
Silence hints to you with its stare

أخرس ينبيك بإطراقه

1. Silence hints to you with its stare
Of all that you wished for in the matter

١. أخرسُ يُنبيكَ بإطراقِهِ
عن كلِّ ما شِئتَ من الأمرِ

2. It sheds a tear on my paper
On which a flowing sadness has grown

٢. يُذري على قُرطاسِي دمعةً
نَمَّت عليه عَبرةٌ تَجري

3. Like a lover who hid his love yet
On him a flowing sadness has grown

٣. كعاشِقٍ أخفَى هواه وقد
نَمَّت عليه عَبرةٌ تَجري

4. You see him in all his states
Naked clothing people or stripping them bare

٤. تُبصِرُهُ في كلِّ أحوالِه
عُريانَ يكسو الناسَ أو يُعري

5. He is seen captive in an inkwell yet
He freed peoples from captivity

٥. يُرى أسيراً في دواةٍ وقد
أطلَقَ أقواماً من الأَسرِ