1. Without reproach I forgave her transgression
And after union I chose to forbear
١. على غَيرِ عَتْبٍ ما طَوَيْتُ عِتابَها
وآثرْتُ من بعدِ الوِصالِ احتسابَها
2. We stood still and longing kept asking of her abode
And tears' throngs were made as its answer
٢. وقَفْنا فظلَّ الشوقُ يَسألُ دارَها
وتُجعَلُ أسرابُ الدموعِ جوابَها
3. The south wind's breeze did not cease being devoted
Bestowing the rain clouds' favours upon its side
٣. فلا بَرِحَتْ ريحُ الجَنوبِ حَفِيَّةً
تَخُصُّ بألطافِ السحابِ جَنابَها
4. Lightnings of flashing that touch not her litter
And winds' breaths that fright not its sand
٤. لوامعُ بَرْقٍ لا تَمَسُّ أراكَها
وأنفاسُ ريحٍ لا تروعُ تُرابَها
5. To a restive she-camel I slackened the rein
My rein, so the journey of parting became her pace
٥. ومَجدولَةٍ جَدْلَ العِنانِ منحتُها
عِناني فأضحَتْ رِحلةُ الهجرِ دابَها
6. When she stepped out, modesty was her veil
And if she travelled, shyness was her mask
٦. إذا برزَتْ كان العَفافُ حِجابَها
وإن سفرَتْ كانَ الحياءُ نِقابَها
7. Below it, the rain clouds' starbirths when she walked
Through Al-Qana constellations, they adorned her dome
٧. ومِن دونِها نَيْلُ الغَمامِ إذا سرَتْ
نُجومُ القَنا الخَطّيِّ تُزْجي قِبابَها
8. With the tribe, nights we passed after the fevered encampment
A haunt every thirsting loved its drink
٨. حَمتْنا اللّيالي بعدَ ساكنةِ الحِمى
مشارِبَ يهوى كلُّ طامٍ شَرابَها
9. I look upon her look of hunted prey
And remember her remembrance of prime youth
٩. ألاحظُها لَحْظَ الطّريدِ مَحلَّه
وأذكُرُها ذِكْرَ البَغيِّ شبابَها
10. I sing to her though nearness is between us
Even if my patience failed I hoped not for her return
١٠. وأَنشُدُها والقُربُ بيني وبينَها
ولو آبَ حِلمي ما رجوْتُ إيابَها
11. I picked eulogies' rhymes but would not chant
At Abbasids' gate except its most choice
١١. تخيَّرتُ أفوافَ المديحِ فلم أُنِخْ
ببابِ بني العبّاسِ إلا لُبابَها
12. Rhymes that if the camel-herds saw
The beauties they would adorn with bracelets their wrists
١٢. قَوافٍ لو أنَّ الأخيليَّةَ عايَنَتْ
محاسنَها زانَتْ بهنّ سِخابَها
13. I allure hands white like the light
When a cloud from Syria takes up its drink
١٣. أغرُّ يداه مُزْنةٌ مُستَهَّلةٌ
إذا شامَ راجٍ بالشآمِ سَحابَها
14. Were it not for the Hashimite's support it would
Become his feats which contained his reward
١٤. ولو لم يُثْبِها الهاشميُّ لأَصبَحَتْ
مآثرُهُ اللاتي حَوَيْنَ ثَوابَها
15. He counts the mountains of Quraish a fatherhood
If one with pride counted others, plateaus
١٥. يَعُدُّ الجِبالَ من قريشٍ أُبوَّةً
إذا عَدَّ ذو فَخْرٍ سِواها هِضابَها
16. If she affiliated herself among creations she attached
Her ties to the Chosen One and his affiliation
١٦. إذا انتَسَبَتْ بينَ الخلائقِ ألحقَتْ
أواصرَها بالمُصطفى وانتسابَها
17. And if she carried the spears for an arena
You'd see the jungle's lions carry its jungle
١٧. وإن حَمَلَتْ سُمْرَ الرِّماحِ لمَشهَدٍ
رأيْتَ أُسُودَ الغابِ تَحمِلُ غابَها
18. And down poured in them those surfaces as though
They had poured in it with iron mirage
١٨. وسالَت بهم تِلكَ البِطاحُ كأنما
أسالوا عليها بالحديدِ سَرابَها
19. Through them the tongues' blade tips knew their watering place
As the swords' whites knew their reddening
١٩. بهِمْ عَرَفَتْ زُرْقُ الأَسِنَّةِ رَيَّها
كما عَرَفَتْ بِيضُ السيوفِ خِضابَها
20. O father of Ahmad you became a sun of bounties
Illuminating the Highest's lamp and its shooting star
٢٠. أَبا أحمدٍ أصبَحْتَ شَمْسَ مَكارمٍ
تُضيء ومِصباحَ العُلى وشِهابَها
21. Your father who quenched the pilgrims and did not cease
In Mecca to water its riders and riders
٢١. أبوك الذي سقَّى الحَجِيجَ ولم يَزَلْ
بمكَّةَ يَروي رَكْبَها ورِكابَها
22. And when the abode stood between their houses
He supplicated to God in it with a prayer so He answered it
٢٢. ولما أقامَ المَحْلُ بينَ بيوتهِم
دعا اللهَ فيه دعوةً فأجابَها
23. And did not avert an eye until happiness spilled over
From Muzen's tears that do not stop pouring
٢٣. ولم يَثْنِ طَرْفَ العينِ حتى تَهلَّلَتْ
مَدامعُ مُزْنٍ لا تَمَلُّ انسكابَها
24. So the land blamed the sky through his glory
The morning it turned away from Quraish's rebuke
٢٤. فأعتبت الأرض السماء بجاهه
غداة تولى عن قريشٍ عتابَها
25. O Hashimites the truth gave you a palm fruit
That one coveting it falls short of seizing it
٢٥. بني هاشمٍ أعطاكمُ الحقُّ رُنبةً
يُقَصِّرُ عنها مَنْ يُريدُ اغتصابَها
26. So your light shone in the hearts dispelling
From those souls their doubts
٢٦. فأشرقَ منها في القلوبِ ضياؤكم
فأذهبَ عن تلك النُّفوسِ ارتيابَها
27. You prevented Marwan's progeny its precincts through your aid
And you reaped despite the noses' spite its plunder
٢٧. منعتُم بني مَروانَ حَوْزَتَها بكم
وحُزتُم على رَغمِ الأُنوفِ نِهابَها
28. And you chose to unbind the enemies, and surely
Freeing necks makes you possess its necks
٢٨. وآثرتُمُ فَكَّ العُناةِ وإنما
يُملِّكُكُم عِتْقُ الرِّقابِ رِقابَها
29. And whoever turns away from the prophecy and guidance
You inherited its guidance and scripture
٢٩. ومن يَنْأَ عن إرْثِ النُّبوةِ والهُدى
فأنتُم وَرِثُتم هَدْيَها وكِتابَها
30. And who but you deserves the caliphate
When you stripped Shams' slave of his clothes
٣٠. وهل يتحلَّى بالخِلافَةِ غيرُكم
وأنتم سلَبْتُم عبدَ شمسٍ ثيابَها