1. You divided my heart between worry and sorrow,
And my eyelids between overflowing tears and wakefulness.
١. قسمتَ قلبيَ بينَ الهمِّ والكَمَدِ
ومُقلتي بين فَيْضِ الدَّمعِ والسَّهَدِ
2. And you appeared in beauty forms divided,
Between the crescent, the branch, and the knot.
٢. ورُحْتَ في الحُسْنِ أشكالاً مُقَسَّمةً
بينَ الهِلالِ وبينَ الغُصنِ والعُقَدِ
3. Show me rain pouring down in streams,
From the eyelids, and lightning flashing from the cold.
٣. أرينَني مطَراً يَنهَلُّ ساكبُه
من الجفُونِ وبَرْقاً لاحَ من بَرَدِ
4. And a cheek not quenched of thirst by its water,
Stingy, though its fires have scorched my liver.
٤. ووجنةً لا يُروِّي ماؤها ظمأ
بُخلاً وقد لَذَعَتْ نيرانُها كَبِدي
5. How can I remain with the water of preoccupations, and what
Passion left of my patience or composure?
٥. فكيفَ أُبْقي على ماءِ الشُّؤونِ وما
أبقَى الغَرامُ على صبري ولا جَلَدي
6. Ibn Fahd flowed and no term was attained for him,
And everyone with flowing generosity flows to the term.
٦. جرَى ابنُ فَهْدٍ فلم يُدْرَكْ له أَمَدٌ
وكلُّ ذي سُؤدُدٍ يجري إلى أَمَدِ
7. He inclined to generosity shaking and standing upright,
Like a spear not inclined to bending or deviation.
٧. وحَنَّ للجُودِ مُهْتَزَاً ومُنتَصِباً
كالرُّمحِ لم يُؤْتَ من مَيلٍ ولا أَوَدِ
8. And he taught time from his manners a manner,
Livelier than the rose or sweeter than honey.
٨. وعلَّمَ الدَّهْرَ من أخلاقِهِ خُلُقاً
أذكى من الوَرْدِ أو أَحْلَى من الشَّهْدِ
9. So glory from him is heights linked to heights,
And generosity from him a hand joined to hands.
٩. فالمَجدُ منه عُلىً مقرونةٌ بِعُلىً
والجُودُ منه يدٌ موصولةٌ بيدِ
10. The excellences of two never ceasing to be envied for their attainment,
And valor and generosity coupled with envy.
١٠. فَضلانِ ما زالَ مَحسوداً بنَيْلِهِما
والبأسُ والجودُ مَقرونانِ بالحَسَدِ
11. A flirt not stiff wearing his flowing garb,
Among the kings, or haughty towards anyone.
١١. أَغرُّ لا صَلَفٌ يُزري بسُؤدُدِه
بينَ الملوكِ ولا كِبْرٌ على أحدِ
12. His speech shows you from the softness of expressions,
Pearls of necklaces dissolved of knots.
١٢. يُريكَ من رِقَّةِ الألفاظِ مَنطِقُه
دُرَّ العُقودِ غدَتْ محلولةَ العُقَدِ
13. I made him a paradise safe from every misfortune,
And I, through his generosity, am in the paradise of eternity.
١٣. جعلتُه جُنَّةً من كلِّ نائبةٍ
ورُحْتُ من جُودِه في جَنَّةِ الخُلدِ
14. O father of the knights, you revived generosity for us,
And you stood for it with the standing of the spirit for the body.
١٤. أبا الفوارسِ أحييتَ السَّماحَ لنا
وقُمْتَ فيه قِيامَ الروحِ للجَسَدِ
15. I did not attempt enumerating the good you were granted,
Except it surpassed enumeration and counting.
١٥. ما رُمْتُ إحصاءَ ما أوليتَض من حَسَنٍ
إلا وزادَ على الإحصاءِ والعَدَدِ
16. You preferred, exerting yourself, fear of God in fasting,
Over your desires, and sold the unknown for guidance.
١٦. آثرْتَ في الصَّومِ تَقوى اللهِ مُجتهداً
على هواكَ وبِعتَ الغَيَّ بالرَّشَدِ
17. So have a happy holiday which God returned in ease,
And prosperity in calm, and life in comfort.
١٧. فآسعَدْ بِعيدٍ أعادَ الَّلهوَ في سَعَةٍ
واليُمْنَ في دَعَةٍ والعيشَ في رَغَدِ
18. A shining eulogy advanced, glowing,
Like a garden laughing with the radiance of green plants.
١٨. تَقدَّمَتْ مِدْحَةٌ زَهراءُ مُشرِقَةٌ
كالرَّوْضِ يَضْحَكُ عن نُوَّارَةِ الخَضَدِ
19. And my sea surged but I did not content myself with one,
Until I came with it, strong of arm.
١٩. وجاشَ بَحْري فلم أقَنعْ بواحدةٍ
حتى أتيتُ بها مُشتدَّة العَضُدِ
20. A necklace in which thought roamed and was strung together,
In the stringing of necklaces, neither lessened nor increased.
٢٠. قِلادةٌ جالَ فيها الفِكْرُ فانتظَمَتْ
نظْمَ القلائدِ لم تَنْقُصْ ولم تَزِدِ