
Had the glances of your drooping eyelids been safe

لو سالمته سجايا طرفك الساجي

1. Had the glances of your drooping eyelids been safe
It would have been the first dawn in love complaining

١. لو سَالَمَتْهُ سجايا طَرفِكَ السَّاجي
لكان أوَّلَ صبٍّ في الهَوى نَاجِي

2. The first tears began to flow when the cheeks of the living
Began with emaciation and solidity

٢. سَرتْ أوائلُ دمعِ العينِ حينَ سرَت
أوائلُ الحيِّ من ظُعْنٍ وأحداجِ

3. And behind the letters a morning sun
Wandering in the wings of a dark gloomy night

٣. ومن وراءِ سُجوفِ الرَّقْمِ شَمسُ ضُحىً
تجولُ في جنحِ ليلٍ مُظلمٍ دَاجِي

4. With outstretched hands the youths beckoned it
With rights below the scope of the knotty wood

٤. مقدودةٌ خَرَطَت أيدي الشبابِ لها
حُقَّينِ دونَ مجالِ العِقدِ من عاجِ

5. As if her tears on the day of parting had flowed
From the water of her cheeks or from fresh water springs

٥. كأنَّ عَبْرَتَها يومَ الفِراقِ جرَتْ
من ماءِ وجنتِها أو ماءِ أوداجِ

6. What is wrong with rhymes that their beauty has marked a people
And they were delighted with the son of Fahd, what an inspiration!

٦. ما للقوافي خَطَت قَوماً محاسنُها
وَأُلْهِجَتْ بابنِ فَهدٍ أيَّ إلهاجِ

7. So every day it shows him a fragrant meadow
That nurtures beauty and delight in the meadow

٧. فكلَّ يومٍ تُريهِ رَوضةً أُنُفاً
تُربي على الروضِ من حُسنٍ وإبهاجِ

8. Adorned fingers, when they intertwined,
Laugh from a cheek competing in generosity

٨. مُفوَّفاتٌ إذا استسقَت أناملُه
ضَحِكْنَ من عارضٍ للجُودِ ثَجَّاجِ

9. Praise leaned toward him, so he leaned
His leaned body towards it, in intimacy and fine garments

٩. ثَنى المديحُ إليه عِطْفَه فثَنى
أعطافَه منه في وَشيٍ وديباجِ

10. I boast of what his right hand ruled in valor
Unless his wishful hoping ruled it

١٠. أغرُّ ما حكَمت يُمناه في نَشَبٍ
إلا تحكَّم فيه الآملُ الراجي

11. And striving in seeking glory, his resolve
Is continuous in it with persistence

١١. ومُتعِبٌ في طِلابِ المجدِ همَّتَه
مُواصلٌ للسُّرى فيه بإدلاجِ

12. His lineage inhabited with the seeds of crowns
So none enumerate but those with a crown

١٢. مَعمورةٌ بذزي التِّيجانِ نِسبتُه
فما يُعدِّدُ إلا كلَّ ذي تاجِ

13. With dark brown, his years advance a spark
Between the ribs, intestines, and whispers

١٣. تَسطو بأسمرَ يُمضيه سَنا قَبَسٍ
بينَ الشَّراسيفِ والأحشاءِ ولاَّجِ

14. And the white above the zebra's backs fluttering
As if they were a fire above the waves

١٤. والبِيضُ فوقَ متونِ الزَّعْفِ خافقةٌ
كأنهن حريقٌ فوقَ أمواجِ

15. A resolve, when the people experienced adversity
A tribulation was revealed from it, glowing

١٥. عزْمٌ إذا نابتِ الأقوامُ نائبةٌ
تكشَّفَتْ عن سِراجٍ منه وهَّاجِ

16. O father of knights, I unleash my resolve
In what I attempt of remoteness and agitation

١٦. أبا الفوارسِ إني مُطلِقٌ هِمَمي
فيما أحاولُ من نأيٍ وإزعاجِ

17. Alienating the people whose ropes have worn out
And generosity has demolished in them any trails

١٧. منافرٌ نفَراً رثَّت حِبالُهمُ
وأنهجَ الجودُ فيهم أيَّ إنهاجِ

18. You see the literary man being scorned among their backs
As if he were a Bedouin among non-Arabs!

١٨. ترى الأديبَ مُضاعاً بين أظهُرِهم
كأنه عربيٌّ بينَ أعلاجِ

19. It does not perturb them that I praised them
Nor does it anger them that I address them

١٩. فليسَ يُطرِبُهم أني مدحتُهمُ
وليس يُغْضِبُهُم أني لهم هاجي

20. And you know that I have a long journey ahead of me
I am in great need of books for it

٢٠. وأنتَ تعلمُ أني جَدَّ لي سَفَرٌ
إني إلى الكُتْبِ فيه جِدُّ مُحتاجِ

21. Nothing prolongs my stay in their homes
Except waiting for luggage and belongings

٢١. فما يُطيلُ مُقامي في ديارِهُم
إلا انتظارُ طواميرٍ وأدراجِ