّفُ
مِثلَ السَّرابِ افتَرَّ عنه النَفْنَف

10. Herons like charging knights amid them strew
Their plumage; and the ringdoves o'er them flaunt;

١٠. فهي على ساحاتِهِ تُرَفْرِفُ
كلٌّ بِسَهْمِ حَتفِهِ مُستَهْدَفُ

11. Were linked corslets when the tourney drew;
Eyes in whose mirrors limpid lakelets dance;

١١. ألحفتُهُنَّ والحِمامُ ألحَفُ
شبَّهتُه بالدِّرْعِ حينَ تُرصَفُ

12. Though tempests buffet them they never want.
Next, sugar canes that quivering zephyrs bow;

١٢. بها عُيونٌ لَحظُهُنَّ أوْطَفُ
يَطرِفُها الماءُ وليسَتْ تُطرَفُ

13. Like flutes and pipes the skilled performer knows
To sound, bound in a trance the bird flocks now;

١٣. ثمَّ تَلاها قَصَبٌ مُجوَّفُ
مثلَ القَنا ثَقَّفَهُ المُثقِّفُ

14. Shaped like a sickle moon that light o'erflows,
Gentle or rude at will the breeze that blows.

١٤. وكلُّ عقفاءَ إليه تُوصَفُ
مثلَ الهلالِ وهي منه أنحَفُ

15. Now swaying, now withdrawn, conjoined, disjoined,
We piece together fragments sweet though slight,

١٥. من صِفَتَيْها الرِّفْقُ والتَّعَجرُفُ
فلم تَزَلْ تُرسَلُ ثم تُخطَفُ

16. As daggers keen and finely tapered point.
"God's peace permitting such delights as these!"

١٦. ونحنُ من أشتاتِها نؤَلِّفُ
كأنها خَناجِرٌ تَعَطَّفُ

17. The ringdoves chant in modulated phrase,
While undiverted from their skimming ways

١٧. أحلَّ لي عذابَهُنَّ المُصحَفُ
وليس عن صَرْفِ الحِمامِ مصرَفُ